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Lara White

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Posts posted by Lara White

  1. OOC: *coughcallingshotscough* IC: Instantly, Atiel's attitude changed. "Oi, there's no call for that." He said. "All the chap's doing is asking for a reasonable explanation to this whole mess, and you go an' try and plant a bolt into his chest. I'm starting to get doubts here, good sir." :w:

  2. Atiel laughed again. "Is that all? Here, the coin I found on my way here." He tossed a few gleaming pieces of gold to Xeth. "I don't need them anyway." As Senegal demanded to know where the gold came from, Atiel kept an eye on the predatory-looking Skakdi. He didn't trust the little chavs as far as he could punt them with his hammer--actually, less than that.

  3. "I say, old chap, are you the one who dropped all these coins?" A voice was heard from out in the brush. Someone shoved their way through a great lot of bushes and almost crashed into the clearing. It was a Ta-Matoran, lean and muscled. A large hammer was strapped to his back, and it almost pitched him over "Mighty untidy, you're going to want to--" he paused as he looked around, and then a grin crossed his face. "I say, this is quite a sight!" He began laughing, a hearty laugh that seemed too big for him. "A Turaga carrying his own armory beset by Skakdi! Oh, this seems fun!" He slid his hammer out of its harness and planted it in the ground. "Now, what's going on here?" :w:

  4. This RPG uses a Perks system, which allows slightly more customization than normal, while giving Matoran and Agori an equal footing with their warrior-caste equivalents. Each character gets two Perks from their caste list.Warrior Caste Perks:

    • [*]Elemental Powers: Allows the character to use one element from the canon list. Certain elements are banned: check the rules to ensure that your chosen element is not on this list.[*]Mask Powers: Allows the character to use one mask from the canon list. Certain masks are banned: check the rules to ensure that your chosen mask is not on this list.[*]Commander: The character is a commander of men, and has seven warrior-caste NPCs under his command. This Perk is necessary to assume command of a defense or attack. Please lsit the species, powers, and weapons of the soldiers under your direct control. Names are optional.[*]Veteran: The character is a veteran of many battles and uses his experience to his advantage. The character gets slight advantages over other warrior-caste players and NPCs.

    Worker Caste Perks:

    • [*]Scavenger: The character does not require as much resources as he normally would, enabling him to make something even when there are only Minimal levels of a given resource available to him.[*]Swift of Hand: The character is good with his hands, able to craft things with incredible speed. Invention takes reduced time to complete.[*]Stealth: The character is capable of sneaking into an adjacent area under enemy control and taking enough of a resource for only one invention. However, if the character does this, he risks being caught.[*]Ashlar Masonry: This character is a veteran mason and can design blueprints for permanent defenses.

    This is the form to use for this RPG:

    Name:Gender:Age:Species:Perks:Allegiance:Weapons: None. These must be scavenged or made before use.Appearance:Personality:Bio:Weakness: (Absolutely necessary.)

    My characters:Name: TasorGender: MaleAge: ~1,200 yearsSpecies: MatoranPerks:
    • [*]Scavenger[*]Ashlar MasonryAllegiance: MatoranWeapons: None.Appearance: A Po-Matoran, with a sand-tan torso and limbs. His hands, feet, and limbs are black. He wears a powerless black Hau.Personality: Tasor is gruff to those he doesn’t know and those who work under him. To those who can enter his small circle of friends, however, he is amicable enough, although still quiet. He doesn’t like to talk about his past much—he’s hinted that it contains very unpleasant things.Bio: Tasor was an architect before the cold war went hot. He was skilled at using the least amount of material to build the best buildings, always dancing on the edge of building code when it could save him money. Eventually he fell in with unsavory types and ended up plying his trade for an organized crime group. He was one of the lucky ones, able to get to the Matoran Vault before it closed, and hid inside with all of the other survivors. When the nukes stopped flying, he was one of the last ones out, dreading the sight of what had happened to the once-prosperous civilization that was his one-time home. Now, he is trying to rebuild a great city like the ones in his memories.Weakness: Tasor is not a combatant and incompetent in combat, requiring others to protect him.Name: ViktoryaGender: FemaleAge: ~2,000Species: ToaPerks:
      • Commander
      • Elemental Powers (The Green)

    Allegiance: MatoranWeapons: None. These must be scavenged or made before use.Appearance: Dark green armor and yellow eyes. Thin and wiry, but well-muscled.Personality: Cool, calculating, and sly. He places more emphasis on mental superiority than physical superiority.Bio: Viktorya was a Colonel in the Matoran armed forces, coordinating entire theatres of war with generals in High Command. She had climbed from a Private rank, and so understands the POV of the man on the ground. However, she sees the POV of High Command as well, and knows that sometimes, to win, it must be unpleasant for the men on the ground. She is willing to make sacrifices when it might be painful to do so. She can come across as harsh and uncaring very often.Weakness: Not as physically strong as other Toa or Glatorian, and so can be outfought in a physical battle. :w:

  5. This is the place to discuss CoC. Regarding the sudden and unexpected hiatus that I ended up taking for a few months (sorry about that, rather unavoidable), my intentions are to let anyone who remembers where they were simple carry on what they were doing, whereas those who don't (like me) can start anywhere they like within the territory held by their side. :w:

  6. cocbanner.png

    Cradle of Civilization

    “Technology is the ultimate driving force behind history. Technology cares nothing for human welfare, or for which people happens to be in the ascendant. It shows no preference for peace over war, and happily exploits both.”


    After Mata Nui reunited Spherus Magna, civilization flourished. Toa and Glatorian defended the Matoran and Agori from outside threats, while the Vortixx working alongside the Nynrah Ghosts to advance civilization at an incredible pace. It was truly a Golden Age.But their happiness was not to last.Three thousand and forty five years after the Cataclysm, political rifts formed within the government of Spherus Magna, between the Turaga-following Matoran and the highly independent Agori. This led to a schism in the geopolitical landscape. The Matoran and Agori formed their own nations, each taking with them their warrior caste. The Vortixx and Nynrah Ghosts, being from the Matoran Universe, sided with the Matoran and advanced their technology at breakneck speeds. Three thousand and fifty-two years after the Cataclysm, a team of Vortixx scientists successfully split the atom for the first time, bringing the Matoran into the Nuclear Age. Shortly afterward, a mercenary known as Roodaka sold the secrets of nuclear power to the Agori and was executed for treason. The two nations edged into a cold war, watching each other nervously.It was neither the Agori nor the Matoran that started the war, however. A creature known only as the Marendar began killing Toa patrols everywhere, leaving their bodies to be found by the Matoran. Angrily, the Matoran accused the Agori of murdering Toa to gain an advantage in a possible war. The Agori denied this, but the Matoran did not believe them…at least until the Marendar attacked a military base deep in the Black Spike Mountains. It wiped out all of the Toa in the base, and killed the Matoran in self-defense. From there, it continued its rampage into a nearby city, killing only the Toa unless someone else attacked it. They would then be slaughtered mercilessly. A week later, after harsh fighting, the inhabitants of the city had died or fled. From there, the Marendar made its way further south, toward Tesara, which had been re-established in the wake of the schism. Fearing another debacle like the Black Spike Mountain battle, the Turaga evacuated the city and detonated a nuclear weapon on the Marendar. The Agori panicked and began firing all of their nuclear weapons at the Matoran. The Matoran, having obliterated the Marendar, retaliated and a full nuclear exchange occurs.Now, the survivors must pick up the pieces and try to rebuild their grand civilization from the ground up. Tensions from the cold war remain, and the Matoran universe survivors compete with the Bara Magna survivors in resources and technology.Gameplay:The two factions are the Agori (supported by the warrior caste of the Glatorian, now imbued with elemental powers due to Mata Nui’s intervention prior to his vanishing) and the Matoran (supported by the warrior caste of the Toa). You will pick a side and choose one of these four races to play as. There are a few things to do, all closely interdependent. You can invent technology, gather resources, or fight against your enemy.Invention: Inventors are invaluable to a growing civilization. They can invent technology which supports a larger population, allows the people to feed themselves without having to scavenge, research methods of building massive constructs such as forts and (eventually) castles, and create weapons and armor for the warriors, giving them an edge over the enemy. Even a Matoran in full plate mail with a steel sword and riding on a mount can defeat a Toa with leather armor and a bronze weapon, even if the Toa does get natural bonuses in combat. Inventors can range from blacksmiths to architects to farmers who create new ways of sustaining a crop. Be careful not to let your faction fall behind, or else you may find yourself overrun by technologically-superior foes!However, there are limitations. You can only advance so quickly as a race, and if I see anything beyond the Roman era, with a few things from the Medieval age. (advanced architecture, steel weapons, plentiful agriculture, and only the most basic of steam-powered devices—not even a car or small factory), I will smite it as too rapid advancement. As it is, only a certain few inventors will be permitted to push the boundaries of the technology available to you: the most creative and inventive players will be dubbed a Genius, roughly comparable to Archimedes or Leonardo da Vinci. In addition, I expect a logical progression of technology. If I ask how your invention works, I expect you to be able to explain it at least in the most basic terms.Resource Gathering: Mostly a perfunctory job, resource gathering is necessary for invention. Players may make a post about their character going to take resources from the area they happen to be in, or import them from somewhere else. However, there are two limitations to this: accessibility and limitations. Accessibility means that your side must own whatever area the resources are in: if you do not have access to a given resource, you cannot use it. Limitations mean that unless the resource is listed as “infinite”, it will run out eventually. Minimal means that the resource is hard to find here and will run out after a few people use it. Medium means that there is not a shortage of the resource, but it will run out if a lot of people are using it at once (for example, five or six people getting a resource all from the same place). Massive means that it will be difficult to drain this resource, but not impossible.Fighting: Fighting is necessary for a civilization to survive when it encounters enemies. Battles will take place in the Epic Battles topic, similar to that of Fraction of Greatness. However, the tactics of the commanders are solely their own, and the better commander will always win. In addition, the command of armies will be toned down a bit, mostly focusing on player combat. Armies are the ones who claim and defend a location on the map, and they are the ones who defend it. However, they cannot be everywhere at one time: only the people in a given location are allowed to participate in defending it against an invader. During battle, resources from the contested area will be cut off due to the combat, but inventors working on a project there are allowed to continue if they so wish. However, if their side loses they must escape with all possible haste, leaving their invention behind half-finished if they cannot take it with them. Battles will end after one real-time week, so as to prevent people from besieging an area constantly and denying the other side a necessary resource. In addition, once a place is attacked, it will be on high alert for the next week after that and cannot be attacked during that time. If the battle is a stalemate by that time, a staff member will be called in to evaluate the battle so far and choose the winner.


    • [*]White Quartz MountainsThe White Quartz Mountains are part of a mountain range separating the habitable lands from the radioactive Wasteland to the north. Their great white glaciers of ice and snow gave them their name, and their peaks give a perfect view of the lands for mios around. Resources here include: massive amounts of stone, medium amounts of iron.
      • [*]Ruins of IconoxIconox once rested here, a catacomb of caves and small aboveground fields and market places. Now most of the caves are collapsed and the markets lay abandoned, with forgotten valuables laying around. Resources here include: Minimal amounts of Exsidian, medium amounts of stone.[*]Buried Exsidian MineThis Exsidian Mine was once the lifeblood of Iconox, providing the one useful resource which Iconox could trade for food and supplies. Since the war, however, it has been abandoned, and many of its branches have collapsed. Rahi and other beasts lurk in the shadows, ready to tear apart anyone who seeks to drive them from their home. Resources here include: Massive amounts of Exsidian, massive amounts of stone, medium amounts of iron, minimal amounts of lightstones.

    [*]Black Spike MountainsThe Black Spike Mountains are part of a massive mountain range separating the habitable lands to the south from the radioactive, lifeless North. Their name comes from their appearance—unlike their twins to the west, they have no frost and no ice to speak of. Instead they are bare rock, untouched by flora. Resources here include medium amounts of iron and massive amounts of stone.

    • [*]Ruins of RoxtusOnce built in the mouth of a massive robotic head, the village of Roxtus was a fortress, almost impregnable against attack. However, the reconstruction of this robot and the later nuclear apocalypse have ruined the village, leaving only a few remaining structures and weapons. However, the Agori have begun rebuilding, and have put together a formidable wall and gate, able to withstand assault. Resources here include massive amounts of stone, minimal amounts of Skrall weapons, medium amounts of lightstones. Resources here include massive amounts of stone, minimal amounts of Skrall weapons, medium amounts of lightstones. Held by: Agori[*]Skrall RiverBorn from springs deep inside the Black Spike Mountains, the Skrall River is one of the only sources of water on the planet. It runs deep into the desert to the south, being the only source of water for Iron Canyon area. Resources here include: Massive amounts of water, minimal amounts of iron ore. Held by: Agori[*]Agori VaultThe Agori Vault was constructed during the cold war, in the event that a nuclear exchange occurred. As much of the population as possible was moved inside the vault, and they are the only remaining survivors of the Agori and Glatorian. However, the vault was not shielded against EMP and the technology taken inside to keep them alive was destroyed. This is where the Agori and Glatorian players start out. There are no resources here.

    [*]Forest of TesaraThe Forest of Tesara is one of the only remaining lush places on the island. Designated a park by both the Matoran and Agori, the forest survived the nuclear exchange miraculously unharmed, and is a source of many valuable resources.

    • [*]Ruins of TesaraSeemingly untouched by time, the old village of Tesara has been off-limits for some time except by tourists and park rangers. However, nothing is sacred when survival is on the line, and prospective inventors have their eye on Tesara as a source of valuable supplies. Resources here include: Massive amount of wood, medium amount of fruit, and medium amount of lightstones. Held by: Matoran[*]Hot SpringsThe Hot Springs has long been a resort for the wealthy and powerful, but the nuclear Armageddon has changed that. Pools, no longer contained in convenient small formations, spill over into one another and overflow, forming a medium-sized lake, illuminated by the rock at the bottom. This rock can be harvested by those willing to risk swimming to the bottom of the lake. Resources found here include: Massive amounts of water, medium amounts of glowing rock.

    [*]Iron CanyonIron Canyon is, despite the name, a system of narrow canyons forming a veritable maze. It is a nightmare for armies to operate in, which is why the city of Vulcanus was once placed here. Lava flows through some of the canyons, and fissures in the earth reveal deep caverns filled to the brim with magma. Resources here include massive amounts of stone, massive amounts of sand, medium amounts of iron, and medium amounts of lava.

    • [*]Ruins of VulcanusThe ruins of Vulcanus were long ago stripped for material for the Metru which the united peoples of Spherus Magna constructed. However, a few useless (to them) items were left behind, which may now prove of value to the competing races. Vulcanus is now home to Matoran colonists, and is protected by a set of wooden catapults. It has several forges in it, from which come the Matoran's supply of iron implements. Resources here include massive amounts of stone, medium amounts of weapons, and medium amounts of lightstones. Held by: Matoran[*]Vulcanus Lava FlowThe Vulcanus lava flows have long been valued by blacksmiths of all kinds for their temperatures. They are not valuable by themselves, but they can make a blacksmith’s life much easier in forging. Resources here include: Massive amounts of sand, massive amounts of stone, and medium amounts of lava. Held by: Matoran

    [*]Sandray CitadelSandray Canyon is not terribly valuable by itself. However, it is the gateway to Tajun, and in the past has been a valuable chokepoint for that village. iut has been converted into a massive fortress, hewn out of the very cliffs. It cuts off Tajun from the rest of the world, and anyone who wishes to take the city must first capture this fortress. Resources here include: Medium amounts of stone, massive amounts of sand.

    • [*]Ruins of TajunTajun was once the “water” village of Bara Magna, despite being on the edge of a desert and completely lacking in water. However, the reformation of Spherus Magna changed that, turning Tajun into a port of call for sailors in a massive freshwater sea, the only village to remain after the reformation of Spherus Magna.. However, the nuclear apocalypse caused it to fall into ruin, just like all the other villages, and now its empty streets are filled with rubble while the wind blows lonely tunes through the alleyways and streets. Upon claiming the city, the Matoran began renovating, adding a trench line and ramparts, a series of watchtowers, spike pits on the border with Iron Canyon, and an irrigated farm fed by the freshwater sea. The watchtowers are now a screen to warn the primary defences of Tajun of any attack. Resources here include: Minimal amounts of weapons, medium amounts of lightstones, infinite amounts of water and a minimal amount of wood Held by: Matoran[*]Underground Lab of the Great Beings (inaccessible)The Lab of the Great Beings is a treasure trove of technology and scientific advancement, capable of creating Element Lords and containing the blueprints to a Great Spirit Robot. However, it was buried and the only people who knew where it was were killed, and so its location is lost.[*]Matoran VaultThe Matoran Vault is where the Matoran and Toa survived the nuclear exchange. The EMP of nearby explosions fried all of the technology which would keep them alive, forcing them to leave and attempt to survive elsewhere. Matoran and Toa players start here. There are no resources here.

    [*]Dunes of TreasonThe Dunes of Treason is a massive desert, easily the size of the White Quartz Mountains. It is mostly useless except as a barrier between Tesara and Tajun. Resources here include: Infinite amounts of sand.[*]Creep CanyonCreep Canyon is a large network of canyons which form a defensive maze, isolating Vulcanus from the Black Spike Mountains to the north. Resources here include infinite amounts of stone.

    Character Creation:This RPG uses a Perks system, which allows slightly more customization than normal, while giving Matoran and Agori an equal footing with their warrior-caste equivalents. Each character gets two Perks from their caste list.Warrior Caste Perks:

    • [*]Elemental Powers: Allows the character to use one element from the canon list. Certain elements are banned: check the rules to ensure that your chosen element is not on this list.[*]Mask Powers: Allows the character to use one mask from the canon list. Certain masks are banned: check the rules to ensure that your chosen mask is not on this list.[*]Commander: The character is a commander of men, and has seven warrior-caste NPCs under his command. This Perk is necessary to assume command of a defense or attack.[*]Veteran: The character is a veteran of many battles and uses his experience to his advantage. The character gets slight advantages over other warrior-caste players and NPCs.

    Worker Caste Perks:

    • [*]Scavenger: The character does not require as much resources as he normally would, enabling him to make something even when there are only Minimal levels of a given resource available to him.[*]Swift of Hand: The character is good with his hands, able to craft things with incredible speed. Invention takes reduced time to complete.[*]Stealth: The character is capable of sneaking into an adjacent area under enemy control and taking enough of a resource for only one invention. However, if the character does this, he risks being caught.[*]Ashlar Masonry: This character is a veteran mason and can design blueprints for permanent defenses.

    This is the form to use for this RPG:

    Name:Gender:Age:Species:Perks:Allegiance:Weapons: None. These must be scavenged or made before use.Appearance:Personality:Bio:Weakness: (Absolutely necessary.)

    A completed form should look like this:

    Name: TasorGender: MaleAge: ~1,200 yearsSpecies: MatoranPerks:

    • [*]Scavenger[*]Ashlar Masonry

    Allegiance: MatoranWeapons: None.Appearance: A Po-Matoran, with a sand-tan torso and limbs. His hands, feet, and limbs are black. He wears a powerless black Hau.Personality: Tasor is gruff to those he doesn’t know and those who work under him. To those who can enter his small circle of friends, however, he is amicable enough, although still quiet. He doesn’t like to talk about his past much—he’s hinted that it contains very unpleasant things.Bio: Tasor was an architect before the cold war went hot. He was skilled at using the least amount of material to build the best buildings, always dancing on the edge of building code when it could save him money. Eventually he fell in with unsavory types and ended up plying his trade for an organized crime group. He was one of the lucky ones, able to get to the Matoran Vault before it closed, and hid inside with all of the other survivors. When the nukes stopped flying, he was one of the last ones out, dreading the sight of what had happened to the once-prosperous civilization that was his one-time home. Now, he is trying to rebuild a great city like the ones in his memories.

    • [*]All BZP rules apply. (Should I really need to say this?)[*]NO Godmoding. This includes but is not restricted to: Insta-completing inventions, emptying out a resource site in one or two posts, effortlessly defeating enemies, not giving enemies time to react, and making other players’ characters act out of character.[*]I expect you to be able to explain your invention’s operation capably when I ask you how it works. If your invention does not work according to the laws of physics, I will decide that it breaks on its own, and I will usually highlight exactly what part went wrong. In addition, no reversing the polarity of the neutron flow.[*]Powers that are not allowed are: Gravity, Light, Darkness, Psionics, and Sonics.[*]Masks that are not allowed are: Golden Kanohi any and all elemental masks, Komau, Tryna, Zatth, Mohtrek, Avsa, Jutlin, Avohkii, Kraahkan, Olmak, Olisi, Vahi, Ignika, Mask of Creation Mask of Charisma, Mask of Possibilities, Mask of Mutation, Mask of Clairvoyance, and Mask of Scavenging. This may seem like a long list but there are a lot of overpowered masks.[*]Please use good grammar and spelling in your posts. This will help people pay more attention to you, instead of skimming your post because it is painful to read.[*]Your character MUST have a weakness. What is acceptable and what is not will be decided on a case-by-case basis, as player skill has a lot to do with it.[*]The only permitted species are Matoran and Toa for the Matoran faction, and Glatorian and Agori for the Agori faction. It's a little restrictive, but it's for gameplay balance.[*]Please format your posts like so:

    [White Quartz Mountains—Ruins of Iconox]Nuparu worked feverishly to complete his invention, a simple device which would lighten his load quite a bit. He had constructed a makeshift forge from stone and some wood he had brought with him from Tesara, and now was putting the finishing touches on a collapsible Exsidian pick, which used hinges and a lock system to maintain its structural strength while becoming much more compact than the iron pick he now used.

    Credit to Blade and Friar Tuck for proofreading this and helping me with new ideas and patches to current ones. Thanks to Exo-Fat for the huge amount of inspiration I took from AFOG, and thanks to everyone who voted for CoC--you made this possible. :w:
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