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Blog Comments posted by Kosdan

  1. Haha, I came into this blog quite on accident, but I decided to answer the first and last questions.


    1. Do you like metal? If not, why not?

    Yes. One of my favorite bands is Demon Hunter. I don't know if Underoath is considered fully metal, but they do have some of the same elements.


    7. Quick! Simmons or Church?

    Church. Definitely. Simons is only funny when he buries Sarge alive or is infected by O'mally (sp?).

    Church gets to use the sniper rifle. And the Blues are just all aound better.

  2. I would have no idea what you were talking about if I hadn't gone to my friend's house and he and his dad were watching it. I also thought it was kinda strange that they were more focused on the horse that pulled out rather thand the one that won.

  3. Yeah.


    Someone at our lunch table said "nice guys finish last" the other day. And the girl sitting next to me (who I may or may not be interested in) says "I'd much rather date a nice guy than a mean guy"


    I about died. Because one of the things I always hear her talk about is the things her boyfriend does that aren't nice.

  4. I live in East-central Illinois, and at 4:37 I woke up to my windows rattling. I thought it was thunder, because there was an actual rumbling. Then the whole room started to shake, so I knew it wasn't thunder. It was just kinda like a big vibrating and shuddering. A few of my mom's decorations fell off the walls, and a clock fell of the mantle of our fireplace.


    At about 10:15 an aftershock went through. It was barely noticable; only a few people in my class noticed. I did not feel it, but I could hear glass beakers rattling (I was in Biology).

  5. Wow. I've only listened to the first and second ones, and it sounds really cool. Never knew I liked techno. It's different than I thought in a way, but it's kinda what I expected. I know I contradicted myself there, but....


    And it's cool how you name them after bible verses.

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