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Everything posted by Ka-Chan

  1. I thought "Pinku" was pink. At least, that's what Rosseta Stone says; and I've come to learn not to trust technology.

  2. Nuttin' much Pit. You?

  3. Hmprh! Finest wall scroll around!


  4. I only recognize about 3 of those words... I only know some Japanese basics, I have no idea what the sentence structure is like or anything. Rosseta Stone is good, but it's slow.

  5. 'Tis a plush, you say? All I have is a wall-scroll of everyones favorite anime red-head.

  6. 'Tis not a plush doll, is it?

  7. Well, I have physical proof now XD

  8. I'm a officaial Asuka fanboy now! *Looks and grins at giant wall-hanging of Asuka in a black dress*

  9. Wrack's putting it lightly. The way they lay out the missions and events, plus the graphics, makes it feel like you're living a movie. Quite cool.

    Whats up, anyways?

  10. Dude, is that Asuka in your sig :} ?

  11. Hey! Sorry it's been awhile since I dropped a Pm by, I've been falling behind in everything lately.

  12. That's "Hi! How are you?", right? I don't remember much of my old spanish classes from a few years back.

  13. Your sig qoute is very similar to what my dad calls the lottery . Unfortunately, Bzp likes to change a certain word in the qoute to "Cool dude", so I can't say it. Sad, huh?

  14. Simplified: A mission to liberate a group of American archeologists from illegal Korean occupation goes horribly wrong when what ever they were excavating wakes up... That's as far I've gotten.

  15. I don't care what statistics say: They are what gave us that whole 92%/teens/rap thing XP . Besides, Crysis has an overall appeal to me- it's Predator mixed with ...Err. Crud. I forgot what the other was- and I use the expression all the time >,

  16. You have no chance of surrvive make your time hahaha.

  17. In case you were interested, I'm doing a remake of The Chronicles of Toa Kativa. I'll be releasing it soon.

  18. Hey, your name is no longer a Kirby-thingy! How'd ya do that?

  19. Y'can't change my opinion- I still think the Evas and Angels look awesome :P

  20. Drawn out, huh? I'm pretty sure some crummy series *coughNarutocough* get dragged on for over a 100 episodes XP . Well, either way- it's one of the few animes I've actually seen, so cut me some slack.

  21. Wassamatter with Evangelion? Poke in the eye at Christianity, giant meaty-robots, lotsa blood... How can you not at least accept it?

  22. How'd X-mas go over there for you?

  23. Fo'reel? Jeez, that sounds kind of dull. Makes me feel over-indulgent over here XP .

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