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Lara White

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Posts posted by Lara White

  1. OOC: I don't think you quite understand how Atiel was attacking. He's coming at a right angle to the fight, so he wouldn't be in the line of someone being knocked away. Since I guess you didn't really block this, it's not really autohitting... IC: Atiel's massive hammer came down on the Skadi's neck, smashing him into the ground. Something in his back made a crunching sound. :w:

  2. IC: Of course, the hammer was very heavy and not thrown aside easily, so it more or less dropped to the ground a few feet from where Sookus had thrown it. Atiel hefted the hammer again and watched, waiting to see what the Skakdi would do to retaliate against the Toa's attack. As soon as he was preoccupied with the cudgel-wielding Toa, Atiel exploited his opening, bringing the hammer down at Sookus' back. :w:

  3. Atiel took a moment to regroup, and then, as soon as Senegal went through with his attack, Atiel added to it by bringing his hammer down on the Skakdi again. He had no intention of letting the stinking piraka get even a second to retaliate against either of them. The force of the hammer was such that, even if the Skakdi tried to block it with the metal sheet, it would simply punch the sheet out of his hands and straight into his chest, with the ground acting as an anvil. :w:

  4. The hammer landed next to Sookus with an earth-shaking thud, and as Sookus attacked, Atiel used the hammer's haft to spin himself around and unleash a ferocious double-footed kick at the Piraka. As he attacked, he felt the Piraka's hand land a glancing blow. If it had been any more of a direct hit, he would have been heavily injured or at least sent sprawling, but as it was he was able to carry through with his kick. :w:

  5. Since Atiel was already moving and off center of the blast, the explosion hurled him forward toward Sookus, in the direction he'd already been moving. He wasn't so easily destabilized (he'd been using the weapon for quite a long time now, and knew it as well as his own body) and was able to recover his control, turning the blast into an advantage for him. He had merely been moving quickly before--now the force of the explosion had been added to his own, and he brought down the hammer while Sookus was recovering from his own attack. :w:

  6. To clarify for anyone who doesn't remember the status of Tesara:

    • [*]The Agori built a wooden palisade and several small wooden buildings when they occupied Tesara.[*]The palisade was mostly smashed when the Matoran attacked, but most of the buildings are intact.[*]The Matoran are working on rebuilding, and in fact the last thing my Po-Matoran character did before the hiatus was head to Tesara to help fortify it.


  7. IC: Atiel felt the ground beneath him warm up, and realized what the scum Skakdi was trying to do. He moved forward quickly, his hammer arcing on an intercept course with the Skakdi's torso. :w:

  8. See, the reason I go all schemey is 'cause I have such a hard time winning a straight fight. -.- Anyway, guys, he has a point. This is a significantly different game than the ones I've played with him up until now--this time around, we can't hide our investigations from him, it'd be bad for us. :w:

  9. Alright, here's what we know so far (and anyone who has ideas or new information, feel free to pitch in):

    • [*]The Toa are MIA, but most likely not dead.[*]Makuta is being contained by something the Toa did.[*]There was one witness, a Matoran, with the Toa.[*]Takua went missing shortly after the whole thing went down.

    Friar has been putting huge neon signs pointing to the idea of looking for Takua, which either means "I'm being helpful" (which is a little spooky to me already...try that closer to Halloween, FT.) or "I want to distract you." However, since we have a load of players who are interested, we can simply split the difference and send some to find Takua and others to look for other clues. I'd suggest checking the Temples that exist in each Wahi, the ones that Hahli went to in MNOLG 2. Smaller teams could also check out each Toa's Kini. It'd be helpful to know the status of said Kinis and whether the masks are still on them--useless by itself but in conjunction with other information could prove useful. Re: Bulik's comments. Your first point is assuming the Toa are capable of escaping, which since they're MIA, they're clearly not. Considering Makuta's comments on their not technically being alive or dead, I suspect something like cryostasis or being a vegetable. However, your comments on the other species are interesting. The possibility of the Skakdi, Vortixx, etc. being refugees is certainly a possibility, but unless we have someone with their memories intact or find the source, then we're essentially dead in the water on that one. :w:

  10. Certainly, thank you. Two, please. Anyway, old chaps, since apparently I'm very good at this, I'll help you guys out. I suggest asking around for sightings of Takua and other reports of missing Matoran. If you find something, let me know and I'll add it to the list of clues. Clarkie...Case reopened.

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