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Blog Entries posted by DudeNuva

  1. DudeNuva
    I still can't believe how many replies that last entry got. The most I ever got before that was 9, and then the next entry we have is 33. It's so crazy.
    Anyways, maybe I should keep up with this before we go back to... 9... *shudders*
    *shudders some more*
    *shuts up*
    Anyways, I think I'll make some kinda blog thing... like... "Bloggish Thing of the Week". Yeah, that's good. Except, let's make a twist; it has nothing to do with Blogs!
    Bloggish Thing of the Week #1: What's your favorite movie, and why is it your favorite?
    Um... *dissappears*
  2. DudeNuva
    Bonsiuer, personnes!
    Un interessant question, aujourd'hui; combien de vous savoir parler francais?
    Tu avoir non idee quoi je suis parlant quant a, juste?
    ~Monsieur DudeNuva~
  3. DudeNuva
    I know, you know, that I'm not telling the truth
    I know, you know, they just don't have any proof
    Embrace the deception, Learn how to bend
    Your worst inhibitions tend to psych you out in the end
    That's a great song.
    Who watches Psych on the USA network?
  4. DudeNuva
    As the title suggests, I am very, very bored right now. >_<
    I feel like writing some kind of new comedy, but my brain is kinda on "standby", and I can't get through a beginning paragraph without laughing in frustration (as odd as that sounds) because the story is so stupid.
    TCOF needs to be updated, but I really don't feel like writing a 1,500 word+ chapter that I don't have heart in, because then the whole story will just crash.
    The Comic Emporium hasn't seen any replying activity in a week now; that may be because of the lack of comics, but some people haven't commented on the last five anyhow.
    Half of my friends on here seem to have imploded, or else been abducted, or stuffed into a pinata, so I haven't had a conversation with anyone in... hm, six days, yep. This isn't helped by the fact that most of my remaining correspondents haven't sent a PM in a long time.
  5. DudeNuva
    I just got Pridak yesterday, and I'm still not very sure of how I feel about him yet. He has many ups, yet many downs as well.
    To start, he has a large excession of blood on his face, much more than on teaser photos, which makes him seem more of a Ta-figure with white hair. Plus, the whole blood thing is just repulsive, and I'm sure that many other people think along the same lines.
    Then there's his feet. Heck, is he on a skiing trip?
    The Matoran swords on his upper arms greatly hinder his arm posability, but I fixed that by turning them around and placing them in the lowermost spot on the forearms.
    To the ups; Pridak has a joint directly in his waist, which connects the upper and lower bodies, which is great for posing and really gives him a fluid feel.
    He comes with four white double-joints, which will be very useful for MOCists; I myself with soon be building either a larger Takanuva or a Toa Kualus Hagah with these new parts. I've always needed those critical Ko-Toa pieces.
    There really isn't much else about him. I may dissemble him soon, in order to build the aforementioned Kualus. Overall, in my opinion, this isn't a very good set for a leader of the Barraki.
  6. DudeNuva
    Ha! I got your attention!
    Yeah, I tried to get people to comment in my epic by saying that there was dancing monkeys wearing sombreros jumping through rings of fire. As soon as I posted the next chapter and said that, I had 3 replies.
    Anyway, I just did some bloggish renovations; take a look around! You'll notice the new category links farther down the page, as well as a DO policy in the intro block.
    Read the policy. You'll likey.
  7. DudeNuva
    Seriously, this is the third year in a row we got snow days or delays on Valentine's Day! And we even have another delay today! It's so awesome!!!
    Darth Vader: We don't get snow in space. :angry:
    And... this loser is back, again. Just try to ignore him, though.
    Darth Vader: What? How dare you- ~DudeNuva~ -get this thing off me!
  8. DudeNuva
    Prepare for one of the longest and most random entries you'll ever see in DudeNuva's Object.
    Okay, let's start out with a quote:
    "He spent 9 years in a labor camp in Ti... Tibe... Tibequador!"--Timmy Turner
    Now then, to my ramblings.
    Okay, so I was in math class today. It was my last class. And through the whole day, I'd been hiccuping like mad. I was doing fine with them, actually.
    Me and my friend had wandered onto the topic of Canadian bacon. We're not sure how we got there, but were pretty sure it had to do with the bottle of Canadian water we mauled. Anyhow, we were paying no attention to class. And I was in the middle of saying "bacon" when I had this huge hiccup. Every single person in the room looked at my friend. He pointed at me, but I pointed back.
    Then for five minutes afterwards, we were laughing really hard, and I had laughed so long that I had actually lost my hiccups!
    So, DN's wise words of wisdom: if you have really bad hiccups, starting talking about Canadian bacon. They'll stop after a megahiccup and a few minutes of laughing.
    What this has to do with anything, I do not know.
    Next; I'm planning on restarting CKH's sequel, which as yet is being called "Crazy Metru Happenings", though that could change easily. I wrote a prequel to the sequel (which really happens during the original) called The Ride of the Ponies, without competition one of the most random stories I've written.
    And that's it. I'll leave you with another quote:
    "Those people are trying to kill us-"
    "I know, Dad!"
    "Well, this is a new experience for me!"
    "It happens to me all the time..."--Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
  9. DudeNuva
    *walks in under guise of a potted plant*
    Maybe I should make an entry now, after... 18 days...
    Anyways, here's what's new in DN's life.
    Firstly, DudeNuva's Comic Emporium recently opened in the Artwork III forum, and it is the new home of both DNComics 2 and CKH Comics. I encourage all to visit.
    Secondly, I posted a new comedy a week ago named "The Toa of Fire Applications", which I also encourage you to read if you are tired of reading bad comedies.
    And that's it for BZP, now let's get on to real life.
    To explain the title of this entry.... Last night, during one of my Kung-Fu training sessions (for those of you who don't know from reading Turakii's blog, I'm a third-degree black belt), I... well, I had a bit of an accident. >_< I was in fake-combat with one of the purple belts; he had a staff, myself a sword (though it was a bit on the dull side [for the practice], so I still have no idea how it happened). Anyways, during the practice, the sword was hit the wrong way and sent flying into the inside of my lower knee.
    So now I have a two-inch long scar. It really didn't hurt much when I got it, but because of its location, it makes going from a standing to sitting position a right pain. :annoyed2: (though half of that problem may be because of the horribly inept band-aid that is on it).
    What annoys me so much is that
    1.) I was fighting a purple belt
    2.) I inflicted the scar with my own sword and I don't even know how.
    3.) It really isn't a serious injury in general, but the way it happened makes it worse.
    So, yeah, I'm kinda annoyed.
    Now, what else is new...
    Oh yeah:
    I recently bought Ehlek (who is awesome), and I also built two Mahritoran from my own pieces; one white, one blue. I would provide pics, but my camera is currently... acting weird.
    And that's it. Hope you enjoyed my ramblings.
  10. DudeNuva
    I've recently become a Premier Outstanding BZPower Citizen! (for all of you who couldn't tell from my orange member name, now's your chance to self-check for color blindness. And yes, I got that from Spiderman the Game. )
    So, um... that's it.
    Beware the awesomeness of my new Copper Huna!!!
  11. DudeNuva
    I have sustained yet another injury in my escapade of weapon-wielding. This one isn't as serious as the swordblade wound from Kung-Fu, but it's twice as odd.
    Okay, so you're all familiar with Indiana Jones, right? And you know he fights with a bullwhip.
    The sharp ones amongst yourselves already know where this is going, right?
    Anyway... I got curious. And no, I don not have a bull whip, but I do have a remarkably similar weapon like a rope (although my academy owns it.) I practiced cracking it, and I'm actually pretty good, but then, WHAP. Right across my chin. It's just a huge red mark, with a distinct whipcrack mark in the middle.
    Go ahead, tell me that I should be more careful.
    Okay, now, to the brass tacks:
    Oh wait... those were the brass tacks...
    Curse you, Turakii, for spreading these ellipses to me...
  12. DudeNuva
    Everyone knows I'm in
    Over my head!
    Hence the title.
    But yeah, a lot of things are happening that make me say that. The most important of which is the departure of my long-time buddy, Sir TMN, the ex-author of my comics. I needed him to help me with stuff, and now I can't contact him. >_<
    Then there's the problem that I can't continue any stories until I settle with DNComics 2, which I had planned to start... last week. And with no stories, my reputation as a great comedy writer is going downhill very quickly.
    My homework is piling up, and I have limited time here anyway; most of my spare time tonight will be spent trying to fix a problem completely unrelated to BZP.
    And then, I haven't PMed any of my friends for over a week.
    HELP ME!!!
  13. DudeNuva
    Well, I have to go back to school tomorrow. And it stinks, because I haven't done anything over vacation except for slack off.
    Though I did beat LSWII.
    But yeah, I really don't wanna go. >_< I wanna sleep in!
    So I guess my BZP time will once again become constricted, due to my homework and after school stuffs. And my laziness.
  14. DudeNuva
    I know it's not 2007 for five hours, but all the same, Happy New Year.
    I don't know about you, but I'm staying up until 2:00 tonight. Heck, I don't have anywhere to go tomorrow. Maybe I'll just work on my spriting and watch TV.
  15. DudeNuva
    Opening quotes...
    King Neptune: For the crime of sinking Atlantis, Cosmo, you will be fed to the Kraken.
    Timmy: Oh, come on! That seems like a pretty harsh punishment for sinking Atlantis one time!
    Cosmo: Actually, I sank it nine times.

    So, I would tell you about the stuff I got for Christmas, but it's way too much, and barely any of it is LEGO. So instead I'll inflate my ego.
    I'll begin writing comedies again sometime in January. For now, I'm on vacation. But I realize the situation set by Exo, that the comedies forum barely has comedies anymore. I can change that.
    But not right now.
    I'll create my new comic emporium in January, too.
    Oh yeah, Turakii gave me an idea for my next username: "Some Purple Guy".
  16. DudeNuva
    Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets.
    Okay, on a more serious note;
    The homework over the last week was huge, so I was basically kept from BZP again. But now I'll be online a lot more.
  17. DudeNuva
    DN's back.
    No, seriously. I just kicked Captain Antilles in the can for not doing anything for three straight weeks. Can't let fictional characters run your blogs anymore...
    *looks at Turakii's blog*
    And yet...
    Well, yeah, you get the picture. I've changed my name back (and due to friendly advice, am never changing it to something without "DudeNuva" in it again, mind you), and now, hopefully, will be returning on a gradually normal basis.
    I won't go into details about that.
    Now, I've noticed quite a few things, including the death of my comics topic, and I've pretty upset that I missed so much. I plan to get back on top of things.
    Well, I'm off to convince TMN that I won't kill him for letting DNComics die on his shift. Seeyah!
    P.S.- I'll try to answer my PMs over the next few days, starting with the more important ones.
    I guess this applies to all 14 of you.
  18. DudeNuva
    Just got done with my Comedies rounds... reported some spam, wrote some reviews, addressed noobs about the Comedies Standards...
    Anyways, I'll try to write entries a lot more often now. But oncce again, I changed the colors and the name, to fit my new Antilles theme.
    To inform those of you who don't know, Captain Antilles is the leader of Alderaan's Rebellion Fleet in Star Wars Episodes III and IV. He's also featured in Lego Star Wars II as the first player in the game.
    ~Captain Antilles~
    (BTW, I'll only sign off like that in my own Blog and Blogs of others. On the forum, I'm always DN.
    Well, I'm always DN, but...
    Oh, you get the point.
    Talking in parentheses is fun! )
  19. DudeNuva
    Hola! Wan Pablo. <insert more Spanish phrases here because DudeNuva is too lazy to write more of what he learned>
    Anyways, I really can't believe I haven't written anything in this Blog for ten days! But as most of you know, I've had limited time, due to more schoolwork and my grounding. I'm aiming for more mass updates in all of my topics this weekend.
    I have two Inika reviews, one Titan review, plenty of DNComics, the first in the new series of CKH Comics, several new chapters in my comedies, and much, much more!
    So be ready for lots of DN awesomeness this weekend!
    Closing question; what would you rather? A 'blog topic' to use for CKH Comics, or a fresh new official topic?
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