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Blog Comments posted by Ka-Chan

  1. Urgh. The flaregun.


    I do agree with you though- if it was a revolver I'd totally use it. But the way it is now? I'll take the shotgun over it any day.


    That's the funny thing with being a Pyro- most people suspect you to M1+W your way around but I generally use the shotgun as my primary weapon. I save the flamethrower for ambushes rather then head-on confrontations.

  2. It's perfectly legal, haha. Heck, one of my best friends is already running his own business with them.


    The guy in charge of all these raids has been revealed to have been demoted in the past, so it's likely this guy isn't going to be able to continue doing this for much longer before his superiors get enough complaints.



  3. Hey, uh, what's the average price for a starter WH40K set, anyway? And so ya know anywhere in MAryland that sells 'em? Been tryin to find a place for a little while now.


    Ohoho, now we're talking real horroshow.


    Warhammer has some pretty horrific pricing, just a friendly warning. If you're going to get into it, expect it to cost you.


    As for locations and such, why don't you chuck me a PM? I figure I could really ramble on about this and I don't feel like spamming up the comments.

  4. eh? you're not going? :(


    you can always chill on the interwebs with us for a bit broski B)


    Yeah if my trump card "Gather up the rest of the droogs and hang out at the movie theater" doesn't work then that's probably going to be it.

  5. Oh and just a beforehand disclaimer, the ending will probably ravage the space/time/canon continuum but I think Bionicle's recent canon sucks anyways so I'll happily replace it with my own. Heck, I could have taken Greg's job and done it better. *


    Feel free to chew me out for that rather bold statement but I regret nothing BECAUSE I KNOW.



    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
    If there is one thing I can't stand, it's stories where the antagonist inadvertently winds up killing himself and the protagonist barely has to lift a finger. Grow a pair and knock his block off! Jeez!
  7. @Xaer: Nice to see you again. I have no idea how long I'll be around, it's a question when I have enough free time to spare.


    @ DX: Quick, play the USSR anthem or it'll go to waste! I'm... Well, I'd be lying if I said great but hey, stress fueled by college work and part time jobs is ironically somewhat rewarding. SOMEWHAT. I guess you could compare it to eating a bunch of Warhead candies at once.

  8. one thing you also need a zombie plan


    The following plan takes place far before the actual outbreak.


    1. Monitor news for any sort of series of homicides revolving around decapitated victims or any other evidence of a level 1 outbreak. Research all there needs to be known about the equators rain forests far before anything occurs- learn all that needs to be known about local fauna and cultures.


    2. If a more noticeable outbreak occurs, it's time to gather up the team.


    3. Move all the way out to the equator way in advance, prepare a fortress within the depths of the tropical rainforests.


    4. Sit back and try to enjoy a life consisting of constant vigilance and secrecy as the rest of the world turns into IRL L4D


    5. Wait 25 years, come back and rebuild humanity after seizing a city full of primitive raiders, Fallout 3 style.


    6. Rewrite history proclaiming myself and my team as a group of angels sent by Ted Danson to save the world

    It's that easy.

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