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Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen

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Status Updates posted by Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen

  1. i sorry, D-exo. But I just voted for Resev. I and don't know. But you wouldn't like it =D

  2. Great! Just great!! The PMs are on!

  3. Far as I know. If Kahi can't make it, then oh well, rly

  4. Yes, I am. I will give you a preview.

  5. Sorry, we recording right before you PMed me back >.

  6. Yes, I have some mangosteen juice!!!! And yes, I have seen them! They are great!


    *runs at almost light speed, screaming like a little girl*

  8. *eats a mangosteen* Nice try. *blasts B*

  9. *drops a mangosteen bomb on Janaro's head*

  10. Dlakii, if I did not know of the delete botton you would see some noob spaming here :P

  11. I want to talk to you on YIM now. I am sick of you harassing me.

  12. Thank you for the help with an animating program!

  13. And not me? Waaaaa! Hahahaha! Eh?

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