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Status Updates posted by Rumpelstiltskin

  1. I added you to my Friends list. *mimic Robin Williams* You be my friend?

  2. I believe whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you...stranger.

  3. I have also read Bionicle Legends 10, and I think it's my favorite book so far. Both stories are fantastic. Well done.

  4. I have CDO. It's like OCD, but all the letters are in the proper order.

  5. I like the quote in your sig. Totally forgot about it. :D

  6. Imagine living in a world where "Now be gone, before someone drops a house on you, too" is considered a valid threat...

  7. Just checked your blog. Whoah, 2008 is going to be the best year ever, with all the renewing old stuff and the Toa Mata flashback...I've been waiting for that. :D

  8. Just my personal oppinion, but the last part of your name sounds like something you'd hear from the Muppets' Swedish Chef. :P

  9. Just posted there too. Sounds Like fun!

  10. Just spent a solid two days speeding through A Memory of Light. Epic conclusion to an immense series. My mind is still reeling from reading a 909 page book in such a short time. >.

  11. Meh, sorry. Got caught up in Reality. Rest assured I haven't deserted you. Kinda busy today, but I'll be here all week. :)

  12. Never conjure where you carve; that's very important.

  13. No, I didn't. Thanks. Btw, that's from Gringots in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

  14. Oh, yeah, what is it? We need an Official Loose Ends Topic. ;)

  15. Okay, I have been listening to "Real in Rio" from the Rio Soundtrack nonstop for the past two days. At this point it's so ingrained in my subconscious it's just background music for my thoughts. *starts dancing the samba*

  16. OMG! Thank you SSOO much for MoMN's name!!! I'm too excited for words!

  17. OUAT - The series where every single character has parent issues - but only because their parents had issues with their parents, and let's not even mention their parents...

  18. Probably because I asked him so many questions. :D

  19. Richard Rahl, definitely. :D

  20. Richard Rahl, definitely. He's infinitely cooler on so many levels. :P

  21. Rumple-Bumple isn't here. Rumple-Bumple... gone, my dear.

  22. Thanks TZ. I couldn't stand how mechanical Pirakalord693 sounded, so I figured I'd change it.

  23. The crown served me well! But now, by the gods of sea and sky, make way for Tortuga!!!

  24. The Dark One's back with a vengeance, dearie. Nyiee!

  25. To squee or not to squee; that is the question.

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