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Everything posted by Ehlek

  1. Ehlek

    Is That A Pie?

    (Fortune cookie) "That wasn't pie." What is it called?I like to devour things and trash city. It renminds me of home.
  2. Ehlek


    Next time play a song for the llama Dj Mc Schpit'.
  3. Ehlek


    Thaaaaaaaaaats becuse you Stttiiiiiiiiiinnnnnkkkkkkk. I Am a champion booooooooooowwwwlllleeerrrr. Soooooooo hhaaaaaaaaa. This post has been edited by:Exo at: 12:47 PM
  4. Ehlek

    Owie Zowie

    I think the proper Zoopals commercial song would be: "When you clean your plate.....Then you see their fate..." Zoopals taste like plates.
  5. Ehlek

    I Eat Zoo Pals

    Ecks Dee XD What r thee othr songz?
  6. Ehlek


    You ate seal with sprite to wash it down?
  7. *Whipes mouth* I ate it.Don't blame the llamas...... Goats aren't the only thing I eat............
  8. Ehlek


    LICK ZOMG!!!!!1!!!!1111 Spitty had Capin' crunch everyone now die!
  9. Ehlek


    Me no likey pie. WHAT??//?//???? These blogz will be punished!!!!!! *Starts very large machine gun*
  10. Ehlek


    Where do you live,Spitteh'? What time does it come on?
  11. Ehlek


    ROFL! This is my favorite blog entrie..EVER. LLama excreting what whas onece very long chewed grass??!!?! LUCKY!
  12. Ehlek

    Me Likes Ideas

    You all are pathetic,I swear. I hate,and I impfesize hate,pancakes ruining the quizeine like taste of a bunny.
  13. Ehlek


    I have no job. I plan to desgin bionicle or lego. That O rly? person is really a ganster.
  14. Ehlek

    Owie Zowie

    Zoopals? Please don't tell me someone threw a zoopal plate at you,and you junmed like the matrix,and the plate hit your toe.
  15. Ehlek

    More Llamas?

    It is called the war of the shananagins. Don't strike back,tell their mommies.
  16. O.o Random as it is,that is the truth. Did you know llama blood tastes like coolade?
  17. Ehlek


    I have hewkii,but..... Did yours come with Red zamors?
  18. Ehlek


    *Raises hands in da' air,wavin' um' liek i don't care!!!!!!Woot!* When I'm bored,I post.
  19. Ehlek

    Mmm, Chocolate.

    Wow,cookies are awsome.As awsome as dirt. Seriously,what is with these entries?
  20. Ehlek


    Eechh..... milk scare zata.Zata 'fraid of milky......
  21. Ehlek

    Yummmmmmmmmmm 2

    Had ALOT of pizza. You sicken me hamburger devourererers.
  22. What about: "Wow,If I had a quarter everytime I heard that,Spitty would rob me and buy more llamas." How does that sound?
  23. Ehlek

    Yay For Titles

    Klinkerpoop,Spitty's,Galigee's,and that's bout' it.
  24. That is some good info right there. Here is some of my facts: Dosen't own one single set,only Moc's. Thinks that he is in the bionicle universe mostly. Only Bzp member who hates pie.
  25. Ehlek

    Notes From Billund

    1.The piraka are very cool.Plus,many people don't have them and will clear the shelves for new stuffs.Yay stuff! 2.OMGETH,Inika comercials!?!Do they go any thing like this: Lightning zaps the canisters,the inika cut there way open.They step on the island,and look at the piraka.Their weapons glow,and the Inika and piraka fight. 3.Ah,yes,the voya-nui games and animations. Promos?Do you mean like burger king or other fast food restaraunts that are all the rage that come with toys? Omg.... 4.*Screams to the top of my lungs* Holy crud!That awsome!???!! I need to see those sets!!!!!! 5.Yes,changes for even more exiting stuff.Yes... 6.Ain't nothin new,in my opinion. Well,you only released three books so far,just wait,just wait....
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