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Everything posted by Ehlek

  1. Ehlek

    O Yah

    They look simple,but cool. Phear the floating heads. O rly o rly o rly???? This post has been edited by:O rly? on, July 31 1:55
  2. Ehlek

    What's In A Name?

    Change it to: Zoopals Or, Conner reborn
  3. Ehlek


    I am ssoooooooo NOT cereal. 4 hour camp???!!!!Shortest canp me ever heard off.
  4. Ehlek

    I Eat Zoo Pals

    Naw no way rly? Enjoy,because they will betray you. My snake one poisened me.
  5. Ehlek

    My Cat Owes Me $2

    And my dog ows me a car.
  6. Ehlek

    Owie Zowie

    International spitty day is august fourth?
  7. *Hits bd with spinach.....* BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAA!!111!!
  8. Ehlek


    Milk gives pickachoo power. Destroy the milk!
  9. Ehlek


    The tomatoes are to blame.You ate ketchup.Shame on U.
  10. ZUMOS R HILLARY CLINTON. XD That sumo made me laugh HARD. Spitty Roffles the Exo. OMG.
  11. Ehlek


    BAHAGORMANSHCMOGGINDOODLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO YOU LIKE CEREAL? I LIKE CEREAL.
  12. Ehlek

    Don't Blog Here!

    I will make a new chart: Pie>Llamas>Zoopals>Spitty Jokes>Ownage>Commercial stealer>Exo Who wins,nobody. Squirells always win.
  13. Ehlek

    What's In A Name?

    Or the Toa of llamas. Now that would own ole spitster.
  14. Ehlek

    International Tahu Day

    Mr.T says to tell you all that:
  15. Ehlek


    NNNOOOO spitty u meanie u hate zoopalz i'm telling your momma......
  16. Ehlek

    My Cat Owes Me $2

    OMG!ROFL! Spitty got owned by his cat........ ZOOPULZ mAkE pIkMiN FuN
  17. Ehlek


    If you saw my moms blog,here is what it would say: "##### ##### ##### ##### ###### #####!!!!!" In every sentence. Mom blog>Swearing>Ownege>Banneg Note: No,I didn't swear on here,just put those things there.
  18. Ehlek

    Owie Zowie

    Biomech's momma? Oooo,you in trwoble exo. Zoopulz r lttle people tht eet celery........
  19. Ehlek

    Don't Blog Here!

    Pie>Llamas>Spitty>Exo Exo own spitty.
  20. Ehlek

    Delicious Yummies :)

    BEAT A MCDONALDS LUCH SNACK BURRITO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pancakes are just pie that got hit with a freakeshlyt large hammer!111!!!!11!11!!1111111one
  21. Ehlek


    THANK GOODNESS SPITTY STAY WE WORSHIP YOU SPITTY!!!!! Tell us bout' the zoopalz.
  22. Ehlek


    Uh.... I LIKE TOAMATOS!!11!!1!111!1 Uze th tmats t dstroy bom!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!! ME INTELIGENT!!!!!111111111111
  23. Ehlek

    I Know My Abcs

    What was the restraunts special? See,I am commenting on the important thing.
  24. Ehlek

    Another Spitty Day

    I go swimming everyday of the week. *Gloating* I hate pie. I hate Zoopals,they give my mouth the odd taste of cardboard.
  25. Ehlek

    Grilled Cheese

    The grilled cheese made the cat allergic to sneezing? ONOZ!!11111!111oneopneoneexclamationpoint!!1!1
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