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Status Updates posted by Hakkums

  1. LOL Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut... But there's so many better candidates for that joke. I'd have chosen Xaeraz...

  2. Lol yah


    My profile rejects you, Nihy. Out, nao.

  3. Lol, Aoran beat ya to it.

  4. Lol, okay. If Setsuna doesn't approve a Setsuna witch-hunt, he shouldn't post. :P

  5. Lolz Is that so? I beg the differ, considering my Demon is taking on two Makutas. Tis a shame really. :P

  6. LOST IS WIN!1! Too bad I don't wanna talk to you. :|

    j/k j/k =D

  7. Lots of rage... =P

  8. LSAD, if you get him started on da numbahs, I'll sue you. >>

  9. Maybe a local squat team will be sufficient enough... :(

  10. Maybe the slicing has something to do with it? :X

  11. Meh, leave it to an old guy from Kentucky to start something Cap'n B felt the need to finish. >.>

  12. Members of epic proportions of WIN.

  13. Merry Christmas, Comradez. ^^

  14. More hair or more fangs! Taking all bets!

  15. Munki_'s a poet?! =D

  16. Munki's blog sees me. D:

  17. My dragon eats your lawyers. Wewt.

  18. My scheme invovles suing TPTI, having Munkiman_ as the judge, and Nihy as TPTI's lawyer. Yeah, I'm pretty much guaranteed to win.


  20. Nihybearpig. ZOMG I R GOOD AT SPELLINGZ.

  21. No fast food here. Just good, poisonous, do-not-want foods.

  22. No imagination songs, please.

  23. NO THANK YOO *hammer to yer teeth*

  24. No wai... YOU TOO? =D

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