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Everything posted by Kabookie

  1. Haha. Puddlegum yourself.

    Pilechlew. lol.


  2. Are you =Ping at me? Haha.

  3. Not much is up. Posting about controversial issues in my blog.. you know, the basics. haha.

  4. Yes, I have. I blend in easy. I've changed my name plenty of times. And mostly because before a few days ago, I the last time I was active was February.

  5. Goooood. Glad we can move on.

    Now let's sit in a circle and sing kumbaya.

  6. ...How many entries in one day?
  7. yes of course i am.

    and i take it that you still think I'm a spammer scumbag?

  8. Gald you ahd a nice trip. I shall have to see me some batman now.
  9. Kabookie

    And Now It Begins

    yeah u will It's kind of annoying, although I don't mind having a blog. 3rd year in a row... maybe they should think of something else.
  10. Yes, but I much prefer the glockenspiel. haha

    I actually quite a while ago, I just haven't updated my profile in so long. Hehe. Plus, trumpet was impossible for me to play with braces, so very near the end of the road it became very unawesome.

  11. hey how are you, glad to meet you

  12. hey bub, wut's happening?

  13. also i heard that archuleta's dad asked fox for a vote recount

    what a loser

    btw, even though syesha went farther, brooke is still better.

  14. doskuma!

    *secret languae*foundaskinplzcheckitout*

    so far, myself, nid, cee, and exo approve. they're the only ones who actually went to see it.

  15. Vezon's not allowed to listen to death metal.

  16. Kabookie

    -head To Desk-

    2 things- 1- glasses might help, if you have none. 2- devise a better study strategy 3- profit!
  17. You speak of me as your inferior?

  18. am i alive? am I, ALIVE?

    seriously, get your butt on you-know-where. it's quite ridiculous, we need you there. we opened it up and everything, because you took too long. now get your butt there and stop coming to the other-you-know-where for self promotion. :)

    not meaning to yell, but you know.. it's hard to come across freindly. all in good fun dokuma. =]

  19. Use your exam to blow your nose. Say it was an accident. & think
  20. sunburst you would probably make a good pokemon fighter

  21. Of course, there's always a flaw, as usual. Just because they were a good role model when they were picked doesn't mean they always will be. It's obvious who wants to be staff out there, and they'll do almost anything to get it. After that, they already have the job, so what's the need to act the same as they did before? Now, this doesn't apply to all of the staff. I'm only saying that so I don't have to listen to a pile of them defending themselves, similar to Tufi's entry. But there are the handful that have dropped the role model act and stuff like that.
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