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Blog Entries posted by Tak-E

  1. Tak-E
    It's here, and just in time (I nearly died of anticipation). I'm gonna go pick it up in a bit, the Xbox 360 version (we're using my friend's 360 til I get mine). A review will be sure to follow either today or tomorrow.
  2. Tak-E
    So there's today and tomorrow, and then I'm back at school for a month. In that period I have one day off for mid-semester break. Then it's back on till Easter Break. But in other news, next week for my school is spirit week, and then a dance that Saturday (a Sock Hop). Looking forward to it. I've been going through a lot of relationship stuff lately, and right now I'm actually on kinda solid ground, so I'm not asking anyone to the dance (though I'll cringe when I see couples). I'm gonna go with my friends, so hopefully I'll have more fun that I anticipate.
    It's supposed to be like 50 degrees outside this weekend. After the buildup of two feet of snow, I'd like to see this.
  3. Tak-E
    Tell me the song that the name of this entry comes from and I'll give you an award. Anyway, so last night my friend spent the night. We played Xbox 360 and stuff. Went to bed about 6, and woke up about 12. Then he left about 6 in the evening. And then I went and fixed my computer cause I missed the internet. Lol. Tomorrow my friend is coming over. Just finishing up the last of break with a bang. Anybody have any cool break stories?
  4. Tak-E
    Could it? Yes, it could, and it is! I'm back! Check it, just in time for the new year. Happy 2008, everybody! Lol. Lots has happened since I last was able to post in here, and I missed it dearly. But first off, I have to thank from the bottom of my heart my brother Arch-Angel, who paid for my premier membership as a Christmas gift. He truly is a rare find as a friend, and he is one of the most amazing guys I know.
    So, pretty much, let me just update you on my life. I'm single right now, but my girlfriend broke up with me the Thursday before Christmas break, so all day Friday I was majorly depressed. I'm doing better now, but I'm still lonely. At school, the week I go back we have spirit week, and then a sock hop dance. :-P However, I finally got my Xbox 360 for Christmas, along with the Rock Band Special Edition pack with drums, a guitar, and a mic. I'm so excited. However, my sister dripped water into my computer and broke it, so I have to figure out which parts were damaged so that I can have her give me the money to replace them. I'm on my friend's computer for now. :-P
    I've missed you all. I'm so excited to be back.
  5. Tak-E
    So a lot of stuff has been happening this week, and I thought I might just recap everything for y'all.
    Monday: Monday was the day that nothing very special happened, but I did manage to make two new friends at school who are so awesome. They're these two 8th grade girls, and I'm pretty much their dog (my hair is fluffy like a dog's). This day also was the day that now everyone pats me on the head as I walk through the halls.
    Tuesday: Tuesday was again, not super exciting. But it was the second day of the week. The only interesting thing that happened here was that everyone decided they wanted to sign the dry erase board I keep in my locker.
    Wednesday: Okay, so here's where the fun stuff begins. Halloween was on Wednesday, but I didn't do anything. I was going to go to a party at my church, but my best friend, and girl friend, Miranda called, and I wanted to talk to her.
    Thursday: On Thursday things were quiet, but we discovered that the reason we've had virtually no homework, tests, or quizes this past week was because they're all taking place within the first three days of next week (one of them is even a mid-term). So it's pretty crazy. But my dad did leave to go to Brazil, so that made me happy.
    Friday: Ah, beloved Friday; Friday was the favorite day of my week. The day in of itself was pretty cool, but I found out one of my new friends I made is my school next week because she's moving. But after school, my friend Joey came out. And for those of you who have read all my Guitar Hero 3 related entries, you'd know that he's the holder and possessor of my Guitar Hero 3 game until I got my Xbox 360 at Christmas. So pretty much he came over, and I continued playing my career on the game. Then I got bored and decided to do something fun: battle people online. The first two times I did Co-Op with people online for some reason, but then I figured out how to battle. I was on hard, and the guy I was battling was on expert (okay, this isn't the fighting battle mode, it's the batle mode where you just try to get a higher score than your opponent on Pro-Face Off). He was beating me up until the very last verse of My Name Is Jonas, where I activated a full Star Power meter and rocked all the way home: a win for ♥TAKi♥!
    So yeah, that's my week. I hope y'all enjoyed reading about it. My hands hurt from typing for some reason. Probably because I don't like the keyboard on my dad's laptop, where I happen to be residing while writing this.
    NOTE: I won't have Premier Membership for at least a week, so I won't be updating my blog for a while, probably. Just PM me if you need anything.
  6. Tak-E
    So today, Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock, was released for the Wii, Xbox 360, PS2, and the PS3. I was lucky enough to get the Xbox 360 version. Luckily I reserved the game, because they sold out of all the non-reserved copies hour before we got there.
    So first, a funny story: we almost died on the way to get GH3. "Why?" Easy: a car stopped in front of us for no reason, and we stopped within an inch of the car; almost crashing. So, anyway, onto the review.
    So the box is amazing, attracting pretty much anybody to look at it. Great art, but the best is Slash (on character on the right).
    The case for the game is like any other, but it's still cool and shiny to look at. Much better than previous Guitar Hero titles, I must say. It's more flashy.
    Guitar In Wrapping
    So the guitar is wireless, coming in two parts. The neck of the guitar is detachable for easier transport.
    So the neck has the fret buttons, and that's pretty much it. It's really cool, though. If you wanna rock out without playing, just take the neck and randomly start pressing the frets.
    The base has the Xbox buttons, a wireless hookup button, a place for the batteries, the start and select buttons, and a detachable face-plate (which you can buy other face-plates to put on in its place). It's really fun to hook the two up. Lol.
    So the gameplay is pretty awesome. Not much different from it's ancestors, but the setup is different. The Star Power has changed to a different form, and so has the score meter. When playing, using the Whammy Bar isn't as obvious. Hitting Hammer-Ons and Pull-Offs is much easier, due to an extra second of grace to hit the notes. The main menu and song selection is pretty cool; much different than anything before it. It's so much different than the other games.
    I'm giving this game a 9.5/10, the only bad thing being the first few songs aren't that exciting.
  7. Tak-E
    So my best bud Peter is over and I just randomly decided to interview him. He's sitting right here, so I'm just gonna type questions onto the screen and he's gonna respond...if I can hear him over this loud music.
    Me: So, Pete, how long have you been able to put your leg behind your head?
    Pete: Three hours.
    Me: So does that set some kind of record or something?
    Pete: No, it was just three hours ago that I discovered I could do it.
    Me: Ah, silly me. So, how's your...arm? Bendy?
    Pete: No.
    Me: What!?
    Pete: I can't do anything with my arm that's weird. My hand, however...
    Me: Hmm...this sounds interesting. Care to further explain?
    Pete: What do you mean, just what can I do?
    Me: Si, senor.
    Pete: I'm not sure how to exactly explain this...
    Me: Are you breaking up with me?!
    Pete: Yes...of course I am!
    Me: Wait...sorry, flash back to last week. What were we talking about? I have a strange urge for pudding...
    Pete: We were talking about how I can make my hand do weird things.
    Me: What does that have to do with getting me pudding?
    Pete: Aye yi yi...
    Me: Oh, your native tongue? What tribe do you come from?
    Pete: Can we stay on topic...please?
    Me: Of course not! What do you think this is, an interview?
    Pete: That's what you said it was...
    Me: I lied.
    Pete: ...
    Me: ...well, that about wraps it up. Bye bye!
    Pete: G'bye!
  8. Tak-E
    Oh joy, the weekend: eternally catching up to what I missed on BZP during the school week. This week has zapped all my time. Plenty of tests and homework and quizes, plus in general I've just been physically and emotionally drained. But things are looking up. It seems that me and my ex-girlfriend are gonna be getting back together (she was the one who broke up with me because she though she might like my friend, but it turned out she wants to kill him ). So things are doing good. Our teacher/best friend invited the freshmen and some sophmores over to his house after school tomorrow, so my friend Peter is coming along (he switched to another school so I haven't seen him in ages) and then he'll be spending the night. So I'll try and catch up tomorrow and Saturday, I'll try. But we also have our friend in from Brazil so things are a ittle hectic. Ah, as I said, the joy of the weekend.
  9. Tak-E
    It's taken us long enough. After horrid treks through the vast jungles of the earth, we've discovered three new Munkie colors: blue, yellow, and pink! They need good homes, seeing as they have been living in iPod boxes. If you'd like to adopt one of them, check out the content block on the right or click here to check out the other Munkies.
    New colors!



  10. Tak-E
    So, yeah. Plenty of things happening. Girlfriend and I split up. It's like there's a non-existing two week rule with me, I swear. Also, friends are giving me issues. Not a ton, but a few. And I'm helping another friend out with some problems in her life.
  11. Tak-E
    First hot, then cold, then hot again. It's like Mother Nature is trying to pick out the right pair of shoes but can't seem to find them. It's crazy. But anyway, I'm probably gonna get my Xbox 360 this weekend. I was surprised, the other day, however, to find a few Halo 3 and Limited Edition Halo 3 games in a Target by my school. Hadn't there been a monster-mad rush for that game?
  12. Tak-E
    Well, today I was getting out of gym (8th period, second to last class) and my dad met me as I got out of the gym and told me to get outside ASAP and that he had signed me out. So I quickly changed and ran upstairs to grab my bags. I got out to the car and noticed that the freakin' road was flooded! The whole area was flooded from torential rain that hda started about fifteen minutes ago. I got into the car and saw my older sister. Apparently, some person in an SUV crashed going 45 mph into her Toyota Matrix while she was turning out of a McDonalds. So I had gotten out early so we could go home and then go to get her car.
    In other news, tomorrow is See You At the Pole: a day where Christians gather together in the morning around flag poles and pray for our schools, nation, and anything else in general. So if you wanna go, just check to see where you might be able to meet. And if you don't have it going on, call some friends and just find a flag pole.
  13. Tak-E
    After a week and a half of suffering in Spanish class, we've discovered who's at the top and who's at the bottom. So, here we are!
    *drum roll*
    And the top of the class is...
    Moi! Yes, I know it's French, I don't really care.
    In other news, I have another new girlfriend. She's a Sophmore and is in two of my classes with me. I've been friends with her for a while, and we just sorta clicked.
  14. Tak-E
    So I recently got a new skate ramp and my friend came over with his deck. We were doing some stuff on it and then I screwed up and went flying. I landed on my back and right arm, and then I fell twice more and landed on my foot. So I have a sprained foot, I think a fractured bone, and I just did something to my neck. I am so not doing gym class tomorrow.
    If you want to see sorta what I did, here's my friend Joey doing a slightly less painful version of it: Boom.
  15. Tak-E
    So if none of you knew, I had my computer hooked up to my 52 in. Hi-Def big screen TV in my living room for about one and a half months to two months, but I've changed it back to my old monitor on a desk. I miss the couch, but I like being able to see all the pictures crystal clear now. Here's a picture from before when I had it up:

  16. Tak-E
    I'm back. I don't believe I actually finished all my homework tonight. I'm so happy. High school is too homework associated. I'm so tired, but I'm glad to be back.
  17. Tak-E
    So I was riding my bike and I rode down the hill to get to the horse stable next door (my friend who's a junior is the son of the owners, so he goes there a bit and we hang out). As he's getting in his car, I head down the really long downhill driveway, which is just like mine, gravel included. However, I ran into this deep patch of gravel and the bike slid out to the right. I got pinned under it. I got back up and my knee was bleeding, I could tell. My gears came loose on my bike, too. So I walked it over to the side as a horse trailer came up the driveway and I hooked them back up. Then I got back on and tucked my jeans into my sandels so they wouldn't get caught in the gears, and I headed down the driveway in front of my friend, his parents, and his sister who is a bit over a year younger than me. I then turned right and went down the road for a minute and went back onto my driveway, and they turned right and went home. Once they were out of view, I pulled up my jeans on my left knee and just stared at my leg.
    It was totally ripped up, right under my knee cap it was all cut up and there was a small trickle of blood going down my leg. I took a picture of it but not sure if I can post it here. Lol. Anyway, So I went back up to my house, took the picture, cleaned up the wound, and have been on the couch ever since.
    The End.
  18. Tak-E
    Well, our last kitten (we had three, one died early on, and we just gave away the other) is finally going to a good home. His name is Bruhaha (an actual word, not sure if it's spelled that way, though), and he's basically tabby (black with stripes that are variations of black). We were sad that he was the only kitten left, so we called our pastor and asked if he would send an email to our very small church asking if anyone would like a kitten. Later on his wife called and said they were juggling around the idea, and they thought they'd like the kitten, since it would be a good pet for them and their two very young daughters. So I'll be taking a kitten to church with me today.
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