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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. Lady Kopaka
    Yeah, thanks a lot sickness stuff. Now I'm behind and have so much to do--not to mention all that extra stuff before graduation.

    Thankfully, Gibbs has been a rather good study partner.
    But on a lighter note, isn’t music such a blessing? I've got my hands on some albums I've been wanting, and they have been really inspiring. Hopefully enough so I can get back in shape with art and writing.
    Oh yeah...the awesome EmperorWhenua is having a problem making it to Brickfair, and we can't let that happen. Go read this blog entry and see if you can help out.
    (also, just finished organizing my commission list—I’ll be PMing the requesters tomorrow on the matter. I’ll make a content block too so you can keep track of the drawing’s progressions)
  2. Lady Kopaka
    I now have a PS3! I thought I'd never get one! It's one of those awkward old ones that doesn't do backwards capability (agggh), but I bought it from a friend for a epic price. I'm just so thankful I was able to get one. Haven't had any problems with it yet.
    If any of you have one, my account on psn is Lady-Kaguya. I only own Mirror's Edge and Uncharted now, though. It honestly should have been the last thing for me to buy when I'm so busy with work and future plans, but meh, I needed to spoil myself. It's been a rough few years.
    Sorry about the commission stuff again...I swear, every time I promise to get that started I get sick. You guys are going to have to bear with me, my state is too unpredictable to make any promises. And it's driving me crazy because I worry about work and college...
    Anyhow, don't worry, isn't as bad as it sounds. I'm training myself to just worry about today, and not tomorrow. The tactic is surprisingly very helpful and stress-relieving.
    Haven't been on BZP much besides lurking...what's going on in the forums? How are all you guys doing? Anything my Dory-like self forgot to mention or anything?
    EDIT: put my content blocks all on one side again because of the larger banners effecting the comments.
  3. Lady Kopaka
    Today is Friday the 13th. Huh. And I’ve discovered that, it can in fact prove to be a very terrible day.
    Assassin's Creed keeps crashing on me, and I have no idea what it is doing. (The NEXT person that suggests lowering quality gets a fish in the face!) I'll probably have to wait for a patch from Ubisoft. Sigh.
    I ordered Mass Effect a few days ago, hopefully it won’t crash. :3 Though...I kind of regret getting these new games and video card, I can barely get on this computer. In fact I have 10 minutes left (I despise being timed. ; so I need to hurry with what I was doing.
    Another odd thing about today is my brother is currently at the hospital. Some dog bit him and he's probably getting bandaged up or stitched. I'm not so sure, but he was in pitiful shape.
    And a bunch of relatives are coming over tomorrow, oh no!
    And no I'm not officially back... I just felt like talking about the hilarious coincidence of today. I really need to find a way to get more than 30 minutes a day on the computer, or I’m going to go insane or something. DX
  4. Lady Kopaka
    If you guys ever have spare money, I vote for supporting a fellow artist. I recently got someone on dA to do a drawing of my cat Gibbs for me and I am blown away.

    I can't get over how awesome it is!
    and no, this isn't about my commissions at all, this is about all artists in general. Even if you can't afford a drawing, still give 'em some love! I just felt compelled to post this because I forget how grateful we should be to artists--not only people who draw, but musicians, actors, writers, MoCists...any kind! Heaven forbid a world without art.
  5. Lady Kopaka
    I have noticed something as of late. All thanks to Glitch in the System. And UK too.
    You people....
    Stay away from my braaaaaaiin! D: now everyone is out to devour it!
    *Puts a hard helmet on and runs away*
  6. Lady Kopaka
    I’ve been busy with ACT studies. The test comes tomorrow for me. Surprisingly for my usual distressing behavior, I’m taking it okay. I don’t want to become a doctor—so as long as I can get a high enough score to get scholarships (which I really need), not to mention I can take it again. Still...it's been hard to prepare for it when I've been sick, I better not fail too badly.
    Hopefully after that’s over, I can get back in habit of writing/art/bzp stuff. I can’t wait until I graduate…ever since I moved my motivation for school has been zilch, I hate teaching myself and being stuck inside the house 24/7.
    I'm craving ramen noodles and to have a SG1 marathon—sadly, school is glaring at me, so I must depart.
    Oh, I command everyone to give Nikira cookies, kittens, and hugs. She’s awesome and such a dear. Do not try to deny it.
    Also, please remember.
  7. Lady Kopaka
    Current Mood: Tired
    Currently Listening to: Chap Stick, Chapped Lips, and Things Like Chemistry – Relient K
    Currently Playing: (More) Sims 2
    At this exact moment, I noted that Nikira and I have the same post count.
    Ah, how much I want to go shopping! I'm not much for clothes shopping, but I do need a pair of pants and a few Ts. But the main reason is getting Seasons and THE NEW RELIENT K ALBUM! <3
    So I hope I go asap.
    Well, once again voting is going weird in the finals and not what I expected it to be, but oh well, it’s the majority. But still I dun like it. >>
    I'm really tired. And my mouth hurts due to braces, and my Orthodontist said I was doing fine; but you know what he said to me?

    Well, I think I am going to either write on another Short Story, or do some art....Ideas? I want to do some big Bionicle art project since I haven't done many. But not sure what...
  8. Lady Kopaka
    Oh man, after waiting like... forever, and after scrapping up $20 (okay... need to find $10 more to pay back mom), I ordered Prince of Persia back on Sunday, and it came today. =D
    Been playing it for the past hour or so, I haven't gotten much time or peace with it cause I have to play it in the living room on the family computer... but it's so pretty!
    It's like an artist painted the graphics. It's simply gorgeous. And then the new 'Prince' is such a hunk and is made up of so much awesome. Also the whole Elika-saving-you-from-death isn't as bad as I thought it be, she's a fun character to hang around with.
    ...Though, it's particularly eerie that the two are just like Komas and Tachi.
    I plan on writing a review on the game later, stay tuned.
    If I can, I shall spend the last of 2008 playing games, with some art and writing thrown in. Memorable huh?
  9. Lady Kopaka
    I'm feeling really sick so I'm off to bed soon, but needed to post this:
    Okay, since I finished Vorox Chief’s piece, I’m officially starting back on commissions for everyone again, whoo!
    If you asked for a commission, you might want to remind me…I only remember Inferna’s. Otherwise, there are four empty spots. And I really will get these done at a humane time (and if I am late, it's because of life/sickness), because this is essential since I’ll be living off of commishes and contracts in the upcoming years. The information is in my content block, fourth one down. So yeah, I really appreciate the support. If you have any questions, just ask here on in PM.
    Speaking of such, I really do have art to show, promise! Over five drawings! Bionicle too! Blame my scanner. The bugger is slowing everything down. I've also noticed a lot of people wondering where all my oldish art is. If you guys didn't know, when I was hacked last year it was all deleted from maj/brickshelf. I'm currently re-uploading a decent amount and will let you know when they're available.
    (and don't forget about that contest!)
  10. Lady Kopaka
    6AM: Wake Up
    7AM: Be out the door to make it for class
    8-9AM: Intro to Visual Arts
    10-11AM: Quick stop at home to get reorganized and make a lunch
    12-1PM: Work
    2-5PM: Grueling Studies Class
    7PM: Drag myself home and hope I can sleep decently
    I do not like Thursdays. It could be worse I suppose, it's just all the driving is tiring and gas eating blaaah.
    anyhow, some random updates:
    I got a 16GB Zune! I got it on sale (hence why I didn't get iPod), and I'm really loving it. <3 No qualms so far...I'm not a app person, but I wish it had a few more (something to read documents would be nice). I just wish I could have afforded the 32GB haha, I already filled mine out. I got my hands on the last Harry Potter book! I'm rather afraid to finish it... I got a 98 on my history test a 100 on my essay! Now about my Visual Arts result tomorrow...? Why is trying to find a place to move out and getting a car so flusterating? Only one slot left in my commission list, though I may accept one or two more...either way, hurry before I close it and start on the art! Speaking of art...scanner still hates me. *cry* Planning on extending the contest for another week, to those who are feeling rushed. Audiobook recording should began again this week, next week at the latest. I'm also considering dying (not permanent) my hair purple and dressing up as the Major from Ghost in the Shell for Halloween...hmm. Okay, break time over...gotta finish some homework for class tomorrow. *headdesk*
  11. Lady Kopaka
    Current Mood: *Trying to wake up*
    Currently Listening to: Bring 'Em Out - Hawk Nelson
    Currently Doing: Drawing!
    Yay I'm back, hello BZP, hello home, hello computer, hello, hello hello!
    Had lots of fun up in TN, mostly stayed up late and slept late. But hey, I got lot of art done, and just bought the newest Hawk Nelson CD, Cars Soundtrack, an Avatar DVD...and err, I think that's it.
    Though I am glad to be home, then again, we have school. ;-; I no want to start school.
    ...You know I had a bunch to say, and now I forgot all...Well yall can ask questions about my trip if even more curious.
    Ok, maybe I can be a bit detailed on my art at least, I got 3 requests almost ready to show, a few more picture, and a group shot of 4 doods *CoughguessCough*, and it looks really cool. And I'm going through and organizing my maj off-topic art, since like I haven't touched it that much, so it has a lot of my old and ucky art.
    Why does the idea of my art sticks to death keep on slipping in my mind? It's getting on my nerves and hurting my esteem. >< Even though...It is true.
    Um, what else to say? Am I missing anything else? Mmhh?
  12. Lady Kopaka
    first my day started out pretty good (mmm sleeping in and cuddling my Gibbs)
    then it got sorta bad (no I do not want to be sick and skip another class)
    then it was good again (yay for my church that I have not visited in months)
    then it got reaaaaallly bad (personal...lets just say I'm much more serious about moving now)
    then I checked my financial aid status and it's granting me $2,000 per semester. (most relieving thing I've heard in months)
    In the end? Good day. Let's just hope this rollercoaster doesn't have a steep drop.
    Needs more art, writing, and bzp though!
  13. Lady Kopaka
    It’s snowing.
    The first thing I did was run around outside in the dark, face up toward the dark blue sky, dancing around with the beauty of the falling snow. I just wanted to cry or something! It's not snowing a super lot, but just the perfect amount... it's so lovely.

    Stop laughing at me; I haven’t seen snow in years. You know how deprived I’ve been??
    Now it's just outside being all white and fluffy and pretty. The neighbors have some christmas lights on... aahh, snooowww. <3
    I though, find it really funny that the year I move from LA, that it suddenly snows there too.
  14. Lady Kopaka
    Oh my goodness! Oohhh....mmyyyy....gooodnesss.....*Goes into shock*
    Aanchir paid for a LIFETIME membership for me, I mean....wow....
    Seriously, this past few weeks I really haven't been in the best mood because of life issues and stuff, (I've really tried my best to contain my emotions though so you guys don't start to worry or anything though) so this is basically what happened, I get on the computer stuff'n my mouth with cereal then I see lots of PMs, so I go to check em...and look! There is a PM from dear ol' Nikira. I check it and she said I had just become an OBZPC and saying congrats and stuff. So I literally choke on my cereal and almost spit on the screen. XD
    So dreadfully confused and wondering if this was some little joke (Though I know Niki wouldn't do that, so that wouldn't have worked out) I go to see my profile...and there it was all in orange and bold:
    Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
    So ZOMG! I'm so happy and hyper. 8D
    I mean, part of me feels like I don't deserve this, but I am super grateful for getting it so I wouldn’t trade it in for the world.
    So yes, thank you very much Mr. Aanchir and now, just like Mizz Nikira suggested, we woman shall now go own all the OBZPC guys. Yeee haaaaw!
  15. Lady Kopaka
    I just caught up with all the recent Bionicle storyline stuff that has bewildered and confuzzled my brain these days.
    But I really want Toa Lesovikk and Maxilos & Spinax, but I don't have the money.
    I have been doing lot's of Bionicle art! And so far it's all good!
    Save for one, which the pretty background I was painting got all messed up.
    And I have like a million short stories I'm doing, and so far they are good.
    But I am low on time to work on them, and I don't know which to finish first.
    As you can tell, I'm rather bored and have been craving to blog really bad for some reason, but I don't have much to say at this moment, unless you guys have any suggestions.
    Hurrah and Boo.
  16. Lady Kopaka
    I don't like being sick. Specially the kind that you basically starve yourself for a few days in fear of eating. Uuuugh stomach, not cool man, not cool. I've lost too much weight lately, not eating is the last thing I should be doing!
    I don't like the thought of having to repost all those GITS chapters and catch up on PMs and reviews. (I really don't mind it all, just none of it sounds very fun now)
    I also don't like being unable to sleep.
    Have I stated how much I distaste any forms of the stomach bug?
    I don't like a lot of things right now.
    I really don't like complaining...and being crabby, and a crabby LK is usually rare. But apparently I am right now.
    I would ask for hugs, but I'd rather not get anyone sick.
  17. Lady Kopaka
    Good morning all you dears, I am currently still in my pajamas, SERIOUSLY scary hair, and half asleep. So ignore random comments, while I am under the influence of being tired.
    Well, after waiting almost two weeks, my Indiana Jones Video Game came; it’s a very good game in my opinion. BUT of course, it could be more helpful if I could get my controller to work, instead of using the keyboard, and more checkpoints or quick saves could do me good....Oh well, it’s still very nice.
    My arts going along nicely, even though I haven't updated, I need to scan and show sometime, but I am currently under distress, as I cannot find my sketch pad that has a request in it, and I must ink it and color, I hope it didn't get thrown away, I would be traumatized, all those pictures in there....Well lets just hope I can find it.
    On another note, I finally took pictures of my best in show-first place 'Titanic Painting'. I am very proud of it, and will probably show it in the COT section. Now if I could only find my wire so I could move the pictures to the computer....
    Well my dad calls, breakfast is ready. (Yum, eggs, cut up potatoes and so much more!) So bye for now.
  18. Lady Kopaka
    Hey everyone, awhile back I pointed out I may be doing a art/set trade and I’d like to confirm I’m officially interested in offers about this now.
    I’m posting this somewhat early, respectfully assuming this may take a few weeks to find someone who may be interested in doing this. To those who are unfamiliar with this: I would send you an original copy of a drawing of your choice, and in return you would send me a Bionicle set. I’m not specifically sure which set I want, but I am aiming for the 09 ones. When I start getting offers I’ll pick through and decide which set I’m most interested in.
    And just in case this will be settled within a week or so, I will clearly state I have a few art projects that must be done before I start this. Tarik and Raia (anybody else I’m forgetting?), very sorry about the art-trade lag on my part. I’ve been very busy with school/life, not to mention some nasty artist block. But you guys understand, so I’ll try to finish that asap.
    Anyone interested?

  19. Lady Kopaka
    Oh my freaking gwrosh! My dads present finally came in the mail today, and guess what it is?
    A MP3 PLAYER! Its so tiny, and very light. But its amazing that it can hold up to 1GB. ^^ So far I have a lot of songs, I am still learning how to do it, so I forgot the exact, but its a lot. Now I am going to see if I can put some of my stories(and my friends, that I been meaning to read) on it, so on the trip, I think I will be able to read it.
    Its very awesome, and so thankfull that my dad got it, he's the best!
    WELL, except when he got mad and figured out I wasted my birthday money on Guild Wars, I felt guilty, but I probably wont spend 50 bucks on a game again. (Stupidest thing I have ever done) Next time I will look around for a cheaper price before buying it. ><
    My stomach still hurts, and I guess I will go scan my art. So farewell.
    EDIT: Discovered I have 375 songs, and I am still missing some.
  20. Lady Kopaka
    BRB, heading off to North Carolina for the weekend in a few hours (oh I so do not want to leave at 5am). One of my sisters' is getting married, and we'll hang by the beach for the extra day. Too bad we can't stay longer, boo. I love the area where my sis lives.
    Oh but ahaha very funny family, since my two oldest sisters' are already married, apparently I'm next in line? Good luck waiting for that to happen.
    Gunna be offline for the weekend and a few days after that 'cause of college/work. To those who have my number, feel free to reach me like that. I'll hopefully get some homework done and get drafts of commissions ready to scan when I get back. Sorry about not being on top of review requests and PMs btw, been really busy and sick as usual.
    Don't forget that the deadline is in two days! (I feel like I forgot about what else to say?)
  21. Lady Kopaka
    This is not funny.
    Sept-Present has been the only time when I've been really active. I've lost so much posts...but forget about posts, all those reviews I did for people, and worst of all the art and writing.
    I'm thankful the admins were able to save this much, so don't get me wrong, but still...I didn't need this. I've been having some rough weeks. I just wanted BZP back so I could get some art up, along with GITS updates...
    I'll be busy for the week, with school. So don't expect me being active, or art for awhile, especially after this, because whatever little motivation or esteem I had left is now completely gone.
    I have looked over stuff...aside from loosing about 200+ posts, my art topic is gone, most of GITS stuff (review page included), and two short stories.
    I'll work on rebuilding GITS but I'm not sure about the other stuff, I may not have the time and I'm not sure if it's worth it now anyway.
  22. Lady Kopaka
    Okay, I know I have commissions to do…
    But I need inspiration! Anything! Agh! My brain is so zonked ‘cause of things, this artist block is terrible! Even when you know you have ideas hiding within you, they won’t come out, and anything you try to draw looks so…ewww. Flusterating, quite infuriating and stressing! Same goes to my writing as well. It's just annoying, because I want to improve and simply enjoy it all, but how can I like this?
    Do y'all have any advice on killing artist/writers block, and, maybe some suggestions for drawings/projects? I've been rather frustrated with finding my own style, and pinpointing my weaknesses...so helping with that is a plus too.
    Hopefully I can start showing more art and writings soon. Thanks for dealing with my silly venting, and for any advice.
  23. Lady Kopaka
    ...Brickfair. ;.;
    It’d be a great vacation! Or I think, anyway. Never really had one before, so maybe I’ll have the courage to talk to my parents about it…oh, I really want to, I really just want to get out! Doing school throughout the entire year is a killer! I'm only about eight hours away this time since moving! I think I have a chance...just money is the major issue. I think I know what I'm saving my spare bucks from commissioning for. :]
    Who else is/maybe going? I'm very excited!
    Also guys, don't forget the Glitch auditioning deadline is tomorrow, I'm looking forward to the final casting!
    ...oh and I drew HB Komas, without goggles. Who would be interested in seeing that? :3
  24. Lady Kopaka
    Happy 4th of July everyone! I hope everyone has a fun time with fireworks, grilling and other fun activities that you may have. Sadly I’m going to miss out on a lot because I’m having bad sinuses today and all I wanna do is sleep. DX
    Good news is while the family goes around having fun; I can at least stay home and work on a lot of art and writing. I’ve thought of an awesome story idea (now being worked out as a ‘short epic’) about those two Toa characters I’ve created. So far it’s really entertaining to write, I hope you guys will enjoy it when I get it done.
    And so I need sleep, but here are some doodles/drafts of the characters:

    Just a bunch of random doodles I've done on different sheets of paper and then merged them together on photoshop.

    Just a quick full body drawing of them, trying to fix proportional issues.
    They are without doubt my favorite characters I’ve ever created for Bionicle. x3 Sadly I have no clue what their colour scheme could be, so any suggestions would be greatly valued (Such is the reason why I have not finished this drawing yet). I was going to wait until I have the final version of the drawing up, but I have a contest for you guys:

    Tachi is the girl; she’s a Toa of electricity. 
    Komas is the goggle man, and is a Toa of Sonics.
    First person to guess the inside joke about their names gets a cookie and a sneak peak to my story (only if you are interested though).
    Now….sleep! :3 *Crashes onto couch*
    Edit: InsaneKungFuCharSiewPower won, the inside joke/reference was from the anime Ghost in the Shell and there are robotic characters called ‘Tachikomas’. Though I’ll tell you now to any who are familiar with the anime, these two Toa characters are nothing like Tachikomas, and it’s just a reference.
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