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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Tak-E

  1. Tak-E
    Yup, you read it right. Since severe snow storms were predicted for the Chicago area, my school is closed for today. I had just gotten all dressed up for school and came downstairs. I got a phone call from the school that said that school was closed. I scremed and ran upstairs to throw my PJ's back on. Then I came downstairs and have been lying around ever since. The snow is coming down pretty hard over here, and the wind is strong, too. I'm just sitting here at my house alone, typing on the computer and listening to music. And, of course, this is perfect because I can get out of the house now to go and pretty up for tomorrow (V Day). Lol. If you guys have any thing that I could do today that's fun, post it in the comments.
    And, of course, how could we forget the RQotD? Lol. It just took me about ten minutes to choose one of them. I have a entire encyclopedia worth of these.
    Why do sleeping pills have warning labels that state :'Caution: May Cause Drowsiness'?
  2. Tak-E
    Have a weird need to contact me? Just drop me a conversation on AIM or MSN.
    AIM: OmniPhil33
    MSN: phillipar33@hotmail.com
    And next up, my first art project is up on BZP. You can check it out here. Tell me what you think.
    This was a short one, but still enough time to post a RQotD.
    Why do we sing "Rock a bye baby" to lull our little ones to sleep when the song is about putting your baby in a tree and letting the wind crash the cradle to the ground?
  3. Tak-E
    Yeah, name change for the blog. The old name was too...dark. I've come into a new light. I'm joyful and jumpy, friendly and crushy. That's right, old Takia, that tacky old Toa, has a crush! Oh sure, I've had crushes before, but never on the week of... *drumrole* that's right, Valentines Day! Ironically, this girl goes to my youth group and since the 14th is on a Wednesday, the night youth group is held, her friends and mine (which are the same people to be exact) are working together for me to ask her to be my valentine. Yeah, I'm lucky. But you all keep this hush hush, got it? Can't spoil the surprise (though there's no real risk of that because I know no people in my youth group who even know that Bionicles exist...).
    Oh yeah, the poplollies and bellibones? Those are some weird words. Let me dig up the definitions from this book next to me...
    Poplolly [plural: poplollies]: A little darling (from the French pouplet); a female favorite, special loved one, or mistress.
    Bellibone [plural: bellibones]: A lovely maiden, a pretty lass. An anglicization of the French belle et bonne 'fair and good'.
    The cones thing has no meaning. Just wanted it to rhyme.
    And now for the RQotD! (I finally got it!)
    How come people tell you not to stand in front of an emergency exit when if there was an emergency surely you would run through it?
  4. Tak-E
    I've started my PBZPs, finally. I understand how to do it now. You can check it out in my sig. If there's an open letter and you want me to do you, drop me a comment here or a pm. Thanks.
    And the RQotD.
    Why does the Easter bunny carry eggs? Since when did rabbits lay eggs?
  5. Tak-E
    I recorded the Barraki Mini Movie from Bionicle.com and then added the music and sounds from files another member had gotten. It's pretty well done, but not near good enough for a music video. I'm working on getting a better version up. You can download it here. Yes, it is WMV format.
    Also, please keep Bionigirl in your prayers. Her family has three kids; two girls and one boy. The boy and Bionigirl were twins. Her parents put Bionigirl and her little eleven year-old sister up for adoption and moved to Europe with the brother. The two girls were put into the foster program and went to live with a family. At the end of their visit, the family decided that they wanted to keep the little sister and put Bionigirl back into the foster program. So they did. In the wake of this, she lost her cell phone because she couldn't pay for it herself. She has no internet connection, though she does have a laptop. I haven't even been able to locate her lately. She and her sister have been seperated from any family, so please keep them in your prayers.
    And now for the RQotD. I'm gonna decide how to spell that right eventually.
    Can you truly cry underwater?
    Edit: Post edited for new a official download of the movie. Still made by me, though.
  6. Tak-E
    To 10,000 posts, that's where I'm going. I've made a very late New Year's resolution to try and get 10,000 posts in the next two years. It's far away, but I can start by posting a lot now. I already voted and posted in all of the BBC #40 polls, so it's only a matter of time now. Oh, also, Pridak is up on Bionicle.com, for those of you who haven't reported it to the news.
    And one more thing, if you guys have any good ideas for Bionicle names, mask powers, and mask names, please post them in the comments for this article. And if you guys need one after posting, just ask and I'll probably let you use it. And please make sure the names and powers are as original as possible and haven't been used anywhere. Thanks.
    And for the RQoTD. (That's a mouthfull. )
    Who's this Roger guy?
  7. Tak-E
    This is my first little post in a while here. But I still think of it as my little home away from home. Anyway, a lot has been happening. First off, Happy New Year, BZP! It's now 2007. And to celebrate I got myself a few new sets with that Christmas money. I now have squid ammo, Mantax, Pridak, and Carapar. I took advantage of Lego Shop@Home for the first two, Then I got Pridak and Carapar at Target because they were sold out of Vezon and Kardas. In other news, life is cruel. Yeah, my girlfriend broke up with me to go out with my best friend. And then she broke up with him because he was treating her horribly. And now she wants to go out with me again but I want to try going out with someone else. Let's just call that a day in the life of me. P.S. There be a secret message at the bottom of this post...
    And I know you've all been dying for a new Random Question of the Day...
    If the FBI breaks your door down do they have to pay for it?
    Expect a podcast later this year...
    Okay, mabye not so secret...
  8. Tak-E
    Thanksgiving Day is tomorrow. A time where we all sit around and talk about what we're thankful for and a time to be together. We sit around a table and talk and stuff our faces with turkey and with mashed potatoes and with stuffing and yam and any other thing that is set before us. Sometimes we celebrate with our friends and family, and sometimes we might celebrate it alone. But whoever we spend it with, we should be thankful that we have what we do. I'd like to mention a few of those things.
    For starters, we should be thankful that we have parents and family who let us be on BZPower and talk to our friends. Not all kids are allowed to come onto forum sites, or even to go on the internet. We are lucky enough to be in a family of people who understand our enjoyment of talking to fellow fans of Bionicle.
    Another thing that we should be thankful about is that we are able to buy Bionicles and that we are able to communicate with people over email and pm about them.
    This year, make sure that you say what you're thankful about, especially about the gift of BZP and Bionicles. Happy Thanksgiving, BZPower and members!
    And the Random Question of the Day, which is pretty interesting all the time.
    How old are you before it can be said you died of old age?
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