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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. Lady Kopaka
    Yeah, thanks a lot sickness stuff. Now I'm behind and have so much to do--not to mention all that extra stuff before graduation.

    Thankfully, Gibbs has been a rather good study partner.
    But on a lighter note, isn’t music such a blessing? I've got my hands on some albums I've been wanting, and they have been really inspiring. Hopefully enough so I can get back in shape with art and writing.
    Oh yeah...the awesome EmperorWhenua is having a problem making it to Brickfair, and we can't let that happen. Go read this blog entry and see if you can help out.
    (also, just finished organizing my commission list—I’ll be PMing the requesters tomorrow on the matter. I’ll make a content block too so you can keep track of the drawing’s progressions)
  2. Lady Kopaka
    The Blind Side >>>>>>> Avatar. If anyone objects so help me Lord, you won't get another invisible cookie from me again (that or I'll just beat you up). Why I saw that shallow blue kitteh movie instead of The Blind Side I will never know. Best movie of 2009, and that's a lot coming from me since I don't watch a lot of movies/tv.
    On a sadder (random) note, just warning people I probably will not make it to Brickfair this year. Not 100% sure yet, but it's leaning that way. Sorry.
    But jazz is the perfect remedy to lighten your mood. All I need now is chocolate, my inspiration for art/writing to come back, and the world shall be a better place. Somewhat.
    Okay, impromptu entry over, you guys stay cool.
    Oh? Commissions? Reviews? LtFB? Um..excuse me as I slip away to avoid those questions.
  3. Lady Kopaka
    Title was inspired when I was young--probably around two--I was apologizing to my parents because I was sick. Here again, my apologetic nature cannot help it.
    Sorry for not updating my epic in the past two weeks, staying on top of PMs, lack of updates on commissions, and not even posting once in the BZPRPG. And I've most likely forgotten other things I needed to do. (and yes, that is your cue to remind me)
    Blame a cold and other things that ambushed me. If it isn't one thing, it's the other. I'm trying to shrug that off and take control of life again--but when does that ever work? Haha. I was going to make more entries about Nepal...but obviously that didn't happen. I wish I could find a specific image my old man took while there, hmm...
    I sowwy.
    Good news though, there is a possibility that Glitch Audiobook isn't dead after all.
    edit: had to republish because DV pointed out one of the comments were chain-quoting.
  4. Lady Kopaka
    just warning you guys, blog is going to look a tad weird for this evening until I get my entry for Pimp My Blog all set up.
    Nepal is a very special place to me. I was lucky enough to even live around this area (in Kyrgyzstan) when I was young. Sadly, I have yet to go to Nepal itself--but my dad and older sisters used to live there. My dad would tell me the most amazing stories about his work there, and around other countries like Thailand and India, and the world seemed so much more than what I thought before. Something about these places has a beautiful, mysterious aura to them. The people, the culture, land...something is just rather enthralling about the Indies, and especially Nepal. Up to its highest peak, Mount Everest, all the way down to the forgotten villages far bellow.
    But it is also a land of great poverty. It makes me sad that such wonderful people must go through so much, and in such a stunning setting. Hence, when I go to Nepal someday I'm not just going there for touring. I'll be getting my hands dirty, maybe even be a teacher like my dad was to them.
    So this is why I chose it to be Pimp My Blog.
    Also, random phrase/word of the day in Nepali:
    Phet dookio: "my stomach hurts"
  5. Lady Kopaka
    EDIT: I don't usually bump entries, but I'd love to get a few more votes on which epic I should start on.
    First off, wondering if there would be anyone willing to help me edit Glitch? Hardcore editing not necessary, I just need a second pair of eyes to help me polish it so I can get it properly on BZP again. (can you believe that it’s been around for nearly two years already?)
    Secondly, decided I am going to post a large-scale epic in the upcoming months. However, I am torn by three ideas (yes, I have asked this before—just trying to finalize stuff)
    A Glitch in the System sequel. A continuation of Let the Flames Begin, which would be a normal sized epic story. A previous Bionicle fantasy related idea I discarded, but decided to give it a second chance. No need to ask “which one do you prefer?” because I can’t decide myself. 

    I have a drawing to share, I did back in January.
    Tis' Hewkii, Macku, Jaller, Takua, and Hahli. In acuality, they are not that cartoony, but it's a fun style to draw anyhow.
    Nothing else to show, excluding the commission I’m doing for Vorox Chief (which I hope I can finish this week). The whole commission thing is on hold though until I can figure out if I can handle it. Sorry.
  6. Lady Kopaka
    --that I feel like a monster.
    It's Zaktan. I actually drew a picture. I haven't done anything beyond doodles since January.
    I also speedpainted HB Helryx (mainly just practicing semi-realism), and did a rough on a Vorox. In the next week or two, I'll have a pretty spiffy picture of one up.
    Other than that, it's been a very rough week. I hope this artistic splurge will hang around to keep me company. Currently editing chapter two for Let the Flames Begin, and I unexpectedly got a short story idea--I was inspired by that picture I did of Zaktan. YES ANOTHER ZAKTAN FIC I AM PITIFUL.
    Have a good evening, everyone.
  7. Lady Kopaka
    HOLY SNAPPLES, look, I posted a story, and of all things, a (short) epic. A crummy story, but it's better than nothing...right?
    I will be super busy this week with school, work and a doctors appointments, so the only stable way to get me is via phone. Dear oh dear, just over a month until I graduate.
    Thought I had something else to say, but if I think of it I'll bump it in the entry. Afternoon, y'all.
  8. Lady Kopaka
    Oh, it's been a month since my last entry...sorry for disappearing on you guys.
    Lots of stuff going on, hence no blog entries because I'd rather keep it private and not look like a attention seeker. Still, wanted to say hullo to awesome BZPers. Probably won't be very active until things settle, but if I haven't responded to a PM or anything, please bug me about it. I cannot do any review requests or such, though.
    I may have to cancel commissions, excluding the ones people have already paid for. Sorry, I'm just not drawing at all anymore. Same goes for writing. If I have time I'll try to PM all the people who wanted commissions from me and sort this out.
    Nothing really interesting going on; VF got me ACII, which is awesome, though I haven't been able to play much. Um...animal crackers and yogurt taste amazing together?
    Have a happy St. Patty's today, as well. (no pinching, I'm one of them 'lucky' Irishman. Yeah.)
  9. Lady Kopaka
    Well if it wasn't for a funky freeze on Mass Effect 1...I think I would be playing all night, but I guess it's for the best since I don't need to stay up late.

    Aaand I got two wonderful bookmarks by Nikira. Happyface.
    But my only real-life friend is going back to Germany, I'm terribly sick with all sorts of nastiness/blood pressure has been unhealthily low, and I can't seem to find a doctor for awhile about this. I also accidently burnt my thumb trying to light candles for some meditation; lol irony. I hope I feel well enough for work tomorrow...darn that lucky streak ending. Sadface.
  10. Lady Kopaka
    Important: Because of some illogical pricing, I had to go back and fix prices…some things were slightly raised (sorry) but just by a few dollars so things would make sense. This only applies to people who have not paid me yet.
    Also, can y’all do use this template for further requests? You guys have been really helpful giving me the right references for your art, but this just saves me a lot of time when I have to organize them.
    Medium: (sketch, ink, colour)
    Technical: (size of the drawing, how many characters, head shot/waist-up/full, etc.)
    Description: (information on the drawing itself)
    Background: (scenery/other)
    Drawing Style: (anime, realism, comic, etc)
    Colouring Style: (just needed for coloured pieces)
    Other: (for those nitpickers)
    Hi, help. I'm willing to sacrifice time to draw you something so I can buy food and pay off car bills. And I'll throw in a free invisible cookie.
    All drawings are usually sketched on a 8.5x11 sheet of paper, unless specified otherwise.
    Pencil (Pencil/Digital sketch)
    Headshot/Bust - $4
    Waist Up - $7
    Full-body Single Character - $10
    +backgrounds - $3-$7
    +extra character/or other - $3-$7
    Inked (Ink pens/Digitally inked)
    Headshot/Bust - $7
    Waist Up - $10
    Full view Single Character - $13
    +background - $3-$10
    +extra character/or other - $3-$10
    Coloured (Digital/Colour-pencil/Watercolour/Markers)
    Headshot/Bust - $10-$13
    Waist Up - $14-$17
    Full view Single Character - $18-$21
    +background - $5-$20
    +extra character/or other - $5-$15
    (note: colour prices vary because of the amount of time, and different styles/materials used)
    Rough sketches - $3-$10
    Character Design Sheet - $25
    +Base colour (for b&w images) - $3-$7
    • Shipping of the original to you is optional; fees on shipping is determined during payment stage, if you wish to have the original. (note: digital commissions cannot be sent out, unless it’s a large/unique)
    • I hold the right to refuse a certain request for my own reasons. I accept cash, check, money orders, or paypal.
    • Prices may differ when discussing your request. It is determined by materials, size, time, and the drawing itself.
    • While I promise to work hard and diligently, give me some leeway at times. I will be more than happy to fix mistakes, but I cannot overwork myself with nitpicking; I may have to charge extra if this happens.

    1. Raia
    2. Jithra
    3. TAK the Voyager
    4. Vorox Chief
    5. Inferna Firesword
    6. Spink's Cat
    7. Necro
    If you’d like to bug me with questions, feel I should fix something, or whatever—you’re more than welcome to point it out via PM or comment.
  11. Lady Kopaka
    I only got one problem wrong in my math test. For once.
    I haven’t felt tired all day. Not really sore/sickish either. (even woke up around 9)
    I have finished my essay quickly.
    Loving the wonderful support on commissions. <3
    I -feel- like drawing.
    My amazing friend from Germany surprised me with a visit and will be here for another week.
    Also starting my art tutoring job next week, going to add a 250GB harddrive to my comp, ordering Mass Effect 2 CE in a few days, and my car is nearly fixed.
    Something is very fishy about today...very happy, but it makes me wonder what's going to happen in exchange for the good mood. Hmm...
    (note: I am not bragging; just so much bad happening lately; so when the good comes I am very thankful)
  12. Lady Kopaka
    I can't sleep/don't want to (so tired of the nightmares), so umm...
    - A short story I have had plans for is turning into a mini epic. It's only going to be about four chapters long though. It's only meant for practice, but it could end up being a prequel for an epic here if I decide to do it.
    - I fixed my library topic.
    - Still trying to decide on commissions...what kind of layout would you guys like the info/prices? I felt my previous one was too complicated.
    - Everyone should go check these out and awe.
    - I love the new FMA: Brotherhood intro.
    Curled up
    in a world with
    little gravity
    washed-out hope
    fitted together
    from scissors and glue
    a little duct tape too
    Bruises and truths
    were all in a line
    waiting for a
    satire metaphor
    And when it came down
    to the only thing i found
    do you think it’s all right?

  13. Lady Kopaka
    I need to know something: how many of you are interested in commissioning me or buying previous art that I've done?
    Not trying to nag...I'm just currently reorganizing a lot of stuff in life, and I need to know what direction I'll be heading in this. If I have enough interest I'll post the info.
    I'll bump/edit this if I get enough interest. Either way, I want to thank everyone for their previous openness about this, whether you could commission or not. It's extremely appreciated.
  14. Lady Kopaka
    Please read this.
    BZP is getting very edgy for me. It seems a growing fad that people are purposely trying to get under everyone's skin, getting arrogant, or generally being rude.
    It's not a really nice way to act for new members, and not to mention the atmosphere isn't feeling very friendly or inviting.
    Can we get along and love each other a little more, please?
  15. Lady Kopaka
    Okay, so after some issues have been settled here (still busy...soo sorry for not responding to PMs or being on IM), I think I see where to go with the project. I was going to do the fantasy epic one, but since I would like to take a career as a writer seriously, I'm saving that idea for a novel sometime in the future.
    The next best choice was the Dark Hunter one. However, I'm going to be doing it in a story format instead of comic, but I'd still love to do some art for it on the side. I'll keep you updated on this if/when I start. I’m extremely excited for this one, and I hope you all will like it.
    I'm going to be very busy, but I'm hoping it'll be a 'good' busy and I won't get stressed all the time. Instead of endless job hunting, I'm in progress of doing art tutoring and teaching for the nearby area, and so far I've been getting a lot of positive feedback for this. I'm encouraged this will work out much more than a part-time job at a store (better for experience, more money, and easier on my health and life situation). If there are any BZPers in my area looking to be taught art…send me a PM!
    Okay, gotta’ back to math...which is icky—but did I mention how awesome Astronomy is?
  16. Lady Kopaka
    I know I said today would be the day I would announce my project...but a couple things have come up:
    lots and lots of schoolwork. I really need to get on top of it before starting any other projects. Just five more months, five more months... my car did a fail and I'm having to pay around $200 to get something fixed (thank goodness my old man knows how to fix car stuff or it could be so much more). So...no tablet for awhile. I'm still up to accepting commissions though, I'm sorta scraping my account bare to pay for this. gotta work harder at finding a job... having some confusion on which project to do at the last moment, so trying to reconfigure things. However, I am doing a lot of Glatorian HB designs, and I hope to start posting more art on BZP, even if it isn't for a big project. As a peace offering gift, I'll leave you with a picture of Komas doing the awesome face expression (it was completely by accident, I swear).
  17. Lady Kopaka
    I think I have decided.
    Stayed up late looking at GW2 concept art...and that pretty much made my desicion, LOL. I'll be saving for a Intuos4, and I'll just grab a 4-8GB USB for those files I was worried about. In a few months when I have my job problem solved, I'll move onto the mp3 player.
    Soo uh...not officially doing commissions atm, but anyone willing to give me a few bucks for some sketches or lineart stuff? C:
    And once I sort this out, I'll probably sell my old tablet...anyone interested buying in the near future? (still works like a charm and comes with the box and all; I won't be charging too much)

    also on a irrelevant note, LK will be on less for awhile (again) because of all the junk she's allowed to pile on her plate...blah!
  18. Lady Kopaka
    I have a question for everyone, concerning upcoming projects I’m doing. (don't feel obliged to do this; this can just be for people interested in my projects)
    A comic series involving original Bionicle characters (focusing on Dark Hunters most likely), in a somewhat altered HB world? A large-scale fantasy epic? (inspired by Princess Mononoke and Treasure Planet) A comic or epic (sequal/prequel/midqual; undecided) for Glitch in the System? Or maybe you guys would just like something else, or me to start commissions again? I just realized my head is exploding with ideas and I can’t really decide what to jump to first. I can’t juggle them all at once, but it doesn’t mean if you choose one, you may never see the other. So yes, what would you guys like?
  19. Lady Kopaka
    Relient K's Christmas album is great. Oh yeah, hi, I'm alive. Sorta. GRAH being sick ruined my plans to get a lot done this month. If only I could function a bit more, I could get some things done without getting sick or something stupid; siiiigh, it's ridiculous. Maybe I should stop complaining and just try extra hard or something, I dunno, but I can't keep living like this.
    Anyhow, updating this Christmas entry…
    What I got

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «From siblings/parents: -These awesome shoes
    -A comfy fleece blanket
    From friends and relatives:
    -Lotion, which I think I’ll spend more time sniffing than using
    -The Ranger’s Apprentice books 1-3 from Tifosi92 (thanks!!)
    -Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone from Raia (thank you toooo!)
    -$50 from my grandparents O_____O
    -Another $50 from my grandmother (my mom's side) O__________O;;
    ^ they usually just give me $20 or something…this is amazing. You have no idea how thrilled and thankful I am to get that much! I have money for gas now, LOL. There is always a plus side to having a large family! And downsides too…
    What I gave

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «-This ridiculous thing for you guys when I didn’t have enough time to do something proper -A commission for BCii is finally (or 99% anyway) finished!
    -Princess Mononoke to my brother
    -A lego car racer thing to my other brother
    -Switchfoot’s Hello Hurricane and Paramore’s Brand New Eyes for my sister
    -Four matching coffee mugs for mom
    -A movie and chocolate for dad
    -_________ for Tifosi92. (he hasn’t gotten it in the mail yet, haha)
    -A few late drawings and presents for friends...sorry guys!!
    -And some other assortments to my relatives; though I feel bad I wasn’t able to get anything for my other siblings and a majority of friends—but it stinks to be jobless and let gas eat away at your wallet. I’ll make up for it in the upcoming month, however.

    Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and have a good upcoming New Year!
  20. Lady Kopaka
    Emeritus meaning, I will be taking a break from BZP—save to assist with the Audiobook and another thing of importance. Lots of stuff going on in life, and I really got to focus on getting those things straightened out.
    Just a note, if you saw my signature, 1/10/10 is when I'll be announcing my project for BZP. If only it would all come together in my head, things could start moving faster.
    Anyway guys, wishing everyone an upcoming Merry Christmas and Happy New-year. See y'all in a few weeks.

  21. Lady Kopaka
    Hullo everyone! On Friday and Saturday I got to meet BZP members Tifosi92 and his family (Tifosi94, Peach 00, and parents). We had a lot of fun! Did some touring around town, ate at Mellow Mushroom, and then they got to hang at our house and do a lot of ridiculous things. It was so fun! Here's a group shot of us:

    Tifosi92, myself (icky I look terrible), and Tifosi94. The lovely lady on us is Peach 00. This was also my very first internet/BZP meet up. It wasn't as weird as I'd thought it would be. We'll have to do this again sometime, it was great! 
    Also, random note...my evil plans for a certain project is in the works. Slowly. Darn you plots. For a hint, here's a rough preview:

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « I have to head off and sleep, tomorrow will be a BUSY day. So, I'll leave you with a pic of Gibbs napping.
  22. Lady Kopaka
    As much as I was hoping December would be a good month, it's shaping to be pretty rough. Ignoring dumb reality issues, I completely ruined a drawing by accident, got so frustrated with trying to repair it a moment ago, I give up. So here's a drawing of (unfinished) HB Glatorians...yeah, I still do that thing.
    Yay link~
    Testing with styles...sorry, I'm still kind of unfamiliar with the characters this year.
    I'm losing motivation for everything. *nibbles on chocolate in a corner while watching GitS*
    EDIT: just a quick note...the topic for the Glitch in the System Audiobook is now posted!
  23. Lady Kopaka
    ...that's happy about this recent news?
    I mean, I'll miss the sets. But I haven't been able to afford sets for years, anyway...I was always into the storyline. With this though, I'm quite content. Bionicle won't be held back by the sets, so maybe there's a good chance Bionicle can be flipped around so we can go back to that awesome mysterious, compelling story and characters. I haven't been very picky over the years, and I have enjoyed this series as well, but lately it's been way too confusing and rushed. This should be great for us older audiences too, maybe.
    Yep, quite happy indeed!
    This is making me more excited about a comic I have planned for sometime next year.
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