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Brave Dragon

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Status Updates posted by Brave Dragon

  1. :

    Well, keep practicing and add a bit of flair to it, so it can be a bit more appealing to the eye. ;3

  2. *gasp* oh nonono. My computer didn't die (D:). She's coming tomorrow. :0

    I'm just using the school computer to pass my boredom. (School didn't start yet. :| )

  3. *looks at your personal photo*



  4. *pokes* I gotz BZP back, but not my comp. D;

  5. :D Thanks. I'm just working out the kinks, but it could be better. x3

    Need to finish the illustration of my next chapter. x0

  6. After finals, yes?

  7. Agreed. It's a win in my book. Too bad it had been overshadowed by Fallout. :\

  8. Awesome sauce. 8D

    Maybe you can convince them to open up an art guide. xP

  9. Because I'm special. 8D

  10. Been listening to the OST of 2nd Gig while doing my AC15 entry. xP


  12. Did you just stalked my post count?

  13. dude...I just realised that you didn't update the link to my new art topic in your blog. =0

    Funny how I noticed it a month ago and didn't get around to tell you that. =\

  14. erm... practice drawing toa feet for four to five years? oO;

  15. Err....no. oO;

    I think you've got the wrong person. =.=

    The only stuff I wrote about are minor Tahu drabbles that no one cares about.

  16. Gosh darn what a bummer. The PM systerm's down. =[

  17. Haha, I dunno. Been steering towards technopunk rather than steampunk. 8D

    But I agree that their Bionic anatomy throws me off.

  18. Haha, I'm trying to get into the building across the street from Brodie. xD;

    And I dunno. Tahu tends to do that. :\

  19. Hahaha. Yeah, arguments in German is music to my ears. |D

  20. Happy New Years to you. :D

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