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Vak Il Mio Amore

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Status Updates posted by Vak Il Mio Amore

  1. Oh, I've got it. Haven't worked on it though. Most likely waiting til' summer. I'm booked with school and sports and the like right now.

  2. Yo homie G Do-awg. =P

  3. Haha, it's alright. I haven't worked on it much at all lately. HEAVY writers block and I've been extremely busy.

  4. Hey Loyd, I saw one of your posts in wasteland, and I just have to ask: Do you play Endwar? I do.

  5. Ten Thousand fists in the air. That song is stuck in my head.

  6. ....Is this a kicking contest or something?

  7. Aw, Assisting Suicide is my catch phrase =O

  8. A gundam's awesomness cannot be denied =D

  9. Thanks, but you never told me what yours does :P

  10. You KNOW you wanna try the Halo RPG when Teebs posts it on Friday...you KNOW you wanna!

  11. =P I feel loved. Hahaha, well on the 22nd Highschool Soccer ends, so I should have a lot more free time, and thus plan to join.

  12. Gratz Jester, I knew you'd at least get far! Good thing ya won though.

    Anyways, no garantees that I can join. At least until Oct. 22nd. I'm extremely busy right now and time is crunched.

  13. Diskeh! We haven't talked in quite awhile.

  14. Geno + Moon gone happy = Best Profile.

  15. Back off sista! NYAH!

  16. Dude, which gundam series is your avvie from? I can't quite tell.

  17. Nice uh....speech...in your interests? Now my head hurts again.

  18. I would (much as I hate to admit it) have to agree with you that it seems the average girl is obsessed with the overhyped jonas brothers, miley cyrus, etc.

  19. Better than yesterday, by far.

    Soccer tryouts for highschool team begin tommorrow =D

  20. What's up my homie g dawg? :P

    I made a Halo Epic in preparation for the new Halo RPG due whenever the mods approve it for Teebs =D

  21. Sure, I'm fine with that. I'll tell you now....21 minute runs in 100+ degree weather is NOT fun.

  22. You are P-L-enty welcome =P

  23. Which from what I can see, looks schweeeet.

  24. Why yes, the pancake does taste like a chinchilla on fire.


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