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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. It'd be a sin if I didn't. It's looking amazing.

  2. haha, thank you.

  3. Date as in dating or date of a birth date?

  4. Ah, okay. Well I'm assuming the second season is coming around soon...right?

  5. Hiya; I'm doing alright. How're you?

  6. Yeah, I'm sorry I've sorta fallen off the face of the earth. :( I usually contact my buddies, like you, when I do this sorta thing but it was a last minute desicion...I'll respond to that shorter PM to explain things better. You hanging in there?

  7. I did? Hmm, well yes I will but I'm sorta busy. I'll try to help you out asap.

  8. thats cool. my original profession was going to be a egyptologist, but i moved on to be a lowly artist, hehe

  9. Well uh, you see, I shoulda finished an essay like... an hour ago. xD Maybe I should come visit you over there?

  10. If I have the time, I'll try. 0:

  11. Thank you for the review in my 'Farewell' story, that was really nice of you!

  12. Ah, getcha. Yeah I'm aware of this, I know a few people who have done it.

  13. : O


    I guess that means I need to finish that Cross picture as soon as possible. >

  14. Hi JG! I love your Personal photo!

  15. I haven't said hello to you in forever... so hey there, girl! =D

  16. Sorry that we haven't finished the trade yet, we're gunna have to wait till my life settles down. :(

  17. Um, I liked it and bluntly telling me a movie sucked probably wouldn't change my outlook on it. I thought it had a good storyline.

    Thanks though, about the art.

  18. Sounds yummy; I'm snacking on chocolate myself now.

  19. Awesome. My old man has literally ALL of them, it's crazy. I'll have to read some after I finish the piles of books I started now...

  20. I love your banner; did you make it?

  21. Lol, I don't know what got into me...but I spell almost everything European style xD And sure, sounds cool. I hope you're doing good. (also sorry for not responding to that PM yet...I IS LAME)

  22. Thanks for giving me the heads up! And yes, I saw, congrats!! :)

    Once again, sorry for the lag in responding--if you really wanna know what's up, without me sounding too pity-partyish, I can explain in the PM.

  23. Hi back, hope you're doing good; sorry I didn't respond, I accidentally had my comments disabled and didn't see yours until a few days ago.

  24. No, mine was about Kazi on Voya Nui. Turakii's story is the one that was set in Ga-Koro.

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