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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Sisen

  1. Sisen
    There is a man. A very manly man's man who wears a pink crown. This man had a dream and it was not turned into a reality last year.

    This BrickFair we are going to make his dream come true.

    The idea is to bring or send your Bohrok for BrickFair this year. You can:
    -Bring or send* your regular Bohrok or Kal
    -Pimp out your Bohrok or Kal in some fashion
    -Create a customized Bohrok (If you create a customized Bohrok it should be clearly identifiable as a Bohrok. This is a good example of a customized Bohrok.)
    -Include a small piece of paper in the Bohrok head with your name, or some form of identification

    The occasional Tahnok, Gahlok, etc. are okay but we really want to put emphasis on MOC Bohrok, Mohrok, or whatever you will call it. Don't just color swap a Bohrok or some such. Make it a monster. Make it over-the-top. Make it crazy. Most of all make it your own creation.

    Anyone who is interested in participating should post here, and indicate they are bringing or sending Bohrok.

    We have yet to figure out what we will do with all of the Bohrok.
    -One idea is to assemble them in a massive battle with one of the Mocs featured at BrickFair.
    -Another larger and grander idea is to create a landscape for the Bohrok to 'clean-up.' (A rendition of them cleaning Mata-Nui.) xccj provided two tree designs for the latter idea. If we had enough people to contribute and create a massive collaborative landscape that would be awesome. Assembling a large amount of Bohrok is a feat within itself, and the idea of staging a battle with them is cool enough. The scale of the idea is large and would require a lot of work.

    Tell your friends! Tell your friend's friends! Tell your Bohrok! We need help advertising the Bohrok gathering at BrickFair, feel free to advertise in your blog or signature. Here are some amazing banners and avatars to show your support. Let's represent!

    * If you are unable to attend BrickFair this year, you CAN mail your Bohrok in. However, you'll have to include money for return shipping. Along with an extra written copy of your name and address.
  2. Sisen



    DISKY is not amused.


    BALLOM and his unfournate monument to the knee, which kept him from BZPower Laser Tag.




    WINDRIDER is pleased with the LEGO you have presented him.

    ToM Dracone



    ZATTH is he laughing or crying?



    XAERAZ has an extra hand protruding from his back.

    SUMIKI has many faces.

  3. Sisen
    I haven't been active on BZPower a lot recently, and there have been some pretty big life reasons as to why. None of it has been blasted publicly or shared on social media, and only a few close people knew. Today at 7:43pm my best friend Olena (Disky) welcomed our little beloved Agnes into the world.
    We had a small ceremony early this month to celebrate our nuptials as well. Excuse me while I resume my inactive status.
  4. Sisen
    Someone. Just had to keep talking about Star Trek Online, and I spent the day downloading/playing it... Now I'm hooked.
    Playing as a fairly handsome blue skinned andorian named K'ous.
    I've never watched Star Trek completely, but I know enough to follow along. I'm really enjoying everything so far though.
  5. Sisen
    Apocalyptic. What makes something post apocalyptic? Why the wardrobe for a dystopian setting? Where do you get the ensemble? How exactly do you make something fit into the theme?
    I'm just curious as to what other people thing should go into a post apocalyptic setting outfit wise. There are a lot of resources out there but some of it is just general and vague.
  6. Sisen
    What do you do when one of your Tumblr followers you know, you know knows who you are, but doesn't know that they know who you are actually figures out who you are and asks you if you are actually you who they know and wants to know if it is you who they know, you know?
  7. Sisen
    I've been toying around with some ideas in my brain about this project involving Kanohi masks. It is by no means going to be a complete mask collection, but more of a personal memento I want to create. Initially I wanted to include the great and noble masks together, however that is a larger aspiration that can be reviewed down the road. For now I just want to gather each of the original great Kanohi masks (this entry is partially going to serve as reference for myself).
    All things considered though, if you have Kanohi you are willing to part with, know someone looking to get rid of them, etc. let me know!
    This is organized by the amount of masks I currently possess, so I'm trying to gather the few I need first just to get an idea about how this might turn out.
  8. Sisen
    Went on a totally amazing date with my nerd counterpart today. We visited the zoo, rode a train, and went for a hike. Somehow the hike was the best part because we came across this little secluded area with a waterfall we got to sit atop.
    We sat, talked, and eventually held hands for what seemed like forever. Afterwards, we had some pizza and hung out some more.
    Life is good.
  9. Sisen
    Lasertag at Shadowland's right next to BrickFair is single-handily one of the best things about the convention each year.
    The previous year we had a team of eleven people, including:
    Toa Velox
    Friar Tuck
    Nuju Metru
    Emperor Whenua
    Toa Lhikan Hordika
    White Hat Yellow Shirt (Unknown member name)
    To commemorate that event we had BZPower Lasertag bricks engraved.

    This year we had a total of sixteen players.
    Vezok's Friend
    Avokah Tamer
    Bioncle Raptor
    Friar Tuck
    Takuma nuva
    TNC (Takuma Nuva's cousin is awesome and should join BZP)
    A few other members were supposed to join in on the fun, but Chols left early and Ballom took a monument to the knee.
    I was planning on having a larger turnout for this year and made a preemptive strike to commemorate the event. With the help of Vezok's Friend I had BZPower Laser Tag shirts created!

    If you did not get one at BrickFair and still want to there are some shirts available. They are $14 each.
    There are three shirt sizes still available:
    2 Small
    1 Medium
    1 Large
  10. Sisen
    Finally let my family know I have a great job opportunity this fall, and that it means moving out on my own.
    The reaction I got was the complete opposite of what I expected. I was hoping they'd take it in a good way, but their response was less than stellar.

  11. Sisen
    I finally played through Batman Arkham Asylum, ripped through Tomb Raider, and now it is time to start my third(?) play-through of Mass Effect.
    Say hello to Frenn Shepard, colonist, infiltrator, and a sole survivor.
  12. Sisen
    I've got a Pokemon related cosplay coming up, and I decided I wanted an egg to carry around with me. While I can minimally use a needle and thread, I haven't really made anything like this before. I found a seller online dealing in DIY Yoshi Eggs, so I purchased one and assembled it. It turned out pretty nice. It is nice and soft and fluffy and fluffy and cuddly soft. Now of course at this point you are realizing "but sisen that isn't a Pokmeon egg... that's a Yoshi egg"

    I present to you my very own Eevee egg. It turned out pretty nice. It isn't as soft or fluffy or cuddly or fluffy as the Yoshi egg, but it still is pretty nice. Besides a few snags with sewing on the pattern it looks pretty good if I do say so myself.

    Now I just need to finish the remainder construction of the cosplay, which involves even more advanced sewing. It probably took me at least 4+ hours on each egg because I sewed everything by hand, and I have no sewing machine. The Eevee egg took even longer since I had to do the template myself, make the pattern, and cut it all up and hope it worked.
  13. Sisen
    Life is pretty much school, school, school, work, work, work, and try not to be sick right now. I have less than a year before I am finally done with college. Work is really great though. My health might not be the best right now, and I'm on multitudes of medications... yet I am still able to keep up my full-time work schedule. I haven't had to call off or go into work sick. *knock on wood*
    This upcoming April marks my second year work with Best Buy, and I just had my annual review. I pretty much do everything above and beyond my job, and know I'll be getting another raise beyond the slight increase you typically get. My manager sat down and talked to me, and wanted to discusses further development options for my future career. Right now out of all the Best Buy stores, the store I work at and my department is in the top ten. That's the top ten of all the Best Buy stores. We currently rank at fourth. That's pretty darn amazing.
    While we were doing my review, he talked about how the other store managers had to contact him to find out what we do differently to perform so well. He continuously talked about me and talked me up to them. He ranted and raved so much, that the other stores were asking him to send me to their stores to help train staff. Like whaaaaaat, seriously? He then went on to say that he could easily see me being a supervisor or manager. Not in the future. Not down the road. Right now. I could go into another store and easily do the job.
    I have been pretty sick lately... taking two different kinds of immunosuppressants really wrecks your system. This week has been pretty good though! Finding out how highly we rank in the company out of all the stores, having my annual review and getting such high praise (I scored a 4 out of 5, 4 is considered the high mark because 5 is like just flawless perfection and most people get a 3 if that). You get a 2 just for doing your basic job duties. Today was the best day though. Tomorrow is payday and because of the performance... we got a huge bonus. Typically I might see an extra $50-100 on a check if we bonus. I am not going to post the exact bonus amount, but I'm safely able to pay off all my monthly bills, buy my cosplay materials, and put aside money for vacation.
    Such is life. It might not be the best at the moment, but there are some pretty good things going.
  14. Sisen
    I rarely use the combination lock I purchased to put on my locker at work anymore. Today I did because people were in the break room so frequently and I have about $200 in my locker.
    Needless to say... I went to get in my locker and didn't know the combination. My paper copy of the combination was in my wallet... that I had at the time of purchasing the combination lock. I upgraded to a new wallet and left the written copy in the old one. Oops.
    I had an idea of the vicintity of the numbers. 11, 10, 5, 25, 20, 21... There wasn't anything above thirty or below five, but it left way too many variables. I tried and tried and tried. Stopped, went back out into the Black Friday madness... Thought some more.
    I couldn't figure it out. I was tired being up for twenty four hours straight so far. Finally I just sat down and listened to the tumblers click and feel the lock shift. I managed to hit the right numbers and unlock my locker thankfully, without bolt cutters.
  15. Sisen
    Just some stuff Steampunk stuff I'm working on. The gun was an el cheapo dart gun that I repainted. I have every intention of customizing it a little bit, but am content with leaving it as mostly a paint job. The goggles have some more stuff to be added on to accent them.


    I'm working on my own version of a Tesla inspired by Warehouse 13 though. It is going to be more Steampunk, but in the shape and form of a shotgun.
  16. Sisen
    If anyone is free to consult with be about a MOC, please post here or message me. I have a few ideas I'd like to talk over with some other builders before I start pursuing the idea.
  17. Sisen
    Got to hang out away from work with friends and see some old faces.
    LEGO swag.
    The rest of my weekend consisted of getting free stuff outside of LEGO though. I got a bunch of free books, met some authors, met some celebs, got my photo taken with a favorite celebrity, bought some other stuff, and had more things signed. I nabbed a variant of the new Lady Thor, and managed to get it signed by the artist.
    Lots of cool stuff and cooler peeps.
  18. Sisen
    I have plenty of funding and time off to do whatever I'd like for a vacation this year. I have been tossing around the idea of going to Dragon*Con or NYCC. There are pros and cons to both, and the planning for either is somewhat short notice being the events are forty-five and eighty-eight days away. There are people I know going to NYCC, but there is at least one person I know going to be at D*C. I need to try and decide so I can make a decision by the end of this week.
    Random reasons to attend:
    Atlanta has WHALE SHARKS at their aquarium.
    New York is apparently one big apple?
  19. Sisen
    Last night I saw a status update somewhere that said a 13 year old child in the area had stopped breathing. They life-flighted the child to the next largest hospital in our area.
    When I woke up this morning, I found out that it was my cousins eldest daughter and that she unfortunately passed away last night. She was prone to having seizures and has had them since she was a small child. There were many different surgeries and tests that she endured through. Last night she had a seizure, stopped breathing, and despite her Mothers best attempts at resuscitation and the hospitals... there was nothing they could do.
    Positive thoughts towards my family right now would be greatly appreciated.
    My cousin was an only child, and her parents (my aunt and uncle) went through many failed attempts and sorrows just to have their daughter. No parent should have to bury a child, and neither should a grandparent a grandchild. This is going to be a very tough time for them and everyone. So please send us any positive thoughts you can.
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