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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. Lady Kopaka
    Whoo fail camera skills! 8D
    I now has matching copper huna's for earrings. Thanks TLH and Omi for the masks; I finally found some use for them!
  2. Lady Kopaka
    Okay guys, as I’m working on this Bionicle novel…I got some questions if y’all don’t mind answering! I’d love input!
    No need to answer all these questions if you don't want to.
    And this is for writing purposes--I'm not trying to pretend I'm all self important and changing the real canon. Just my alternate universe.
    What were a few things that you didn’t like in the storyline, and wished was changed? (e.g. a event, character death, lack of character death, etc)
    What’s your favourite ships? Or simply a uncommon group of characters? (e.g. Federation of Fear)
    Do you have any notable headcanons on a character?
    Or something else? A culture, object, event, etc?
    What characters would you like to know more about, or have more screen-time?
    What would you imagine different in a humanized world?

    Thanks so much if you do this! The answers may greatly affect the direction of my planned serials.
  3. Lady Kopaka
    *cues Final Fantasy Victory theme*
    I am free. From highschool.
    Nothing can express how happy I am. Mind you, I love learning--but life was making it that I was barely surviving with decent grades. However, I finished roughly with two A's, a B, and a C. It feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my back. True, there's still college if I decide to go...but that's going to be completely different.
    I shall spend my summer relaxing, hopefully getting lots of art and work done...and yeah. I am very happy right now. Not to mention my birthday is coming up and all that...so much stuff happening, both good and bad; one downside is that I'm pretty sick atm...but that's not surprising, lol. But I'm happy right now so that's all that counts.
  4. Lady Kopaka
    Windows 7 is really really awesome. I never used Vista much (and it didn't bug me when I did), but I am really liking all the upgrades. Computer is running better, layout is nice, better stuff for customization...and all for $30! Still getting used to everything, but I am happy I updated finally. Goodbye faithful XP!
    Only downside is I have to reinstall stuff. Gragh. But it did get rid of a zillion useless programs, so my computer is cleaner so to speak. Gotta reinstall Mass Effect 1 & 2 soon though...The Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC comes out tomorrow!
    Classes start again tomorrow...I'm so out of it and nervous. I've been pretty sick this weekend, so I barely got to take advantage of the extra studying time. I'm going to have to step up and be extra careful, I do not want to fall behind...
    I'm beyond exhausted (it's not even 10 yet!), and have to get up at 6:30AM...I am not a morning person. Just wanted to brag about Windows...oh, and in the next few days, not only is a art topic coming, but a certain short story that shall we say...is somewhat of a prequel to a certain upcoming epic?
  5. Lady Kopaka
    Hi guys.
    Black Six is a dear, everyone give him cookies.
    So um...yeah. Dunno what to say, other than I'm really exhausted for a bazillion fail reasons, and it's just nice to get on BZP. Missed everyone, I hope I can catch up. Very sorry for any problems the account caused.
  6. Lady Kopaka
    Mood: A mix of being sad and hyper (Can that be an emotion?)
    Currently Listening to: What Have You Been Doing Lately? - Relient K
    Currently Doing: MP3 Player shopping
    Well, my mp3 player (Sansa, 4GB) just broke. Well, actually it works fine, but for some reason when I plug it up to listen to music, I only hear it through one ear. And it isn't the headphones because I have tried many different pairs lying around our house. So...Yep.
    I don't want to blame on the mp3, it is a good, sturdy one. But I think the reason that part broke was my part. I was always jerking out the headphones because I never got a full time pair to stay in there. Whatever happened, don't be discouraged to get a Sansa, they are really good.
    Now, I wouldn't mind getting another (Being a lot more careful XD), but I discovered I have around $92 dollars now, and IF I get my money back from the mp3, I will have $222(Right?). So I was thinking of getting a bigger one. But I need your help, I have been looking through mp3 players and reviews and a bit scared on what to buy if this works out. Suggestions?
    I want around a 20+Gig, that's good on music, pictures and that sort of thing, also sturdy! So far I have looked at iPod, Zunes, Creative Zen and what else...? Opinions on my choices? Prices? ...Yes I know I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with iPod, but I heard the quality is good. So as long as it lives longer than 5 months, I am happy.
    Anyway, help on this ASAP would be great.
    BTW, thank you guys for the great reviews on my entry!
  7. Lady Kopaka
    Hi everyone. Long time no chat.
    Nothing very new or important to report. Just struggling to get by. Hoping to start seeing a light at the end of the black hole, you know?
    I'll be going to brickfair in VA this year again. Who else is coming?
    I'm not really sure what else to say, hmm. Anyone want to throw questions at me? Or how is everyone else? Summer going well so far?
  8. Lady Kopaka
    My brother and I are screaming like little girls. New Elder Scrolls Games? Mass Effect 3? Uncharted 3? If only we had news on the next Mirror's Edge...
    Either way, I'm going hysterical and I can't wait for some of these, it's just too much awesome to digest. And I can't forget about Portal 2, Guild Wars 2, Dragon Age 2 (so many 2's...); 2011 seems to be a good year for gaming. Not so much for my wallet though. I seriously need to start feeling better and get a job/do more with art commissions...
    What games are you guys most looking forward too? Sadness that I'm just picking this off the internet, not watching it on TV.
    oh, hi by the way. I'm sorta of out of it because finals are next week and I'm freaking out and being sick on top of it and my life is stressful so things are just a little crazy. just a little.

  9. Lady Kopaka
    I'm still busy up to my eyeballs with stuff, but I just wanted to say I hooked my internet back; it wasn't doing me any good. I thought by removing it I could get caught up in studies—apparently, it is not the source of my concentration problem. Sort of relieving to know it's not the problem, but annoying because now I have no idea how to force myself to get motivation back. I'm blaming it on my disorder for now.
    Didn't get much art done either, sadly. Wrote a 7,000+ word story, but it's based on an older personal project, so no one would get it, haha. Did some organizing of my novel too, I really wish I could focus working on it more. I need to get working on that BZP related epic for you guys too, huh?
    I'm so physically and mentally drained at the moment, but I'm hanging on. I ordered Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C./2nd Gig from Amazon with some spare money out of my savings, I'm hoping a GitS marathon will get me feeling better. I wish I was saving enough to get a PS3 sometime, though. FFXIII release is drawing closer...A Wacom Intuos sounds lovely too. Ah, someday over the rainbow.
    K, I'll stop babbling. How are you fellas? I miss talking to you all.
  10. Lady Kopaka
    What's YOUR quote?
    Ok anyway, I was having fun making banners, so I decided to make one with a quote I liked in it...Then I go, "Hey it would be cool to do requests like this!"
    So yeah...Post a quote you like in the comment thingy, and I will make the banner for you. I'll do colors, font, size available for choices, but nothing to fancy.
    But if this line gets long, please be considerate for me. XD
    Don't forget to give credit.
    Also make sure quotes are not to long.
    EDIT: Here is the link for all the current quote banners, feel free to take any you see, though I remind you that some of these were requested by certain members, while some were made by me.
  11. Lady Kopaka
    I've announced on other websites I frequent, but I forgot to mention here on BZP. I'm currently working on a series of short comics devoted to BIONICLE, particularly during the Makuta takeover arch. Frankly, I was upset in the direction of the story after Mahri Nui, so I'm working on redoing it. Obviously, this is my AU and I don't want to force it on anyone, but mayhaps some people will enjoy it?
    Here's quick facts about it:
    - To be released January of 2016 (though will keep everyone updated with concept art and so forth until then).
    - Will be in a alternative universe with mostly minor altercations to the story--but does its major detour during Karda Nui.
    - Human Bionicle portrayal. I could go on a long rant as to why I'm doing this, but in the end, it's because I want to do it this way.
    - Will be separated into comic issues--each one around 20 or so pages.
    - Each issue will be focusing on a particular group of characters and event.
    Here's an test page, random scene from Time Trap:

    That's all I have for today. I guess I'll decide if I want to make a topic or keep it here for all the progress work.
    Let me know if you guys have any suggestions or such.
  12. Lady Kopaka
    --that I feel like a monster.
    It's Zaktan. I actually drew a picture. I haven't done anything beyond doodles since January.
    I also speedpainted HB Helryx (mainly just practicing semi-realism), and did a rough on a Vorox. In the next week or two, I'll have a pretty spiffy picture of one up.
    Other than that, it's been a very rough week. I hope this artistic splurge will hang around to keep me company. Currently editing chapter two for Let the Flames Begin, and I unexpectedly got a short story idea--I was inspired by that picture I did of Zaktan. YES ANOTHER ZAKTAN FIC I AM PITIFUL.
    Have a good evening, everyone.
  13. Lady Kopaka
    Reposting, because why the karzahni not?
    For people who have already read glitch, I have a short story sequel. Otherwise on the GitS front, it's time to say goodbye to the fanfiction version. Currently attempting to make it a original sci-fi/cyberpunk graphic novel. Let's say 'attempting' is a keyword here.
    I also am drawing a bionicle drawing (first one in what...two years?). It's a biomechanical version of Nuju. I'd like to do a HB of some character as well, but I am unsure who.
    Welp. That's about it. Just sitting here doodling and eating cereal at 2AM in the morning.
    Oh and I got in a wreck because a deer thought it would be funny to attempt to flip my car. But you know, life. It knows how much I love all these bills.
  14. Lady Kopaka
    I needed something to do in this here blog.
    So I'm still finalizing my blog, but I thought it'd be cool to do this: you guys ask me almost any question, and I'll answer it. After I get enough interviews I'll add them to this entry, then link it in my bio section so you guys can checkout random facts about me.
    It can be a question about me, my life or maybe something concerning art or writing. Go crazy. ^^
  15. Lady Kopaka
    Hey guys, the winners and some honorable mentions! I was going to post earlier, but I was hanging out with Skullkid for the day (-finally-..and speaking of which, if you go check out his blog, you'll find the latest WIP drawing from me). Had a lot of fun, but didn’t get much homework done today…ah well…yay for fall break!
    The three winners!
    These characters will be given a fairly major role in the story as a supporting character.
    Grokk – created by Nuju Metru Grokk…a mercenary type guy…but a secret dream to make a theme park? His personality and depth is outstanding! I absolutely loved him the second I read the bio.
    Cadash Ohaniel – created by Lloyd: The White Wolf Interesting, destiny-hating, but deadly and powerful businessman. Can’t have a modern city like Jiahk without one. He’s sure to stir up trouble with the agency!
    Iavo – created by Toa_Velox What I liked about this mercenary type was that…well, he’s brutal. He has a lot of quirks you might expect, but others as well you wouldn’t—he’s a type that could send shivers up your spine. Not a guy I’d like to meet in a dark alley.
    Three honorable mentions! These characters will be given a small cameo role.
    Los Vog – created by Skullkid I just liked this guy’s down to earth persona. Not some handsome exciting Toa—just a gaudy cook/broker…Deviled Squid and Grits...I think Niihlus will stick with coffee, however.
    Kako – created by Eeko Sometimes, simplicity is best—Eeko pulled this off. Love the character and her ‘eccentric’ personality.
    Kadina – created by Muharax makuta of insanity Quite a dangerous gang leader that’s stirring up trouble in the streets of Jiahk…not to mention she’s a female Makuta!
    It was so hard to decide, really guys, thank you all for entering! I was very impressed with all the amazing characters. <3 
    For the winners, I’ll be PMing you shortly so I can ask/explain/etc (without trying to spoil) where your character will show up, among other things. There were also some close finalists that I will be PMing as well because I really liked some, but will have to come at a much later date/was conflicting with another character.
    And so, for NaNoWriMo I shall be working on the sequel…this means the story should emerge in December! An official date will be announced later. Again, thank you so much for taking the time to enter. Hopefully the story will be enjoyable! Feel free to congratulate these guys, ask questions on them/the story, or whatever you like.
  16. Lady Kopaka
    me, actually painting that stuff? it's unheard of.

    (click for fullview)
    was testing out some random custom brushes. Took about three hours. Did okay considering I rarely do scenery (and I'd like to change that). It's missing something...
    Also, new scanner works just fine, which hopefully means I can start showing art more often. Yay?
    College has been okay; not much homework so far. Hoping it stays this way, I got enough on my plate as it is.
  17. Lady Kopaka
    2011 is going to be -my- year. I'm not going to tolerate it running me over anymore. I have lots of things planned for this year. And so far my resolutions are:
    improve my health: exercise (can has parkour?), better food, and relentlessly stalk doctors until they find a solution for me draw more, even if it's just doodling everyday work on those commissions, and start that danged webcomic. work toward better grades in college find a decent paying job, and start seriously digging into art opportunities write! write! write! get a tattoo go to brickfair or a similar gathering! become more active on BZP improve on my lack of social skills--get out, and trust people more get my own place that's pretty much it. I don't really do resolutions, but it's a decent to-do list. those are large, undefined goals, but I plan to take it all one step at a time and try my best to improve my life. 
    as a added bonus, this was my last 2010 drawing:

  18. Lady Kopaka
    HEY GUYS LET'S MAKE 2018 AMAZING. Because 2017 was one of the most exhausting years I've had to contend with.
    Between current events, moving six hours away to a new town, a medical withdrawal from college (after attempting to return from a six year hiatus), my dad getting a serious cancer, financial problems (but at least I have generous family and friends to keep me homeless), health still NOT improving, friend struggles, and...I'll just cut the list early there. Suffice to say you get the idea.
    It wasn't all bad and I need to remember the good, but yeah, let's not do a repeat of that again. I hope your 2017 was better at least--and if you're struggling like me, let's stick together and hope 2018 is kinder. We can do this!
    I haven't canceled CATALYST, but with my health and life situations I've fallen dismally behind. I hope to be back in the groove soon. Either to continue it or have a new plan.
    Take care all~
  19. Lady Kopaka
    edit: don't like bumping...but i added kopaka finally... : )
    my internet browsing has been kind of dull without bzp...even if i am not super active right now.
    some updates on life:
    - had the flu all last week and still pretty sick with stuff
    - dropping out of college after this semester
    - actually been drawing (skip down)
    - spring break started for me
    - life is stupid
    anyway, ive been redesigning my HB nuva. just done their facial appearance, and overall these are just rough (but final) sketches
    pohatu, lewa, tahu, gali, onua, kopaka
    haven't done kopaka yet...his hairdue is causing me problems. ill try to show that one asap
    take care everyone
  20. Lady Kopaka
    ...that's happy about this recent news?
    I mean, I'll miss the sets. But I haven't been able to afford sets for years, anyway...I was always into the storyline. With this though, I'm quite content. Bionicle won't be held back by the sets, so maybe there's a good chance Bionicle can be flipped around so we can go back to that awesome mysterious, compelling story and characters. I haven't been very picky over the years, and I have enjoyed this series as well, but lately it's been way too confusing and rushed. This should be great for us older audiences too, maybe.
    Yep, quite happy indeed!
    This is making me more excited about a comic I have planned for sometime next year.
  21. Lady Kopaka
    can someone please remind me how it is to sleep? That thing where you close your eyes and don't have really bad nightmares or body aches? I am so dadgumed tired. Even when I'm not worried about college, those health issues keep me from falling into the right REM sleep.
    You guys. Don't take sleeping for granted. I remember a few weeks back I slept normally and it was the most wonderful thing ever. Do you guys seriously do that almost every night?
    The term 'taking for granted' has been on my mind a lot. I've bumped into a lot of people who just complain or think their life is horrible. I usually hate it when people say "it could be worse" (because you don't want to think about how much worse could this be), but the basic premise is true. I'm a hypocrite, but sometimes I just cringe when I see people like that. It's selfish. It's selfish because you're all busy with yourself when you could be helping someone in a worse circumstance; and along the way it could solve your problem as well.
    Learning over the years, 'problems' vary from person and location. One bad grade for a kid is no big deal; for the other it's traumatizing because this means she'll lose her scholarship. You hate school. Well, at least you can go--so many kids out there will never get a proper education, and many will work beyond their ability to get one. I could go down the list, but it can be vise-versa. We're all different people, we handle things differently. A break-up might seem silly to over-worry about in high school, but for that girl or guy who is beyond lonely and they think that's their only option to get rid of it--it is. Whether the intention is good or bad, it's always good to take a step back and view it.
    What qualifies your life to be bad? Did your little sister break a LEGO set of yours? Hate eating carrots? You got in a fight with your parent? Bad teacher? Sometimes those things are placed in front of us for a reason. Maybe to help you learn patience, understanding, or just how stupid people are and it’s not worth getting frustrated with.
    Instead whining, go out there and try to solve it. Do something, don’t just sit there. Find a person who has it worse than you and learn from them, or try to even help then. One amazing remedy to your own bitterness is being selfless. Trust me, it works. Not just helping others to feel good...when you get to that point when you help someone, and later realize that it made you feel good, you've come a long way. No, you're not running away from your problem, you're facing it. Don't bottle up your emotions either. If you need help, go get it! There are always options to solve things, no matter how grim your life may be. Find a few friends to talk to and get opinions from them about your dilemma. Getting different views can help more than you know.
    You may have a terrible dilemma and it takes years to solve, but in the end it will make you stronger, and more knowledgeable to help others with the same issue. For the ‘smaller’ ones, you’ll open your eyes more, see what’s really important. You should feel blessed that you didn’t experience what you thought you were experiencing. In a way, a problem or your own ignorance is a blessing.
    Nothing is wrong with having a pity-party or just being grouchy about some silly problem. But watch out…are you doing it because you really need that attention, or you want it because it makes you feel important? Don’t lie to others or yourself.
    There's this balance, and I really hope more people find it. I swear it isn’t that complicated, I’m just giving you a hard time with my rambling. Maybe some of this requires practice. I sure did. We’re human. We got the bad in us, but we also have the good in us to counter it as well. Trying is better than doing nothing and moping.
    Compassion, tolerance, and love are really important in times like this. We need to go out there more. While our world is expanding, we're also becoming more isolated in our gadgets, our worlds, our problems. Not only is that bad, but it makes us extremely closed-minded and many will never even conceive it. I'm not trying to make people guilty, or complain about complainers, I'm sorry. But someone needs to talk about it, yah know? This is more. I've seen so many people hurt through this confusing mess on both sides and I just want it to stop.
    So, the moral of the story is I need some chocolate and to go to bed.
  22. Lady Kopaka
    Lady Kopaka updated her art!
    Lady Kopaka is about to post her Epic!
    Lady Kopaka is now using a color for posting! (Following whatever theme I have going)
    Lady Kopaka needs to murder her dying keyboard.
    ....Lady Kopaka needs ice cream!
  23. Lady Kopaka
    Right now I'm living south of Nasvhille. I love it here, but it's too expensive. and I don't like the surrounding areas much either to live in. My initial plan was to go out west, to Denver, but that dream has fallen short. Smaller steps, I reckon.
    East coast is great too though! My brother and I are moving pretty much to the edge of Tennessee, Johnson City. ETSU is there and it's a small town with mountains!!! I'm sold, honestly. if things work out, we move mid-July. Found a nice apartment and everything.
    Speaking of ETSU, I'll be attending! I'm likely just going to start out part-time, but I (unless things change or I don't like the major) will be going for a B.F.A., concentration graphic design. maybe a minor in digital media. It's a weird thought...I haven't been in college since 2011. I'm excited to return.
    If you live in the surrounding area, let me know! I'm definitely going to need contacts. Also, I bet we could work something out to get you to roadtrip to Brickfair! That'd be fun! IDK, just throwing that option out there.
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