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Lara White

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Posts posted by Lara White

  1. IC: "I like to believe that I'm quite good with it, actually." Atiel said. "I don't believe I've told you about the time that I saved a three Matoran from a crooked Skakdi that had invaded their home." He laughed. "By the time I was done with him, he couldn't even move under his own power!" :w:

  2. OOC: Atiel from Le. IC: Atiel stepped into Ta-Koro, looking around to find this audacious Matoran who wished to solve the mystery of the Toa Mata's disappearance. It didn't take long for him to spot the Matoran (for some reason, the Matoran had decided to put a banner above his head), and Atiel strode toward him. "You're the person I'm looking for, it seems!" He said as a warm greeting. "You're the one who wants to investigate all this hullabaloo about the Toa Mata, yes?" :w:

  3. Atiel chuckled. "Thank you for your kind words--you did quite well yourself. As for who has my services, I am on my way to Ta-Koro to investigate some talk about the old Chronicler. Unfortunately, I am in quite a hurry, as this delightful brawl has delayed my travel. I bid you farewell." He said, slinging the hammer over his back. "If you should find yourself in need of my aid, do not hesitate to seek me out." OOC: Atiel to Ta. :w:

  4. Well, I'm assuming they've glassed your homeworld, so you'd probably start somewhere out in the boondocks of the Orion Arm (you mentioned it would take years to fully colonize, so there'll be some space). Of course, one of the things that drives me up the wall is that I literally have no option when capturing planets except genocide. What I want to do is take over the planet and institute reforms and goodwill projects to make the populace like me, and then assimilate them into my empire. The problem with that is, according to Xom, I'd be giving another race a huge enclave within my empire, and of course the player who controls them is going to make them rebel. Even after I give them all sorts of humanitarian aid and fix all their cities and etc. :uhuh: :w:

  5. Solution: Have something like modern geopolitics. Except for completely off-the-wall nutcases, no one wants to go to war, because that would damage their repute in international relations (Incidentally, Right of Conquest is currently considered one of the worst of all war crimes, but you can't really enforce it as a crime if the conqueror wins). In this case, perhaps there could be something like an international forum for people to air their grievances in before military action becomes an issue. I know that, in the event I go to war, I will be offering peace treaties at regular intervals (unless we run into Space Nazis). In addition, since so many people don't like to have to write up a new profile when they lose, we could exploit the large numbers we'll be dealing with and say that, in the unlikely event that a race gets completely obliterated down to its homeworld, that a few survivors managed to escape the genocide and use what they took with them to make a new homeworld. :w:

  6. I'm impressed. That's quite a stroke of "luck." Personally I think Impulse might be the Ghost, but then again he could be a Mafian pretending to be the Detective. Incidentally, in his saying that he's pretty much made himself the target for the next round, so I suggest that the Doctor cover him. :w:

  7. I believe he mentioned that there are two options for starting out. One, that you have a few extra adjacent worlds already colonized, or two, that you start out with a few colonizers ready to run off and pick prime systems for you. That being said, space is big. I mean, you might think it's a long way to the supermarket, but that's peanuts next to space. I expect there will be large uncolonized zones and hotspots where national borders meet. In addition, this gives an interesting question of, since there's a large amount of empty space, where do I fit colony ships into my fleet budget? Especially when there's a war on and you have to wait three weeks just to see any profit from said colony ship. :w:

  8. That's a logical fallacy. Just because one group could have done it, does not mean they did. It is a perfectly viable option that Makuta could have done it, or some unknown third party could have done it, or it's simply not a question in this canon. :w:

  9. Actually, FT has specifically said, if I recall, that there was a plot explanation for all these new races showing up. And they do bring up a good point--since no one was around to save Mata Nui, is he dead or did the Makuta do something to keep him alive? :w:

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