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Mata Nuno

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Mata Nuno

  1. Why no likey gym?

    Because I'm a nerd and am not into sports very much, plus I'm not athletic in any way. (Not fat, though, just weak and low on stamina). It's also the class I get the worst grade in, since I usually fail the physical fitness test.


    Glad to see I'm not alone in this world.


    :) MN :)

  2. Sorry Shine, but I am the most stubburn son-of-Karzahni you'll ever meet. Here's how I see it:


    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
    red Toa-

    head- An awsome mask. Almost knight-like. And it is two-toned. First since 2004. Also it looks like it is on a metru head.

    body- I don't see anything wrong with it. It ain't nothing special but it ain't bad.

    arms-They're posable and ,IMO, that's all it matters.

    weapon- You don't like this weapon?!? With all due respect, I like it alot. And it ain't light-up.

    legs-Hey, they work so I don't care. And the Inika legs are cool so it doesn't matter.

    crab- This is one of the most original ideas I have ever seen. And I am pretty sure it can stand on it's own with the Mahri Bazooka. It is also the first canister set to have two sets.

    color scheme- Agreed. :)


    Yellow Toa

    head- It's like a scuba diver. And knowing that it is a underwater theme, it fits.

    body- The body is okay. If it had armor, it would probably too much armor.

    arms- Though they are unsymmetrical, they are about the same size. And that solves the problem for me.(IMO)

    weapons- The Mahri Bazooka looks cool on him and the spear/axe is awsome.

    legs- They are bland but the knee armor is cool.

    color scheme- Love it.

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