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Blog Comments posted by Ka-Chan

  1. ...

    'Least I have a back up Moderator for RotT.



    Now I'm curious. Who is it?

    Anyways you shouldn't get yourself banned. As said before you if you just leave you'll be able to come back if you get you're head cleared. If you get banned, little chance the Mods will yet you back. Plus everyone will view you as a rule breaking noob or something.

    Did you read the part about just asking B6 to close my account so I didn't go out as a noob? Either way, I won't get myself banned. I just need a vacation- call up a few friends, make the most out of what little summer I have left, distance myself from the keyboard, that sort of thing...

  2. *most annoying Aho-esque voice possible*


    *glomps you* NO YUKICHAN NOOOO! I will snap your neck with a smile!. 8)


    But seriously, just do like everyone says and pull a Ninjo, take a long break and come back when you're not crazy.


    Though if you do decide to do something stupid, I'll miss ya, bro. :(

    I wouldn't do something stupid. I really like this site and it's community- I wouldn't want to leave in a way that marked me as a jer­k. I was going to just ask if someone could close my account. But I guess Omi is right, in case I did want to come back, being banned would do me no good.


    So yeah, I'll probably just leave for a year or something. I gotta clear my judgement before I end up doing something really stupid.

  3. My parents never tell me those sorts of things ahead-of-time either. And that voice you used pretty much sums it up, too.


    "So, when do you want to mow the lawn today?"


    "...I'm not doing it today."


    "Yes, you are."


    "How about I do it the day after you once give me at least a day's notice for something?"



    I know, I really hate it when they do that >,>

  4. What do you mean by "play as" does that mean we post a specie we ourselves make up and the reasons for why we would like to play as them? I would say Unexplainables, but Robo already owns 'em and they're G-Moderator charries resulting in a resounding "no"


    I like playing as fast, somewhat strong creatures in thinner and durable armor, I also like asassin weps =3




    Well, we've got something like those... Kach, do you think the Umdrei fit that description?


    Yeah, that's the Umdrei right there.

  5. This is a kid friendly site. You should take the name down. Just put something so that people will assume what it is, at the least.







    Sigh -,-


    Anyways, I'm dying to see Hel­lboy II as it is, and the fact that the Golden Army are like Steam Punk Bohrok thingies just sounds awesome. Now to get back to hounding my family to take me to the movies!

  6. I've passed out before. I fell face forward and cut up both my lips, nose, and forehead. It hurt!


    Wow, it sounds your fainting was like the conniptions kids had while watching Pokemon.


    The whosa whatsa while watching Pokemon?


    Porygon episode banned in America cause it gave kids seizures in Japan.


    Or summat like that


    "Quick! Porygon! Flashing light attack, go!"




    "*Seizure time*"

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