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T-shirt Design

Brave Dragon


Might as well ask for comments and critiques. This is prolly my third t-shirt design I had made in my life. The others were for silk-screen projects in high school printing class. So, yeah, loooong time ago.


Trying to go for that rough concept sketch like the Guild Wars 2 Charr shirt, but I'm uncertain if it'll turn out alright.


Here's the final version I made:



And here's the rough draft I submitted a while back:



Enjoy. :]


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You effectively blew all of the competition out of the water.


You can say that again.


I wasted all of my time entering.

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Take the cotton from a species of cotton plant that grows only on a remote island of the cost of Australia and weave it on a magic nine-thousand year old loom that was enchanted by a mystic from Mesopotamia. The pattern that shall be weaved was designed by a Dragon known for her Bravery and Artistic skill. Only the Dragon's design is great enough to be weaved into such potent cloth.


The shirt produced from it shall then go on to win a contest on a website devoted to a terminated toyline. A worthy purpose.


In all seriousness I would totally by that shirt. In an instant. Good work, Brave Dragon.



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I still have no idea what all this shirt design stuff is about, but this is by far the best one I've seen.



... What store can I buy that at?


Oh, it's for a contest. Link's here.


Sorry for the confusion. TBH I've no intention of selling it, even after the contest is over.

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