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Brave Dragon

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Blog Entries posted by Brave Dragon

  1. Brave Dragon
    Who here is introverted?
    A couple hands are raised.
    Who here is extroverted?
    The rest of the group raised their hands.
    As they discussed about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, I interjected.
    "I don't trust these quizes."
    Why not? One of them asked.
    "I took one of those in high school, and several times after that. The results I get are random."
    So what's the one type you often get then?
    Ooohh. That's an engineer-type, not many artists we know have that personality.
    I'm a 3-D modeler who makes assets for games. I'm just as an engineer as I can get. I build and make stuff that usually doesn't make a lick of sense, but the cool factor is what counts for me.
    Once I hit home, I googled INTP to refresh my memory on the personality type. And my god. It fits me while crossing its i's and dotting its t's. It makes more sense as I'm not particularly a social person and prefer going to places alone.
    Story aside, what's your MBTI?
  2. Brave Dragon
    Just popping in to say hi. Guess no one cares anymore. Times have changed so fast.
    Also, I am in a need of a moderator/admin help for an artist friend of mine, named Evil_Accret. She's got some sweet art to post, but she forgot the pw to her account. Sadly in her attempt to reset, the account is linked to an old e-mail, in which she forgot the pw and the question required to change said pw.
    And the BZP system is not so willing to give her a second account since she shares the same computer with another BZPer.
    If anyone is willing to help return her account, send a PM my way for further discussions.
  3. Brave Dragon
    It's been a while. Busy with real life. This image basically explains what's going on in my gaming life.

    And probably Skyrim, but I use that to make mods.
  4. Brave Dragon
    3 days starting out League of Legends.
    I was quite unsure what I was getting myself into while I bought him. I played Sona and Soraka, and I wondered why there isn't much support heavy males like them. I mulled over Taric and noted that I'm not melee inclined yet, so I choose Zilean.
    Game starts. An ally and I went toe to toe with two enemies. Being a squishy mage, I tried to keep my distance. Sadly, minions are gone, and I had a hundred hp left. One of the guys is in the same situation, but they decided to give chase. Knowing I won't be able to make it, I casted Chronoshift on myself, and took the killing blow.
    Unaware of my save, they tried to give chase to my mate, but I resurrected, handed my opponents two bombs, and killed one of the guys off.
    Sweet. Sweet. Revenge.
  5. Brave Dragon
    Finally have the money during my budget crunching to pre-order Portal 2 from Steam. Lo and behold! I got another free copy of Portal (the previous free copy was the Steam-on-Mac promo). I kinda don't want this sitting around doing nothing. So, yeah.
    Whoever draws me the gnarliest picture of Sam Gideon from Vanquish gets the free copy.
    Contest ends May 1st or until the amount of artwork submitted quenches my fangirlism.
  6. Brave Dragon
    I've recently decided to finish up my main character in Mass Effect 2, and thought: today would be a good time to catch up on the DLCs I missed, which were mainly post Kasumi stuff.
    As I did a basic math the scrounge up my remaining points from my account and purchase more Bioware points to buy my DLC, it got me thinking. At the moment ME2 normal costs around $20, and the Digital Deluxe edition cost $40. I bought the DD when it first came out (mainly for concept art and the music), and it was $70; $10 more than the 360 version. Not bad. Not bad.
    All ME2 copies came with the Cerberus Network, which grant you free DLC for a while.
    $1 = 80 BP.
    To get the main DLC (2480 BP), which includes Kasumi, Overlord, Shadow Broker, and Arrival, I have to pay $31 bucks.
    To get all the DLC (3280 BP) available on Bioware, which includes the weapons/armor not given via Cerberus network and horse armor for your squadmates, I have to pay and additional $10. This doesn't include the Gamestop pre-order, DD edition, and the Dr. Pepper promo.
    I bought the game for $70. I then later bough the whole experience for a total of around $100.
    Moral of the story: Buy ME2 normal version when it's over a year old. Then get the main DLC when the studio's done with it and is moving on to ME3 content. I would've save myself half the price for a whole experience.
    But then again, playing the game hot off the presses was a difference experience altogether.
  7. Brave Dragon
    Might as well ask for comments and critiques. This is prolly my third t-shirt design I had made in my life. The others were for silk-screen projects in high school printing class. So, yeah, loooong time ago.
    Trying to go for that rough concept sketch like the Guild Wars 2 Charr shirt, but I'm uncertain if it'll turn out alright.
    Here's the final version I made:

    And here's the rough draft I submitted a while back:

    Enjoy. :]
  8. Brave Dragon
    Who here, other than I, play their games on a console with both axis inverted camera-wise?
    I'm trying to play Bulletstorm, a game that lacks an x-axis inverted (only the y) option, and it's like running a marathon as a non-augmented quadriplegic or something. People looked at me as if I'm crazy to ask such a question on the validity of the x/y inverted options, but there's got to be people out these who's on the same dilemma boat as I am.
  9. Brave Dragon
    3 hours bible lectures in one sitting can be quite long-winded. Imagine doing it for three days in the mountains. My mind gets a bit overstuffed. My fellow sister looked at me disapprovingly as I doodled.

    At least it was cute. :3

  10. Brave Dragon
    I swear, Japan has some yearly conference they go to, trying to think about the most craziest things that no one has bother to think of. These are the few things I picked out that made my head spin in current memory:
    A ten-heads-tall witch with guns on her feet who can manipulate time and gravity fights angels who are trying to kill her. Riding a motorcycle up the side of a massive rocket to the edge of the solar system is also involved.
    Fighting 30 ft robots with nothing but a power suit with rockets attached to thighs and transforming weapons in a orbital space platform that had been converted to a laser cannon by a Russian space terrorist.
    Card games on motorcycles...in space. Enough said.
    And don't talk to me about Gurren Lagann. Freaking recursive mechs. In space.
  11. Brave Dragon
    How dedicated to a game can you get, when, say, your 360 dies while playing the game for nearly three months (despite the fact you "beat" the game two days after it was released), so you bought a PS3 in hopes of a bit more longer lifetime than 3 years; and then wind up not getting yourself a PS3 exclusive game, but rather the PS3 version of the very same game you played on the 360 before it bricked.
    And I'll prolly plat that game, too.
  12. Brave Dragon
    She's really pretty. Plus points for the lack of the giant brick adapter Xavier had that was a pain to transport.

    My PSN is Tareos if anyone's interested. I don't do multiplayer much, though. :\
  13. Brave Dragon
    After watching it with a buddy of mine, I couldn't help but feeling mildly disappointed. But I can't seem to put my fingers on what.
    The scenery is real pretty though, but that's because I love to draw stuff like this. Daft Punk is my staple musician.
  14. Brave Dragon
    On September 17, 2007, I got you as a birthday present just in time for Halo 3 to come out. Granted the only fun I had with the game was offline, as I never liked paying subscriptions. We had fun playing through good games like Assassin's Creed (1&2), Portal, Devil May Cry 4, and Mass Effect. We have our disappointing games as well - Yeah, Fable 2, I'm looking at you. >:|
    Alas on December 29th of 2010, you decided to RROD on a drunken run through Vanquish during a massive firefight of explosions and bullets.
    You will be missed, dearly. However the warranty is certainly expired, and I must cut my losses and invest in a sturdier reliable console, which all my friends already have anyways. Besides, Vanquish is on the PS3, too.
  15. Brave Dragon
    Hrm, so, close. I got got one more project to finish, and I'm done for the semester.
    Though I can't say that it's without some annoyances. For my Astronomy 2 class, which is a joke because I'm curving this class pretty high like no tomorrow, and I'm no pro; we took a group final with open book and notes. I sat with some class mates discussing the questions and swiftly answering them as I go; we would often throw out letters for some vague questions. And then there's this one person who just sat and listened, and just jot down the answers with no contribution. Then she would get frustrating with us, demanding answers for almost everything. Granted, if the test were without the answers in front of us, I would oblige, but geez. So I looked at the problem she was having for a brief moment and saw that it was a simple algebra problem (some ab=xy formula). So, I was reluctant to tell her the answer, because I'm pretty sure she can solve that on her own.
    Ranting aside, hope finals isn't burning you guys out. Cheers.
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