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Blog Entries posted by Rho

  1. Rho
    What I got so far:
    -Lewa Nuva
    -Petz Catz 2
    -High School Musical 2 Soundtrack
    What I plan to get:
    -Kingdom Hearts
    -Kingdom Hearts II
    -Mario Party DS
    -Drawn to Life
    -Simpsons Game DS (MAYBE)
    -Toa Ignika (MAYBE)
    -Toa Terrain Crawler
    -Barrraki Deepsea Patrol
    -Toa Undersea Attack
    -Cooking Mama 2
    -Something from A+F or Hollister
    -iTunes Music
    And before anyone says "You're Asking for too much", I've actually gotten more than this in the past. I'm just going to save up for a Wii. It'll be easy to get one before Feb. 10, since I'm owed at least $120 in total by people, and It's not hard for me to make the other $130. I was able to make $40 In about an hour and a half. Therefore, It'd take me approx. 4 Hours to make enough money- Then I'll spend at least 2 Hours calling places asking if they have any Wiis.
    Why before Feb. 10? So I can own SSBB on launch day.
  2. Rho
    Yes, It's the Most Annoying Things in Grocery Stores!
    (In no order)
    -Screaming Little Kids. They could be screaming for a number of reasons. It could be not getting candy, Being scared, Needing a diaper change, or just being random.
    -Bad Baggers. Sometimes, your bagger will be..bad at bagging. They'll put Eggs in with bottles, Frozen Food with Cereal, Chips with 12Packs of Soda, etc.
    -Aisle Blockers. These inconsiderate people will often run into a friend while shopping- then they'll engage in a conversation, blocking the aisle they're in.
    -Humming Old People. Usually, Older Women will hum loudly to the music playing while they shop.
    -Badly Chosen Aisles. Sometimes, when the aisles are designed, the merchandise chosen isn't always good. For example: Candy and Health Food in the the Aisle.
    Part 2 Coming Soon.
  3. Rho
    All seven languages of Smash Bros. Dojo will take a year-end holiday break from posting following December 28. We plan to resume posts on January 7.
    Have a happy new year."
  4. Rho
    Now, i hope that when Noggin becomes a 24/7 Channel on the 31st, That "The N" will get it's own 24 Hour Channel.
    It's the only place I can watch Classic TeeNICK shows..>The Amanda Show...Keenan and Kel....
    So yeah...
  5. Rho
    I called a McDonalds yesterday.
    McDs:Thank you for calling (city) McDonalds, How may I help you?
    Me:Yes, Which of the Bionicle toys do you guys have in the happy meal currently?
    Me:Which Bionicle Toys do you guys currently have in the Happy Meal?
    McDs: We have Strawberry Shortcake for the Girls, and Bionicle for the Boys.
    Me:-sigh- I Know. Which ones for Boys.
    Me:-getting annoyed- Yes, I KNOW! WHICH ONES!?
    McDs: -different person- How May I Help You?
    Me:Which of the Bionicle Tiys do you guys currently have in the Happy Meal?
    McDs: Strawberry Shortcake and Bionicle,
    Me:-sigh- I KNOW. WHICH. ONES.
    McDs: Hang on.
    -5 min later-
    McDs:For the girls there's a little doll, and the boys a robot guy.
    Me:-angry- What's the number for the Bionicle one?
    McDs:uhh..its called "Barraki" (pronounced Bar- rake- e)
    Me:What is the NUMBER on the BAG?
    McDs:Uhh.. i'm not sure
    Me:It's on the top right corner of the bag.
    McDs:Uhh..it's called Mantax (Pronounced Man- Tah- X)
    Me:Is that the only one you have?
    McDs:uhh..we also have Kongu (pronounced Con- gogo)
    Me:-sigh- Ok, thanks, bye

  6. Rho
    1.Open iTunes
    2.Select party Shuffle
    Fill in the songs in the correct spots, like I will below:
    Your Song:Cry- Hilary Duff (Ok..?)
    Your Couple Song: Super Cosby Bros. Brawl- Rick Gardiner (What the?)
    Your At-Bat song: Mojo- Rick Gardiner (it's a nice tune)
    The Song at Your Wedding: I Love You- Utada Hikaru (Good)
    The Song at Your Funeral: It's Just You- LMNT (Ok...?)
    The song that you will hear while dancing with your true love: Wierd- Hilary Duff (Umm..)
    The Song that People think represents you: Where Did I go Right?- Hilary Duff (Ok?)
    Your Friends: Do You Want Me- Hilary Duff (sure)
    Your True Love: Nobody Till You- Lindsay Lohan (Hmm)
    Your Color: Blue (Da BA Dee)- Eiffel 65 (DING DING DING)
    Your Ringtone: Breaking Free- Andre Seeley and Vanessa Hudgens (nah)
    Your Theme: Fly- Hilary Duff (Umm..No)
    Your Favorite Song: See You Again- Miley Cyrus (Well, it's good, but not my favorite)
    Your True Love's Favorite Song: Caught in a Dream- AIK (I doubt she even knows about AIK)
    Your Best Friend's Favorite Song: Something I Never Had- Lindsay Lohan (Ha. Probably.)
    Your Ex's Song: When There was You and Me- Vanessa Hudgens (Sure.)
    Your Own Video Game: Divison St.- Thursday (Nice)
    Your Current Mairital Status- Symptoms of You- Lindsay Lohan (Err..)
    Your Last Relationship: Umbrella- Rihanna feat. Jay-z (No.)
    Your Death: Creeping in My Soul- Christine Lorentzen (Sure)
    Your Life: Numb- Linkin Park (Nah)
    Post away. i'll create a new one soon.
  7. Rho
    Today I went to Target to buy Maxilos + Spinax for $20- and I did. Now, I have all of the 07 Titans. To own all 07 Sets, I need the 3 Playsets, that hopefully I'll get for christmas.
    I also bought a Starter Kit for the Kingdom Hearts TCG. Nice Cards. DVD was informative.
  8. Rho
    My Math teacher.
    He's a hypocrite.
    I Am done before the other students with an EASY Practice test. He snaps and whines at me demanding I can't possibly be done, I was too fast. He demands all of them are wrong.
    Guess what.
    I missed THREE.
    And I know that they were because of misunderstandings, like prime facorization.
    Then, out of the blue, He has be go into his 5th period class to do a homework assignment I got a lower grade on.
    I am taking my time.
    He always goes over and snaps at me, demanding that I'm not focused. I tell him I am working.
    He says "lol lol i dont want to hear it go save your arguing for someone else i dont like the attitude WHERES MY PROTO?? :angry:"
    I don't finish by the time 5th Period ended, and it had 10 more problems than the test, AND I had about 30 Minutes.
    Then, my 6th Period teacher drove me insane. Afterwards, I go to TRU, since they said they have Phantoka.
    Coustomer Service person?
    About as helpful as a speck of dust.
    Luckily, I might go to Target and get a $20 Maxilos and Spinax, TRU Manager said the Phantoka might be in on Wednesday, and I might have a new girlfriend soon.
    Stressful days can turn into better things, I guess.
    I hate my school. They don't do anything when a group of 3 kids comes and demands hugs from me every day, yet when I kick a basketball, I get detention.
    And if you're even late by 1 second, detention.
  9. Rho
    Today, I will do something similar to what Timekeeper started in the Official SSB Topic. Pros and Cons for Possible Brawl Characters- But I'm doing it for 3 3rd Parties- Sora (Kingdom Hearts), Megaman X (Megaman), and Bomberman (Bomberman)

    -Would have a great moveset
    -On Sakurai's poll
    -Square Enix and Nintendo get along well
    -Quite a few Square Enix musicians working on the game, like MGS and Sonic ones were (one is credited for KH)
    -Would fit in nicely
    -Making Alt. Costumes for him would be easy to think of
    -Great Final Smash possibility
    -Would fit in SSE perfectly. It's similar to KH in a way even.
    -A Rumor states that Tetsuya Nomura (creator of KH) is helping with Brawl
    -Pikachu Getting hit in the face with a Keyblade= Awesome
    -If Geno is in, it increases Sora's chances
    -His taunt being when he put shis hands behind his head and leans back is almost inevitable
    -KH3 rumored for the Wii
    -Other Stuff
    -Might have Donald+Goofy in as an AT, but Axel is More likely
    -Wasn't #1 on Sakurai's poll in terms of 3rd Parties
    -He was only on one Nintendo System, but 358/2 Days still is a KH game

    -Good amount of Megaman Games
    -On Poll
    -Delay might allow both Him and Sora to be in (I'd be happy.)
    -Not very well-known
    -Might be a Samus clone
    -Look-wise wouldn't really fit in
    -A bit too kiddy

    -Would have a Unique Moveset
    -Decent amount of Nintendo System games
    -Hudson creates the Mario Party games
    -Not on Sakurai's poll
    -Might be considered too violent
    There you go.
  10. Rho
    My School's Idea of detention:
    The person rants at us for about 15 Minutes about random stuff, then makes us read Dr.Suess and fill out a paper about what we did wrong and draw pictures about it XD
    lol what
  11. Rho
    So I went to a grocery store today.
    Person:SO WHAT!? :angry: GIMMIE MY PROTO!
    -brick is thrown-
    First off, NEVER buy Bionicle at Grocery Stores.
    Their prices:
    Barraki: $16.99!!!!!!!!!
    Mahritoran/Hydruka: $10!!!
    But, However, I got the Holiday 07 Nintendo Power.
    Then, After getting some Cherry Coke , Two of my friends (both girls) were at a checkout line, alone, buying groceries. o.0
    They called my name and told me to go over to them. I asked them if they'd buy all the groceries for me if i did.
    But seriously,, I've heard of 2 teenage girl friends going out shopping together (like at the mall), but GROCERY shopping? Weird.. o.0
    They pretty much acted like this when they saw me:

    ^ the above lol what pic is stolen from spitty's MAJ. Thanks, Spitty. Please don't sue.
  12. Rho
    -shakes head-
    As I was pulling into a driveway of a store, this dude, in dark colors, j-walks randomly, almost got run over.
  13. Rho
    No, I'm not Hannah Montana. In fact, this entry has nothing to do with her, or her show.
    It has to do with..THIS PICTURE!

    So, yes, I'm not Hannah Montana.
    ..or am I?
  14. Rho
    I got him. Last one of them.
    The Matoran are good, Karzahni has a strong build, but I don't know about the trap yet, since It doesnt have half it's parts.
    Other than that, this set is awesome. Go buy it.
  15. Rho
    I decided to go annonymous, So if you're posting ina NMQ&A topic, you'll neve rknow when I'll pop up and beat you.
    ..or not.
    If the image is considered political, tell me and I'll remove it.
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