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Blog Comments posted by Deerbird-Chan

  1. DRAMA.jpg


    Drama of which the opposing party believes that I shouldn't be a staff member, nor a Lego Ambassador all because of a joke picture of me doing something. A picture of which the opposing party shouldn't have originally obtained.




    Just to throw this out there:


    I don't think that it was the picture that swayed their opinions one way or the other. From what I've heard and seen, some people... well... just don't like you, Omi. Just like some people don't like B6, don't like Chocolatefrogs, or any of the other members who are candidates for LEGO Ambassador. Believe me, had they liked you, they probably would have used the photo in your favor - calling you cool, funny, and whatnot. So I don't think that the problem is with the photo itself, even though it certainly didn't help.


    The problem is that some people just don't like the way you come across on BZPower. Personally, I've always found you nice and easy to get along with, but not everyone has the same view of you as I do. To these people, the photo was just one more thing to use against you. So I'm not sure that claiming the bias against you is entirely caused by the photo is really an accurate analysis.



  2. Well, I'm kind of confused now.


    If I'm reading correctly, and Exo wasn't using that image against you on BZP, then was there a reason to punish him for it? People keep all sorts of things on their Maj/Photobucket/Flickr/Geocities/etc. It sounds as if Exo wasn't intending to use this against you on BZP, so I don't really see the problem you have with him specifically - unless he was planning to put it out there simply so other people could use it against you. Still, if someone else had found the image and was using it, then I would say yeah, go after that person, but don't go after Exo simply because he/she found the image on Exo's page. From what I've read, he just swiped it from someone else's image-host and uploaded it to his own. Unless he was planning to take credit for it, which would be plagiarism and a totally different story.


    Again, I actually don't know the full story here - I know a lot of it, but not the whole thing. I'm sure there's plenty I'm not getting.


    Personally, I did see the image - but I really didn't care. Everyone does stuff like that. I've done stuff like that. I probably had an embarrassing photo or two uploaded to the Internet at some point (gone now, for sure, after my many FTP wipes.) No big deal.



  3. Indeed. I s'poze some people don't bother to read the rules, especially in the Artwork forum, so they have to learn the hard way. I think that perhaps they should read this entry first - it explains a lot of common sense type stuff. Useful. ^_^



  4. Back in the day, when I posted an art topic over at BA, I was shocked that about half of the compliments I recieved were simply "KUTGW 10/10" or "DATZ AWSUM!!" After a while, I learned not to be surprised.


    BZP does have a young user populace. When I joined BZP, I had turned twelve four months before. This year, I will turn seventeen. Many of the older members I once knew are gone now - for whatever reason - some of them even banned. It has gotten difficult to find new allies and there is always that lurking nostalgia that attacks the back of my brain every time I start a new art topic and someone decides to post a "KUTGW" comment...and then I realize that my old friends aren't there to give thorough reviews to balance things out.


    I have made plenty of new friends - that is not the issue. The issue is that BZP is getting younger, percent-wise. If this website lasts a few more years, there will be young kids here who were born after I first joined this place.


    The title of "noob," much as oldbies throw it around regarding the seven-year-old critics who decide to throw out number ratings, is really best reserved for those who are capable of writing helpful, detailed reviews and do not. Pre-teen kids won't know how to write a review fit for the New York Times. That's just a fact.


    Of course it annoys me when someone feels that they are at the pinnacle of their artistic experience at the age of eight - but most young kids do not have access to large art forums and online galleries of professionals. So I must remember to keep this in mind. :P A lot of older members forget how naïve young kids are.



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