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Status Updates posted by Rumpelstiltskin

  1. Well done on DW and DiD. Loving the serials this year! :)

  2. Just spent a solid two days speeding through A Memory of Light. Epic conclusion to an immense series. My mind is still reeling from reading a 909 page book in such a short time. >.

  3. I like the quote in your sig. Totally forgot about it. :D

  4. Bleh, another name change? Spreken ze Englay?

  5. I have also read Bionicle Legends 10, and I think it's my favorite book so far. Both stories are fantastic. Well done.

  6. Back to five stars. You certainly deserve them!

  7. Imagine living in a world where "Now be gone, before someone drops a house on you, too" is considered a valid threat...

  8. Just checked your blog. Whoah, 2008 is going to be the best year ever, with all the renewing old stuff and the Toa Mata flashback...I've been waiting for that. :D

  9. Back to Adventurer now, are you? :D

  10. To squee or not to squee; that is the question.

  11. The Dark One's back with a vengeance, dearie. Nyiee!

  12. Well, PM me when it comes out, then. :D

  13. Richard Rahl, definitely. He's infinitely cooler on so many levels. :P

  14. Richard Rahl, definitely. :D

  15. Hey, happy birthday! 21, wow. That's got to be fun. =P

  16. Rumple-Bumple isn't here. Rumple-Bumple... gone, my dear.

  17. Hello. I know, I'm everywhere. :P

    I see-ee you.

  18. "You know, you CAN say it backwards, which is 'dociousaliexpilisticfragicalirupes', but that's going a bit too far, don't you think?"

  19. Adding you to my friends...feel free to do the same. :D

  20. Just my personal oppinion, but the last part of your name sounds like something you'd hear from the Muppets' Swedish Chef. :P

  21. BTW, check out my page on BS01. I think I can run it from there.

  22. I have CDO. It's like OCD, but all the letters are in the proper order.

  23. Better were the days when mastery of seas came not from bargains struck with eldritch creatures, but from the sweat of a man's brow, and the strength of his back alone. Y'all know this to be true!

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