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Blog Entries posted by Tak-E

  1. Tak-E
    Lol. I ditched school today under the condition that I rebuild my entire Bionicle Collection which is in the basement. So that's what I'm doing. Lol. I'm doing pretty good, too. I've rebuilt Nocturn, the Piraka, and three Toa Inika. Now for the other forty sets...
    Nothing down here. It's the second post for today.
  2. Tak-E
    For fans of the TV show Smallville, you'll know 33.1 to be a scary place...a place which I had the unfortunate experience of visiting. Let me spin you a yarn...
    My dad and my sister Alex (senior in high school) and myself were visiting my oldest college sister, Kathryn (who is in servere pain because she can't eat anything and anytime she does she throws up [please keep her in your prayers]) and we were heading into the elevator. I pressed the button to go to the first floor, and then accidentally leaned against the buttons and pressed the third floor. Since we were on the fourth floor, we stopped at the third floor and got out (not knowing that we weren't on the first floor). No one was around, and very few lights lit the long corridors. We walked along and saw gray doors and signs that said "TESTING FACILITY." We were all freaked out. We still couldn't find anyone, but we heard a tapping. Soon enough, a nurse came walking down the hall. She told us we shouldn't be there, and then led us through the hospital for ten minutes until we came out where we were parked. We thanked her and headed to our car. We're still freaked out. There were some of theose one-way windows there, too. Maybe they were testing us...
    If the sky is the limit, then what is space, over the limit?

  3. Tak-E
    The birds are chirping, the bees are buzzing, and flowers are blooming - not here. I'm in Illinois. Usually the wettest place on Earth in the spring. Yep, that's right. Except wrong way to get wet. It's April 11th, and IT'S SNOWING OUTSIDE! Big snowflakes the size of your eyes, and it's dense (at least I can finally make a snowman...). It's been snowing all day non-stop. We've gotten about 4 1/2 in. and it's still supposed to come down. Worst thing is that I have youth group tonight...
    If someone owns a piece of land, do they own it all the way to the center of the earth?
  4. Tak-E
    How come LEGO can't get a licens to make Spider-Man 3 sets? They made sets for the first two movies.
    Mega Bloks got the Spider-Man 3 license first.
    Vent your anger, no flaming, here.
    If you dig a hole through the center of the earth, come out on the other side, and then let go, would you be falling down or floating up?
  5. Tak-E
    The Lord of the Flies is one of the most cute, fluffy wuffy books ever! Okay, I'm kidding. In reality, this book is one of the most brutal, gross, and gory books they could have handed us in 8th grade. Lol. It's about these boys from Britian who crash on an island and all of the adults die. As the story goes on, order and laws are lost and the ones who are smart and order keeping are killed. In some parts was okay, but it is a powerful story, and I suggest that if you have a strong stomach you should consider buying it or renting it from your local library.
    How did Walt Disney figure out how to make people pay to stand in lines all day?
  6. Tak-E
    I'm watching The CW right now and the a new episode of 7th Heaven is on next. I just saw a preview for it and I'm really sad because it seems like Lucy (Berverly Mitchell) might be leaving the show (or at least the family in the show). And now I'm sad.
    Today I'll post a RLotD.
    You had your chance
    (You had your chance)
    Open arms reject assuming hands (Arms reject assuming hands)
    You had your chance
    (You had your chance)
    Open arms reject assuming hands
  7. Tak-E
    No, I'm joking, but for those Relient K fans out there, you'll recognize this as one of the songs in their new album "Five Score and Seven Years Ago" (which has to do with the fact that they have made five albums in the past seven years[Thanks to Toa Lhikan Hordika for that little nugget of info. ]). So I've just come online to RUB IT IN YOUR FACES!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! *brushes himself off* Okay, I'm good. *twitches* At least I hope so...
    Let me know if I post the same RQotD twice, guys. But for now, I'm starting a new thing: Random Lyric of the Day (RLotD). Basically I'll post one of the lines from one of my favorite songs. Let me know if you can get it right. Lol.
    Quiet, Quiet. Don't let it all come undone. Cause if I dare open my mouth it'll just be to bite my tongue (bite my tongue).
  8. Tak-E
    86, the infamous number. Well, not really, but it seems to be a number that popped up a bit ago:

    Weird, huh?
    I've been sick today. I fainted this morning and, well, I'll stay out of the details. The short version is that I stayed home all day and -ugh- read. Just kidding!
    aLl YoUr PiEs BeLoNg To ThE fAt GuY.
    And now *drumroll* the RQotD!
    Why is it that if someone yells "duck" they are helping you, but if they yell "chicken" they are insulting you?
  9. Tak-E
    We'll start off with this.

    Interesting, eh? I thought so, too. Nonetheless, it's pretty cool I received a thank you for doing that.
    On another topic completely, I have re-opened my banner and avatar shop, Drake's Banners and Avatars. I'm hoping it'll wake up soon. I'm tending to have more and more free time on the computer. So much time, in fact, that I'm making edits from Bionicle movies (link on right). I've got some pretty good ones done right now.
    And, alas, the week is over. A most interesting week. The Blog of the Week is coming up, and I can't wait for it. I wonder if I'll ever get in? Maybe; but for now I'm happy just as a small blog.
    And I'll leave you all with the Random Question of the Day.
    Why are red buttons always the most important?
  10. Tak-E
    After an absence, I've finally become a full-time premier member! The title is repected (and feared) among many members on the forum. Heck, we can make polls, what's not to fear? I'm glad that I have so many perks (and so much PE ). I'm satisfied that I have paypal. Ah, the joy of life. Enough about me, there's an audience here! Let me think...got it! Well, my collection of 2006 is about to be wrapped up. I have all of the Toa Inika, Doomatoran, and Piraka. I own Axonn and Vezon and Fenrakk. I was actually he second BZPer to own V&F. So I only need three more sets. Brutaka, Irankk (sp?), and Umbra. I'll be looking for these in the Buy/Sell/Trade forum soon if I don't get my hands on them befor Christmas, which is when I get all of the playsets. Well. I'll be signing off now. It's 1:30 A.M. by me right now. I'll be back later, don't worry.
  11. Tak-E
    Alas, the week is coming to an end. All of the troubles of school are behind us. Tonight we'll gather 'round the tv and watch Smallville, The O.C., and Supernatural (the advantages of Dish ). Man, I've had a rough week. From homecoming decorating to the school newspaper to making paper in art class; I'm glad it's ending. This weekend I'll be going to the homecoming game and dance, working on a science fair project, and working on an Algebra 1 project. Not much relaxing in that scheduel (sp?), but on Saturday when I lock lips with my beautiful girlfriend (Bionigirl), I'll most likely forget all that. Well, most of you are probably begging for the Random Question of the Day, so here it is.
    If you try to fail and succeed, which have you accomplished?
  12. Tak-E
    I spent the night at a friend's house yesterday. He has this huge collection of LEGO Bricks. I looked through 'em and found a few old Throwbot arms and bodies. He let me have them. I went home and immediately went to work making new adversaries for my Toa in my epic. So now I have Throwbot pieces.
    On a different note, I have over $3000 worth of Bionicles...yet only about $20 worth are put together. In this manner, I have finaly started to rebuild my entire Bionicle collection! What a day!
    Ever read The Toa Nuva Go Crazy? It's a comedy by me. Check it out in the Library -> Comedies.
  13. Tak-E
    That one word that strikes fear into every boy's heart. Homecoming. Ask a girl to the dance; you don't, you're a nerd. Lol. I'm right on the edge of that. My homecoming is pretty late this year. Lol. Really late. Anyways. I'm in 8th geade, so not a lot of girls can date and go to dances and stuff. But lucky me I already have a girlfriend and we're gonna be there all day helping to set up and stuff.
    Ever have those kids in your class that get you extra homework and have the teachers change the seating assignment weekly? I envy those who do. My class has, no, not one, but six boys who get us extra homework and get the seats changed daily. We get about an average of six detentions handed out to those students each day. Some people...
    And today I start a new tradition. Random Question of the Day.
    Whose cruel idea was it for the word lisp to have an s in it?
  14. Tak-E
    So, I was really bored today. After finally catching up with my banner and avatar requests, I figured I take a drive down to the local TRU with my sister. Guess what? I now have Toa Hahli, Toa Jaller, and Toa Kongu. The light up swords are awesome, and the batteries can be replaced! The masks are better than I thought. I can see great potntial for MOCs with the new pieces, especially with the new armor.
  15. Tak-E
    Well, it's been an amazing week...an amazingly long week, that is. First, life problems, including playing with cow tongues at the local youth group (long story), then BZP problems. So, banners, avatars, I have a shop. The link's in my sig. I'm working on requests, but people post too fast. Anyways, so, you might have read my epic, Aftershock: After the Toa Nuva. Well, out this fall is coming Aftershock 2, Zota Nui: Island of Vengence. The new epic has taken me weeks to work on. Most of my MOCs for it are still prototypes, considering the fact that I need at least three Toa Inika to make my Toa of fire, water, and air. I've finished my Toa of Ice and Toa of Stone, and I must say they're awesome. The weapons I'm using on them are custom this time, as well as the powers. The masks this year will have a great twist, being that they are native to the new island. New powers, new villians, and new weapons are everything. The new epic should have a more book feel, since I am writing in a free tone. So far I am done nearly with half the storyline, but I face the constant dilema of where I'm going to end up. Beign a youg author, and having two published books that only I have the copis of, I am faced greatly with the challenges. I am also nearly half-way done with my promo video, so hopefully you'll all like that. Well, see you around. I have to go kick some butt on the Guitar Hero video game against my older sister's friends.
  16. Tak-E
    Hey, everybody! It's been a long time! A really long time! I just wanted to update you on a few things, and explain why you never see me posting, blogging, or PMing anymore.
    I've transferred out to a public high school, and now am in a ton of choirs and show choirs in the school. It keeps me very busy. I've also increased my social life highly, and am working toward getting sing lessons and a job soon. This is all keeping me from BZPower. I will no long really be posting anymore. I might respond to PMs, but if you need to reach me (emphasis on "need"), email me at phillipar33@gmail.com. Since I don't have much time for BZP anymore, I'm also no longer paying for Premier Membership.
    To all of my close friends here, it's been a wonderful ride, and I don't love anyone here any less than I did when I sorta dropped off the face of the earth.
    Legend Kitana
    Toa Zeo of Ice
    Toa Omaga of Ice
  17. Tak-E
    Well, The All-American Rejects's first single was released today from their new album When The World Comes Down. But you can't download it yet...
    However, I got it. I do that a lot, don't I? I can't say the name of the single, but for the next 24 hours, if you're a member on their site, it's streaming on there. I ripped a pretty clean version of the song, so if anyone wants it, post a comment or drop me your email.
  18. Tak-E
    Perhaps that will be my next color? The red reminds me of blood too much. Also, if none of you have heard the song Dark Blue by Jack's Mannequin, I highly suggest looking it up. It's very good.
    Well, after a semi-absence, I've returned to BZP for the last few weeks before school starts. It's pretty...normal, actually. The only thing I'm waiting for is trying to decide what new phone I should get. Lol.
    I'm on T-Mobile, any ideas?
  19. Tak-E
    Actually, there is much about something. I just would like to thank Black Six and Omi for being so patient with me concerning my name problems, and for Black six changing it to Tak-E after the confusion. Thanks, guys - if you read this, even.
  20. Tak-E
    Well, it was inevitable. It had to happen sometime. No matter how much I tried to fight it, it came. I used all my strength, my willpower, my hope, my dreams, and my emotions.
    And summer still came.
    Lol. It hasn't been that bad, though. I've gotten a very nice tan, I have to admit. And seeing friends hasn't been a problem so far. And another fun little fact: I beat Halo 3 in one day. Haha. Now my friend and I are doing it on Campaign mode. But back to my summer fun. I think that the reason I was so sad for summer to come was because I wasn't going to be able to see my friends anymore. But everyday this week - my first week off, in fact - I've had someone to chill with. Summer looks a lot brighter; especially now that all the tornado warnings are gone.
    On that note, a tornado touched down half a mile from my house. I saw it begin to form in the clouds right above my house, and I immediately grabbed my mom, my dog, and my sister's cat and ran into the basement. Luckily, we were all safe. I haven't been into town to check the damage out yet.
    So there are actually two questions of the day today. First, what are your expectations for this summer? Do you have any goals that you'd like to achieve in the next three (or two) months? Second, what was the worst natural disaster that you personally lived through that you remember?
    But that's all that mattered to me today. This is Taki, and you've just been filled in.
  21. Tak-E
    Yesterday was just like, the most amazing day of my life, and I still don't understand it all. But today is Saturday, meaning that I was able to sleep in till twelve in the afternoon. (After staying up till 2 A.M. talking on the phone, that is.) My dad is out at work today, since he's leaving for a two week business trip on Tuesday. However, he told me he was hoping that we could hit up the movies tonight, and maybe go to a local sports bar - Champs - for their Guitar Hero night. Back to the movies, however, I think I want to see Iron Man. I mean, why not? It passed BCJ's expectations, which means that it must be 100% better than my previous expectations. Lol.
    And that brings us to today's question of the day. If you could be your own superhero (not an already existing one), what power would you have, and what would your mortal weakness be?
    But that's really all that was on my mind today. This is Taki, and you've just been filled in.
  22. Tak-E
    Born in the plains, a farmer's sons and brothers the same.
    Raised on promises, we'd stay that way.
    As boys we believed summers at the sea we were free to become men of good will.
    Side by side.
    And we were children then, footprints in the sand.
    And where the ocean bends, we made our promises. And those duties we called 1943 we enrolled.
    Together we would be our family's pride.
    And we were soldiers then, our bodies in the sand. And like that sand through our hands, grow our grandest plans. And just to see your face for one more minute, I'd cross the ocean again, the end is not the end.
    And I'll be by your side. On the other side.
    I'll be by your side. on the other side.
    And through the cloud of death, we find our way back home, and though I hold your hand, all must go alone.
    And when you see the face of our maker, you don't have to be ashamed, He knows the promises we made.
    And I'll be by your side on the other side.
    I'll be by your side on the other side.
  23. Tak-E
    Well, it's Wednesday again. It's one of my favorite days of the week. But Thursday, noooo. Thursday is by far my least favorite day of the week. At least this time around. This is considering that I have a Spanish test on *counts on fingers* twelve chapters tomorrow, and I'm not necessarily good at Spanish. So, keep me in your prayers. Maybe I'll give you a reward this week...
    Why doesn't flavored gum turn your mouth that color?
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