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Status Updates posted by Jithra

  1. Happy Birthday, ATOG!

  2. Happy Birthday, Kata9!

  3. Happy Birthday, Vorthon!

  4. Happy Birthday, Brikman Mcstudz!

  5. Happy Birthday, Skello: Toa of Pumpkins!

  6. Happy Birthday, Lego_man!

  7. Happy Birthday, lewa-hordika!

  8. Happy Birthday, King at the sok factory!

  9. Happy Birthday, GameFreak001!

  10. Happy Birthday, Benders Minion!

  11. Happy Birthday, Takua95!

  12. Happy Birthday Tahakki-Nuva!

  13. *lol* I was wondering when you'd be invited onto the staff team... Congratulations Turakii!

  14. Nope, your fine! And don't worry, your not bothering me. PM's are always fun!

  15. Hi! Yes I did receive your message, I've just been busy with a new job and family being out of town and haven't had time to respond to a whole lot.

  16. Happy Birthday BD! I hope it was great.

  17. Hey Kortu!

    Well, I was going to say something silly in Spanish, but nothing came to mind, so you get this instead.

    "Insert Witty Spanish Phrase Here"

  18. "I have the cat in my...*looks up the one word I haven't learned yet*...Pants"...? Yeah, I would hope that you wouldn't find a need to say that as well...:P

  19. Love them owls Searon. Not to repeat Zonis or anything, but what's new?

  20. Hi LK! Wow, so far two people from my favorite artists list have commented here...I'm so happy!

    And thanks, I'm glad you liked my picture. ^.^

    Searon! No, i dont lieik mudkipz, lolz. anywatsiz, gracias, mi amigo! ;P (Suddenly, I remember why I don't like typing like that...)

  21. Aw cool, thanks!

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