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Spoony Bard

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Blog Entries posted by Spoony Bard

  1. Spoony Bard
    With my airship being a success at Brickfair 2008, I am officially retiring it. All it takes is an award to retire my works. Only way for it to return is by popular demand.
    Anyways my upcoming projects for next year will be:
    - The Falcon from Final Fantasy IV with Cid. (for Steampunk theme)
    - A Shadow Moses landscape (of the Helipad portion), with Solid Snake, Liquid Snake, and Genome Soldiers. (for Military)
    - Either Metal Gear REX (with Liquid Snake) or Metal Gear RAY (with Liquid Ocelot). (either Mecha or Military)
    - Some Final Fantasy vignettes.
    - So misc airships for Steampunk.
    I already have the MGS figures made, as they were on my brick badge.
    And I am done with Bionicle.
  2. Spoony Bard
    Despite not being my fave game, I do love its music a lot (it is was hooked me to the game). I always find it to be very nostalgic.
    My fave track from this selection would have to be Silence Before The Storm (heard in Macalania Forest, Bikanel Jungle, Gagazet Cave, and Cavern of Stolen Fayth).
  3. Spoony Bard
    Some things that happened at Brickfair:
    - I won the Best Aircraft Award (my moc was The Blacjack airship)
    - Purple is no longer an official Lego color and will never be used in sets
    - Lots of AFOLs like Meaghan.
    - I will no longer be the Bionicle Coordinator for any upcoming Brickfairs.
    - I will be the Steampunk Coordinator for upcoming Brickfairs.
  4. Spoony Bard
    Aerith Gainsborough is one of the female protagonists in the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII. She uses a staff as her weapon and wears a pink ribbon in her hair. Having lived in the slums of Midgar for years, she has become street-smart, and has had to evade the Shin-Ra many times. She is portrayed as a independent, outgoing and kind young woman who displays a stark understanding of others at times.

    As part of my Lego Final Fantasy Project, I have made Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII.

    Great Gospel

    Note: Jacket was made by MMCB and bracers were made by Brickforge with some alteration by me.

  5. Spoony Bard
    Squall Leonhart is the main protagonist from Final Fantasy VIII. The etymology of his name, Leonhart, means "Heart of the lion", descriptive in that while he is cold and aloof, he is also a born hero. His weapon, the gunblade, is one of the most famous weapons of the Final Fantasy series.

    As part of my Lego Final Fantasy Project, I have made Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII.

    Lion Heart

    Note: Hair is custom made by Arealight.

    Rinoa Heartilly is the female protagonist of Final Fantasy VIII. She is best known for her trademark 'Angel Wings' which are printed on the back of her duster sweater and as such her 'character symbol' is a white feather that signifies the wings.

    As part of my Lego Final Fantasy Project, I have made Rinoa Heartilly from Final Fantasy VIII.

    Angel Wing

    Note: Duster sweater and belt were made by MMCB.

    Seifer Almasy is a temporary playable character turned antagonist in Final Fantasy VIII. He is the rival of Squall. He wields a Gunblade as well.

    As part of my Lego Final Fantasy Project, I have made Seifer Almasy from Final Fantasy VIII.

    Fire Cross

    Note: Hair was custom made by Arealight (with some alteration by me), and coat was made by MMCB.

    Laguna Loire is a temporary playable character in Final Fantasy VIII. Laguna is a lovable, passionate, yet notoriously clumsy man who has played a significant role in the development of the Final Fantasy VIII world. His weapon of choice is the machine gun.

    As part of my Lego Final Fantasy Project, I have made Laguna Loire from Final Fantasy VIII.


    Note: Hair was custom made by Arealight, jacket was made by MMCB, and gun was made by BrickArms.

  6. Spoony Bard
    I wanted to wait until I was finished, but I wanted to show ya guys what I been up to lately.

    Balthier baby.
    And before this, I also made:
    Squall (FF8)
    Seifer (FF8)
    Laguna (FF8)
    Rinoa (FF8)
    Genesis (FF7: Crisis Core)
    Aerith (FF7)
    And because I wanted to, I also made Solid Snake and Liquid Snake from Metal Gear Solid (to go along with the Solid Snake I have from Metal Gear Solid 2) and Liquid Ocelot from Metal Gear Solid 4.
    I shall make future entries for them.
  7. Spoony Bard
    Picked up my car today from the shop.
    Bumper is fixed. Lights are fixed. Everything is fixed.
    They even fixed my front bumper cuz a bolt was missing from last time and it was falling off (they screwed it tight).
    And they put in the freon (Air Conditioner stuff) like I requested, cuz, I haven't had any since I bouhgt the car.
    And they filled me up with some oil, which I didn't request.
  8. Spoony Bard
    So Wal-Mart has a new policy, which is influenced by the Massachusetts state law, so this is a widespread policy for Wal-Mart.
    When you see an item on a shelf that is priced incorrectly (like say the shelf price said 2 bucks, but when scanning it the price is a dollar). Originally the policy is that if there is a price error for a product under 3 dollars, it is free. If it is over 3 dollars, 3 dollars is taken off.
    Now that policy is no more.
    If a product is priced incorrectly, you get it for what the price says.
    For example (which happened recently at my Wal-Mart), there was a computer for $800, but it was on a shelf that said $150.
    Customer got it for $150. And a $50 gift card since the manager was going by the original policy instead of the new one.
  9. Spoony Bard
    The BZP New Member Q&A is for BZP related questions only.
    I don't know how often I need to stress that, since a lot of off topic questions are being asked.
    And yes I will keep closing them whether they are answered or not, since they aren't even BZP questions.
  10. Spoony Bard
    Saw the first showing last night at midnight of Dark Knight. Movie was incredible of course, but I have a few things to say.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Two-Face stole the show. Not saying Joker's role sucked, just saying that he got showed up by Two-Face the second he came on screen (like the last 45 minutes of the movie was Two-Face going around killing people. Two-Face also resembled his counterpart from the animated Batman series from the 90s (remember, it was all CG for him, Aaron Eckhart didn't wear makeup for the role). 
    Joker was amazing. Second he came on screen to perform his magic trick, I was in awe. The stuff he did was just amazing.
    Batman was alright. He seemed kinda bland, but I loved it when he went out of control and nearly killed the Joker in the interrogation room and also when he threw him off the building.
    However there are some things I wanna say. Movie was too long. They shoulda taken out the Hong Kong scenes, and Scarecrow's role cuz he was just useless. Too much talking, and a little bit of action is all it is. Just suspense and drama, like a regular mobster movie I can see on AMC.
    Anyways movie was good so go see it.
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