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Status Updates posted by MamaToa

  1. Your stories (Chronicles books) are excellent and exciting. Thank you for them ... MamaToa

  2. I'll humbly and simply say Thank you for once reading my PM with my long letters and thank you for the great work you're doing here ...

  3. Thanks for visiting me and saying hi. Returning the greeting.

  4. Hello Toa, hello. Thx for visiting my profile and that with PMs ... we all got known in a time what the problem was. PMs work fine now anyway. Hmmm, I hear you write stories ... then I should read one I suppose.

  5. Just visited to say Hello ... that's all.

  6. Hmmm, the message you've talked about last year that you could't open, was probably mine I presume as you never answered it. Eh, it's probably not what you would want to read anyways though it's full of compliments to your stories. Thx.

  7. Well, seing you go reminds me I wasn't here for ages. I would like to thank you for everything being patient with me reslovnig the things I've done wrong. Thanks again and good luck wherever you go and whatever you do. Thank you.

  8. Congrats on the most votes for Lego Ambasador!

  9. Thank you for everything and for understanding.

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