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Blog Entries posted by DudeNuva

  1. DudeNuva
    Really, what are in those?
    Muahaha, double-entendre FTW. Anyway...
    - Still haven't seen Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, but I hope to see it tomorrow.
    - On the other hand, today I watched the complete Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, which was awesome... I'll be getting the trilogy for...
    - MY BIRTHDAY! June the 3rd... coming up in little more than a week. 15.
    - The calm before the storm, that's where I am. My classes have died down a bit recently, but Finals review is going to hit our laid-back class like a thunderbolt.
    - The pool was still freezing... summer is definitely not here yet.
  2. DudeNuva
    Profound Thoughts
    Why is the plural of goose "geese", but the plural of moose not "meese"?
    If the plural of "louse" is "lice", then shouldn't the plural of "house" be "hice"?
    Why do we drive on the parkway, but park in the driveway?
    Why do hot dogs come in packs of ten, but buns come in packs of eight?
    Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, but dishwashing fluid made with real lemons?
    If 'pro' is the opposite of 'con', then is Congress the opposite of progress?
    (Feel free to post more, I'll add them to the list of Profound Thoughts. XD )
    Oh, yeah, I have a point.
    (I started a new section, but I have only 2... )
  3. DudeNuva
    Well, Memorial Day is almost before us, which means tons of exciting stuffs... one of them is today's theater release of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, which I hope to see this weekend.
    This weekend also means that afterwards, Finals begin. O_o Which kinda stinks... but after that, freedom.
    And otherwise, it's a generally awesome weekend. Three days to officially start off the summer! I'm going to my shore house... which I'll be doing quite a lot over the summer as well. We've got a pool, which I can't wait to finally use again. It's been raining and storming here for about a week now, so I'll be glad to escape it.
    So, what plans do you guys have for the weekend?
  4. DudeNuva
    Hmm... guess everyone was worried about biased opinion.
    Okay, so we all know that Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is coming to theaters in about a week. Who's excited to see it? Or rather, who's excited to see a 64-year-old Harrison Ford beating up Russians like he did in his young years?
    The movie does look quite cool... for those who haven't seen it, a new trailer is located on the official Indy website.
  5. DudeNuva
    Well, we all know that LEGO has done lots of themes over the years that are based on movies. STAR WARS is probably the most famous of these... then we have the newcomer Indiana Jones, then Spiderman, Batman, Spongebob...
    And I thought, what other film series or TV shows should LEGO create?
    The first theme that sprung to my mind was Lord of the Rings...
    What do you think?
    Oh yeah, and my newest LSW film is nearing the end of filming. It's taking an extremely long time, because virtually the entire film is a battle.
  6. DudeNuva
    Yep, that's right, DudeNuva has got his Blog back for the summer. But the question is, what will he do with it?...
    To that, I say...

    That is all.
    Oh yeah, and if you see the name of the blog change several times today, don't be alarmed. I'm just trying to find a name that fits. If you want to be alarmed, though, be my guest.
  7. DudeNuva
    Two topics today! Related to movies!
    Topic #1
    In your opinion, what is the most famous quote that has ever been said in a movie?
    I know so many, so I actually can't decide, myself. I'm tempted to say "Luke, I am your father" from Star Wars. XD
    Topic #2
    The trailer for a new animated Star Wars movie, The Clone Wars, has just debuted on the Internet. If you've seen it, what's your opinion of the movie? Do you think it'll be cool?
    If you haven't seen the trailer, it isn't too hard to find by now.
    Nope, nothing about life today.
    (Maybe this kind of double-topic entry will encourage more replies. Muahaha.)
  8. DudeNuva
    Time for some MOCs! And remember, I'm not much of a MOCist at all, so don't expect anything spectacular...
    ... Also don't expect anything original.
    Firstly, my versions of Defilak and Dekar:

    There are only two differences:
    1.) The blades on one hand of each Mahritoran have been removed to make way for a normal hand, with a wrist, and in the color of that Matoran's armor.
    2.) Each Mahritoran now has eyes, in the color of their respective Mata Nui coloring (2001-2003).
    Not much new, but those are my versions.
    We also have the two more impressive; that it probably because ToM Dracone created their designs.

    Keahi and Okoth are Matoran from the old MNOLG games. These Matoran forms are fully articulate, and have realistic knees, elbows, wrists, shoulders, waists... the design is so incredible that I just needed to make some of my own.
    To see the original figures of ToM that used this design, look over here.
    Enjoy the MOCs; comments are appreciated, even if they're not strictly about these MOCs.
    A full gallery of these Matoran can be found here (when public).
    Oh, and I apologize for the moderate picture quality.
  9. DudeNuva
    I can Blog five times as fast now.
    Although you really wouldn't notice it that much, anyway. So it's kinda pointless.
    In other news...
    100th Blog Entry in DudeNuva's Object!!!
    Can I get a booyah?
  10. DudeNuva
    My Premier Membership will be expiring on the eleventh, and I may not even be online to create another entry. (Mind you, my last one was weeks ago.) So, just in case I don't, I want to say farewell to the Bloggy or, as I've come to know it as, the Object... y.
    However, that isn't my last news. Unfortunately, soon, I may also be saying farewell to BZP itself.
    A lot of factors have influenced me to think this; for those of you who know me well (probably all two of you, nowadays), you probably already know what these reasons are. My decision is not final, but regardless, I know that I'll be gone from BZP for at least until July, or until something happens which makes me return earlier.
    As I've said, I may return in a few weeks, I may return in a month or two, or I may never return at all. If that be the case, and I'm not returning...
    Commemorate the Pirate Captain Noodle Magician Dude Antilles Nuva.
    As of now, Crazy Metru Happenings and DudeNuva's Comic Emporium are officially canceled, never to be continued in any instance. The Cost of Freedom may continue in the event I return, but this is undecided. So for those of you who've been frequently asking for the next chapter in CMH... use your imaginations.
    Well, lads and lasses, I'll hopefully be seeing you later.
    I'll be contacting some people later on, so don't think that I'm leaving without personally saying good-bye to friends, savvy?
  11. DudeNuva
    I've got two awesome trailers coming at you today.
    The first; a movie trailer for the upcoming Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World's End, as seen right here.
    The second; a considerably smaller trailer, made by me, for my new and coming comedy, Crazy Metru Happenings, for those of you who read its prequel. This can be found on my Brickshelf, here.
    Enjoy! And of course, I'd like comments on the CMH trailer.
  12. DudeNuva
    *Swings in on a rope as theme music starts playing*
    I'm back!
    Yeah, I had a ton of fun in Florida, but to be honest, I'm kinda glad to be back in PA. Not so glad to be going back to school, though.
    So, it's great to be back.
    But I'm still a bit disappointed that I haven't recieved a single PM over the break. I've left contacts with at least four people, some of whom I haven't heard from in months.
    Seriously, I need something to renew my interest in BZP. At this point in time, the only reason I ever come is to write my epic, my comic topic having been temporarily closed (and I don't intend it to reopen for a while). If this keeps up, then writing my story probably will be my sole reason for coming here.
  13. DudeNuva
    I'm leaving for Florida tomorrow night!
    And, I won't be bringing my laptop or anything (Partu all night ) so don't expect me to randomly pop up bragging about my vacation's awesomeness.
    Oh yeah, and .
    Yep. See you all... in a really long time...
  14. DudeNuva
    Yeah, I kinda forgot about this both last Monday and the previous one... so yeah, here's another newly retitled Bloggish Thing of the Inordinate Times.
    BTotIT #2: How many Blogs are posted at the top of your Community Page? Who are the owners of these blogs?
    Have fun and stuff.
    ~DudeNuva: All-American Noodle~
  15. DudeNuva
    ^^ Most misleading entry name! ^^

    How many people have played "Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb"? It's a game from LucasArts. It is awesome.
  16. DudeNuva
    Have you ever gone onto Lego.com and completely lit up a dozen so-called "Brickgame Champions" in Brickgame? It's fun.
    But seriously, these members are obnoxious. They're going all "you play like my little sister/brother" or "good move for a beginner" and then I turn around and totally maul them.
    The sad part is that none of them really have game logic.
    Except one. I played one member, something like ONEONE something, and we came to a draw; we actually filled the playing field until we tied. He was actually good.
    It's fun, you should try it.
  17. DudeNuva
    I've been stuck with "Some Purple Guy" for almost thirty days, but these days couldn't have gone by slower! Ever since I thought of a new, positively gold name on Monday during Spanish class (just... just don't ask...), I've been striving to reach today. But of course, it has to be exactly at 6:30, which leaves another hour of purpley torture!! *pulls hair out*
    And I don't know why I keep stressing on words!!!
  18. DudeNuva
    I just got Carapar today.
    He is awesome.
    I seriously think that this Barraki is the greatest of them all; he really captures the essence of sea-creature-ness from 2007.
    His bulk is in perfect accordance with his body size, too, and the Inika legs as his arms work perfectly. He comes with tons of Metru-gray pieces that were unavailable before, which is an added bonus.
    And his pincers are a definitely great weapon.
    Of all the Barraki I own, which has now gotten to four, I have to say Carapar takes the cake. He completely represents the year 2007 himself.
    Way to go, Carapar. Go tell Pridak to fall into an underwater ditch.
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