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Status Updates posted by Jithra

  1. Yep, I did get your pm, I just haven't read it yet...:P I'm getting there, honest!

  2. That's great! If I do get unlimited access, it will probably be sometime in the summer when I have a lot more free time to spend on the computer. I'll let you know if I ever do!

  3. Yeah, my horse "yawns" like that when he's bored or nervous, which means he's often making faces at the judge during shows. ^.^;

  4. Hi!

    I was wondering, did you recieve the last PM I sent you?

  5. Hey ya!

    Just wondering, did you ever get the PM I sent you?

  6. I like it, it's a lot easier to remember too.

  7. Ah, you have your old name back! I meant to mention that in the PM but I forgot until after I had sent it. >.

  8. Thanks, glad you like it! I've been playing with the idea of starting a weekly comic strip for a while now. (Is unashamedly fishing for comic ideas...:P)

  9. Thanks! I've been playing with the idea of starting a weekly comic strip. (Is unashamedly fishing for comic ideas...:P)

  10. I am feeling a bit better, well enough that I at least won't have to miss anything today. *Yay!*

  11. In answer to your question on my profile, I've been doing well, except for being miserably sick that is...It's like the cold that refused to die! What's new with you?

  12. I've been doing well, except for being miserably sick that is...It's like the cold that refused to die!

  13. *lol* That's ok.

  14. Happy New Year! *Confetti’s profile*

  15. Happy New Years to you too!

  16. Happy New Years to you too!

  17. *Gives a fresh, chocolate cookie in exchange for the shiny penny*

    How's it going?

  18. I'm doing pretty well, not super-fantastic, but hey, it hasn't been too bad.

    And yes, I love horses, even Sir Goofball, whose real name is much too serious for him. ^.^

  19. It was fun to write. ^.^

  20. Battling the evils of computer viruses...You know how I said dad had gotten rid of said virus? Well...It hadn't completely left... (Duh, duh, duuuh...) Dad thinks it may be gone for good, but I'm not holding my breath...

  21. Yeah, I did, but I died and wasn't able to respond...Or rather, my computer got a virus and kept me off for two weeks.

  22. Gosh, your old! :P

    Happy Birthday!

  23. Happy Birthday Adventurer!

  24. I LOVE horses! And I've been blessed with a lovely--if not odd-ball-- arabian for two years now.

  25. Happy Birthday, Ranar toa of shadow!

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