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Blog Entries posted by Ka-Chan

  1. Ka-Chan
    Call it curiosity.
    Call it boredom.
    Call it a crime against nature.
    Yeah, I'm dropping by again- no it's fine, I know nobody cares. I stopped caring about internet socializing awhile ago anyway; thank Ted for that. I hit that lovely little realization where while the world may be scratching at your door, it's up to you to open the door and greet it. Not to imply that I've gone on some epic journey of a lifetime here, but heck, I'm working on it and that's rewarding in itself. But hey, nothing hurts with saying 'Hi!' , agreed?
    So what's been going on back here? I'm not one to carry out egotistical droning about my own life.
  2. Ka-Chan
    Merry Christmas, courtesy of The Star Wars Holiday Special! Here's to hoping you guys all have a good one~

    *DISCLAIMER: No, I never have and never will dare to watch that God awful abomination. I just watched a Nostalgia Critic review of it and even then it was still painful.*
  3. Ka-Chan
    SCREAMIN JESUS: "09'S BEST MOVIES?" Hint if we have any decency left Inglorious Basterds won't be on there
    The Blorb: wai
    SCREAMIN JESUS: Because it's a historically innacurate movie that's sole drive was to show mindless brutal violence
    The Blorb: it's supposed to be innacurate THEY KILLED HITLER.
    SCREAMIN JESUS: Nazi or no nazi, an eye for an eye only makes the world go blind, yet the movie glorifies it
    The Blorb: yes because it is a movie about a war
    The Blorb: don't judge it until you've seen it
    SCREAMIN JESUS: I'm not going to see a movie that's all about brutally murdering captives
    The Blorb: I bet you'd watch Rambo
    SCREAMIN JESUS: No, Rambo ain't my thing either.
    SCREAMIN JESUS: Violence is one thing when it's kill-or-be-killed action.
    SCREAMIN JESUS: I'm all for that
    SCREAMIN JESUS: But when it's basically torturing defenseless captives and glorifying it, that's when I have a problem.
    The Blorb: yeah, agreed.
    The Blorb: Hey want to know a secret
    The Blorb: THIS MISTAKE
    The Blorb: ...
    The Blorb: Emma's stupid dance THE GAME
    SCREAMIN JESUS: =String of colorful tongues too explicit to be shown to a room full of sailors, let alone Bzpowerlings=
    The Blorb: Niiiiiiiight
    The Blorb: Baai
    The Blorb is now Offline.
    Notice how we shifted gears from intelligent conversation to full blown stupidity in under a minute. Personally I wouldn't have it any other way.
  4. Ka-Chan
    So last night we got the replacement graphics card for the PC. Being a graphics card, I decided to give it The Crysis Test to see how well it performed.
    I did not expect it to be able to play the game on full out graphics while still flowing seamlessly.

    I am 

    so much 

    Happy Face 
  5. Ka-Chan
    Well, during last week I had been so painfully bored due to the Techno-Curse having taken so many of my electronic joys away from me, so naturally I was looking forward to the weekend. I needed it to be an interesting weekend to keep me going till Xmas break
    And seeing as:
    - My lamp exploded into a rain of fire and brimstone
    - My best friend got his tooth knocked out in Airsoft when he accidentally hit himself in the mouth with the butt of his own shotgun
    - We saw a live play of A Christmas Carol that turned out to be a mUsIcAl... *shudder*
    -My Socom SCAR rifle's light box *projects a few laser beams- think Predator* busted because of some retarded internal circuitry issue *aka Red wire decides to just barely snap enough to avoid touching the metal conductor in the nob* and refuses to turn off and is now constantly emitting a class-3 laser that causes radiation
    - I got to learn about how our housekeeper grew up in communistic Transylvania
    -My stereo has ALSO stopped working, or at least goes berserk every so often, emitting a horrifying screeching sound akin to Penderecki's orchestrated "Polymorph"
    - And this was today [Monday] but within an hour of being at work the lights in the back blew a fuse, leaving half the store in a state of darkness.
    I think I'm going to avoid anything that combines electricity and (blades ( heavy industrial equipment ( explosives (Social Security information for the next few years. Just make sure I don't wander near the next space shuttle scheduled to launch, please.
  6. Ka-Chan
    I was going to post a topic in CoT, but knowing the staff they'd probably shut it down while telling me to post it in one of the grossly bloated Official Topics.
    Now, as much as it would be fun to start screaming about UFOs, I'm as just as much a skeptic to science based things like UFOs, Chupacabra, Mothman, etc as much as I firmly disbelieve any religious or fantastical subjects.
    Is it simply a natural light phenomena rare as events such as Hailey's Comet?
    Is it some sort of evidence of intelligent life forms that inevitability must be existing somewhere out in the infinite ocean we call space?
    Is it the Ubisoft Logo made manifest?
    Are we all gonna die in a special-effects-Fest ripped straight from a Roland Emmerich film?
    Who knows? If you need me I'll be watching The X-Files.
  7. Ka-Chan
    I'm starting to think an Amish life style *minus all the religious hocus pocus stuff* might not be a half bad idea, because either I unknowingly have a natural EMP current running through my skin much like static electricity or every electronic device that has been of relative importance to me just happen to all be breaking down within 72 hours.
    PCs? Macs? ALL computers suck.
    Anti-Piracy serial codes? Ripping off more of us then the online pirates ever did.
    Graphics cards? I could make better silicone on a trip to the beach with a shovel and pail.
    Headphone wiring? Because who needs the convenience of wireless when you can have headsets that malfunction the first time a wire is tugged slightly the wrong way!
    Do me a favor all of you- and by all of you I mean the total 3 people who read this blog- and look up Ray Bradbury's short story "The Murderer" . It could be it's original novel format or the episode from his old TV show, either way works.
  8. Ka-Chan
    My gaming computer's hammered, it's 28 degrees out, I've got pre-Xmas-Break blues, a serious case of Senioritis, and enough bloodlust to play Airsoft that even Khorne's feeling the anxiety. And it's the middle of a barren Tuesday.
    Of course the only thing that's going to solve these problems is Time, so what do I use as a handy Pick-Me-Up?
    There are two separate methods.
    The first is the Manly way, and is a simple concoction of doing at least 45 pushups while listening to Removed. The content of that is inappropriate for BZP. -Kohaku . The endorphin rush will leave you grinning in a way that will make all other forms of life uncomfortable around you for 5 minutes.
    The other is even simpler.

    For best results, listen to Weird Al's Dare To Be Stupid.
    Surgeon General's Warning: You will risk increasing your Weaboo levels a good 15% each time you do this while minimizing the productivity of your braincells.

  9. Ka-Chan
    Well, the downstairs PC didn't explode but it does seem the graphic's card has met it's end, so I can't even get on the computer without it looking like Van Gogh threw up all over the screen.
    Seems I've rolled a snake eyes, so Aion Nocturnus stuff ain't going to be revealed whether I like it or not at this rate.
    The only other notable thing today is that it's the final day of my art class this semester. Seeing as some of the other class mates haven't even finished assembling their structures to draw, I have a head start. Here's to the best and prepping for the worst!
  10. Ka-Chan
    Without a doubt my most prized Work-In-Progress so far, even trumping Lost Oz.

    The question however 

    Can I trust people enough to go promotional with it? 

    So tell me right now
    Am I to trust you with anything more then a glimpse of it

  11. Ka-Chan
    So the other day during my raids on the attic to unload as much Christmas stuff as possible, I bumped into the giant tub of Bionicles that I had exiled up there well over half a year ago. I went on a little Nostalgia Trip and came to an interesting conclusion.
    The oldest Bionicle figures that the Nostalgia Nazis sob about all the time are about as possible as a rusted 2 ton freezer door. Kopaka can swing his hips around like a sissy-man and flail his sword arm around like a schizophrenic with a billy club, but that's about it. The Bohrok aren't much better, either. Poor guy can't even grab his local newspaper with the arms width he got. Then again knowing a Bohrok he'd probably just stomp all over the paper too so I guess that's forgivable.
    Point is I forget why the heck I used to complain these guys were better. But I know why they were better- they were because they were the earliest ones we first grew up with. And the retard-flail function never does get old.
    Now if only someone could explain to me why Kopaka, Lewa and Tahu have weird black growths on their chest.
    In other news, for ages now my scanner has been refusing to cooperate with the computer, leaving both my DA and Bzp barren. But that may be close to remedy as my good friend gave me a laptop for free.
    He happened to give it to me for free because one of his not-as-good friends with the IQ of a lukewarm slab of beef punched said laptop in the monitor when it failed to immediately load The Movies and now the screen looks like the by-product of a starving artist who happened to have an empty canvas during a fit of insanity.
    However, this paired greatly with my upstairs computer which has had a bad case of AIDS for months now. I unhooked the old ###### computer and plugged the monitor up to the laptop and BOOM. Fully functioning computer. With any luck the scanner will work well with it and I can terrorize mankind again with sloppy half-finished sketches of ugly things.
  12. Ka-Chan
    When it comes to online gaming, I only have two I play. I almost exclusively ignore MMO games because they're MMOs. I prefer fast-paced, instant-action games to kill time between schooling and my other hobbies. The first is the obviously well known Team Fortress 2 which can easily be said to be one of the best around and I really don't need to delve into, the other however is a lesser-known game. Not obscure, but a game deserving of a shout-out.

    I am talking about the carnage carnival that is
    Overshadowed by the other major Online-Zombie-Apocalypse game series Left 4 Dead and the CoD minigame phenomenon Nazi Zombies, Killing Floor technically isn't even about zombies. Although the game doesn't have much plot aside from a backstory, Killing Floor takes place in and around modern day Britain where the HorZine Industries unchecked development and experimentation of super soldiers has gone horribly, horribly wrong. The result? Zombie(ish) Apocalypse, of course!
    You and a colorful variety of 5 other survivors ranging from beatdown-happy Corporal Lewis to on-leave-soldier-turned-DJ Scully to the traveling author Mr.Foster take on wave after wave of "Specimens"in the trashed remains of London. These specimens range from the mostly-harmless Clots who shamble in by the dozens to the chainsaw wielding Scrakes. This game is all about one simple concept: taking back Britain in an orgy of skull-bashing and pumping freaks full of lead while grunge music blares equally as loud as the power-packing variety of weapons at your disposal. And if that's not enough, you'll get your blood-lust slated when the game enters ZED-Time, a slow-mow that activates during a particularly epic kill/multi-kill. You can either use this extra time to look around to make sure nothing's sneaking up behind you or just enjoy the rain of Zombie-Stuffing scatter across the field.
    Despite being an obviously simple game, the act of turning wave upon wave of experiments into a red mist has never been more creative with the perks ranging from explodey Demolitions Expert to the important Field Medic, giving the game almost an RPG'ish feel to it. Not to mention with a mass array of guns ranging from the tiny-but reliable 9MM pistols to flamethrowers to katanas to the immensely destructive SCAR rifle, you'll be never get tired of experimenting with the endless combinations of weapon loadouts.
    The game isn't exactly the most well polished game, having been developed by an Indie company called TripWire, but despite having older graphics and the occasional bug, I've had the game since May and have never grown tired of playing it. With a source engine allowing fans to create endless cornucopia of maps and the simple-but-addicting premise of blowing away zombies, the game is like a well loved B+ zombie movie that will more often then not having you coming back for more.
    Not to mention the rewarding sense of satisfaction you get from beating the game's boss will keep you addicted. Unlike Nazi Zombies, you can survive the onslaught, but it won't be easy. I won't spoil the bag-o-fun the final boss is.
    So hey, at 20 bucks and the two cheap character packs allowing you to play as the more colorful characters, Killing Floor is well worth it's price. If any of you guys have Steam and enjoy shoot-em-ups, look into the game. And if you do get it, look for me:

  13. Ka-Chan
    Well, for the time being at least.
    So I recently heard about Lego giving Bionicle the the guillotine and I figured it was only fair that I return the the ol' Bionicle stomping grounds to pay everything a more proper farewell. I can't pretend to still be into it, but I grew up with it and it deserves a final salute, you know?
    So yeah, I'm back for a little bit. Can't make any promises for how long, but I'll at least stick around long enough to come up with a suitable way to say goodbye to Bionicle and Bzpower.
    So hey, hello to all again! I doubt this blog post will provoke much of a response and admittedly I'm not surprised. I vanished off the radar under a rather cocky attitude that left something of a bad impression, so I'd like to apologize for acting like a "Holier-Then-Thou-Art" kind of fool. I won't pretend to say I regret burning down a few bridges because they helped me pull my head out of the clouds, but still. I did grow a little arrogant but I've mellowed out once more.
  14. Ka-Chan
    With the course of only a few airsoft games, I have quickly become the team's stealth expert and loose cannon.
    I am the only person they have had who will bury himself 3/4 into muddy undergrowth and then burst out with a *rubber* knife and snag the enemy who has the most powerful weapon, then take it and use it on his unsuspecting allies.
    I am the only person to have literally crawled through an entire firefight and pick off the enemy snipers from behind, then vanish with both of their guns.
    I am the only one to escape, return, and kill both of the guards in the Prison Break scenario.
    I love Airsoft- it's actually pretty amazing how easy it is to be stealthy. Well, provided you're fighting in a thickly overgrown forest like we do. Just slap a ton of mud over your already completely black Jason mask, plaster a bunch of ferns to it. Break off from the rest of the team and crawl your way around the whole time. Only open fire once, and make it count. I killed 3 guys in one controlled burst with my P90 *which I happily named "Peon"* .
    Sure, your body will ache for days and you'll be covered in scabs and cuts/gashes from crawling through entire pricker bushes, but man. It's worth it.
    I'll try and get my friend Tyler to give me some of the pictures he took from some of the games and put them up later for my own selfish satisfaction B}
  15. Ka-Chan
    Back one last time to tackle two things. Why I actually think anyone will care-including myself- is as mysterious as the Circle of Life
    First off and most importantly.
    Some of you might somehow remember my ancient and crummy Transformers RPGs from eternity ago. In which case, you'll also remember my severe ego issues revolving around my goofy, undead, chainsaw wielding Decepticon called Phantom. Basically this mechanical Frankenstien right here.

    Ancient drawing is ancient.
    Anyways. Saw some of the new robots in the new Revenge of the Fallen Transformers movie *which by the way looks so lame I'll settle for Netflixing it months from now* and one of them is an Autobot called Sideswipe who I find amusingly looks almost like Phantom.

    Okay, so maybe they don't look exactly like one another, but they have a lot of similarities. Both have wheeled feet meant for speed, both have duel wrist-blade-chainsaw-thingies, triangular car-based chasis, even 4-pronged helmets. Give Sideswipe chainsaws, green armor and a red crystal in his forehead and I'd be laughing.
    I may have lost my interest in Transformers for the most of it, but I'm so gonna buy the toy to kitbash it into Phantom.
    Oh, and one more topic that I must rave out of my system.
    Dead Space: Extraction.
    No, I'm not about to break out into jibbering, fanboy derping. In fact, it's gonna be the opposite. Dead Space Extraction is for the Wii system only and totally mocks what the original game had accomplished. Dead Space was a seamless, intensely cinematic, sci-fi horror game that was probably the best thing to happen for horror/zombie based games in ages. Dead Space Extraction? Basically an insulting defilement by turning it into a cheap, low-graphic, scroll-and-shoot arcade game that even borders on a L4D knockoff. Oh, and you don't play as Isaac.
    I wanted to see Isaac being coerced by the government to help a team of funded archaeologists try to recover the Marker back in the ruins of the planet below the Ishimura *maybe ten years later*, only to be able to escape due to the mixed blessing of the Necromorphs killing off his captors. He then has to fight *or more importantly, run. Don't give him much weapons- emphasis more on flight then fight* his way back up to the surface of the planet through it's dark, crumbling catacombs, and the humans *his government captors* are just as much a threat as the Necromorphs. But nope, we got this.
    I'd rant and rave and yell and curse, but I've already spent 3 days venting about it so I no longer have the same anger as more as I have bitter acceptance of the fact that EA has murdered the franchise of my most favorite video game in ages.
    Guess I'll go buy Prototype and just kill a couple hundred people. That might help let off the steam.
    I'm outta here once more- talk to you guys later then sooner.
  16. Ka-Chan
    Is the glass half empty or half full?
    I look at it and say "Hey! I ordered a cheesebuger!"
    But oh well, life goes on and I don't want to miss a day- so Baaaiii~
    *goes frolicking back into the real world*
  17. Ka-Chan
    *Comes out of haze, coughing and hacking*
    Okay, no need for these theatrics. And yes, I still like Teal despite purple and green being cooler, but it's not my trademark so teal it is.
    Well, I haven't been around in ages and I thought I might as well pop back in. I'm not saying I plan on staying, but I figured I might as well drop by to say Hi and see what's been going on, you know? Looks kinda like the same ol' Bzp to me *the whole "Hewkii <3 Maku" thing on the hot topics list was the dead ringer* but hey, I'd be interested to hear about anything peculiar going on around these ol' stomping grounds.
    I'm happy to say that while *maybe* a handfull of people were bummed to see me leave, leaving Bzp has been a great step in me severing my old ways and help me get into the thick of the real world. Honestly the only thing that really keeps me coming back to the computer each day are my few friends who have stuck with me like glue on Yahoo.
    I've been getting more active in the community, now undoubtedly within grasping region of getting a job at the wargames retailer *yes, I am still as much into Warhammer as I always have been, although in a more lighthearted, less obsessive sense* , I've started prepping for summer drivings lessons and a few courses in 3D computer modeling, been seeing and making new friends in manga clubs and Airsoft games.
    Oh, especially airsoft. Between re-establishing bridges with old Middle School friends and making some new ones. altogether, I can say Airsoft is one of my new hobbies. Sure, it's really expensive, but between working hard and a little help from my folks, I've managed to get a hold of quite a few supplies and a rather lovely p-90 rifle. Not to mention I'm getting serviced into my friend's team, which means tournaments .
    Nothing makes one feel so alive and well as getting shot at. It's a good, fun pain. Especially the one time I took point-blank machine gun fire to the neck. I was laughing in joy and pain the whole day =//w//=
    I'm the camo/ambush expert among my team, seeing as I've got the decent painting and art skills. I've painted a few of their helmets to look like various camo patterns for like, 20$ each. It's actually quite fun X3 Currently waiting for my own mask to come in the mail.

    Gonna paint it over camo and if possible maybe even give it a sort of ghillie suit texture, carve out some more space in the eye sockets if I need a wider visual range.
    The only reason I can afford to keep this hobby and my 40K hobby up is by giving up my childhood, so to speak. No- I haven't sold any of my Bionicles, Transformers or the like. But I have lost interest in them *although I still want to see Revenge of the Fallen, of course* , have stopped buying them and have even started to pack most of them away. And even then it's hard to keep up with both of my major hobbies since both are as bloody expensive as always- but I find much enjoyment in Airsoft so there's no way I'm giving it up.
    I've spent more money on it, too. While 40K is just as *if not technically more expensive*, I've gone from excessively collecting to more of conversion and simply gaming. My chaos army has been quite a fun project, since you can essentially go crazy with the customization. See a few of these custom Plague Marines and my Land Raider, for example.
    " target="_blank">Land Raider *tank*
    Pimp My Ghost Rider *speaking of Ghost Rider, Nicholas Cage's movie "Knowning" sucked =3=*
    Sargeant Stank
    Missile Man knew how to get ahead in life
    You do know I made all these guys from scratch using old, unused Space Marine miniatures I had lying around, right?
    Been too busy with other things in life to paint any of them, though.
    A big part of this has been me and my close friend Dylan searching for an art college we can both go to, although it needs to be flexible since he's interested in the art of animation while I'd rather be something of a designer for things like movie props. I dunno about you, but the levels of detail I can stuff into my art would make animation a living ######- even one of my favored robot concept arts with rather low detailing *by my standards, at least << >>* would be a nightmare to animate by hand:

    It looks like something outta Portal, I know. I blame the one eye and the fact that it's a mere maintanence robot and not something explodey and Transformer'y.
    *forces self to shut mouth for a moment* Sorry, it's just that there's been so much to cover ^^;
    Anyways, I'll get going now, although I'll hang around the forums for another day or two if you want to talk for a bit. And by the way, Internets is no longer serious buisness for me, so hah. Improvement thanks to regaining faith in reality 8D
    In the meantime, please enjoy being reaquainted with my dear ol pal and mentor by looking at him while he stares into your soul.

    Good to see some of you guys again!
  18. Ka-Chan
    It all started when I got him for Valentines Day.

    Harmless, right? I thought so, until I looked closer at his box out of boredom, and then it struck me... Something was teeming beneath the surface of this tricky little deception, and I would be to uncover it.
    Minutes and minutes of toiling and researching the bowels of the library's history section, I discovered a disturbing truth that will shake the foundations of the Bzp community.

    Raanu. A matoran leader guiding his people through horrid times... ALL LIES

    Ladies and gentlemen, I shall leave you to your shock and awe.
  19. Ka-Chan
    Between my computer being a virus hive where now going anywhere on the internet leaves me vulnerable to more trojan attacks and becoming even busier with life *now I'm working twice a week because Bossman had brain surgery and so on* , I now officially have almost zip time for this place.
    Again, this doesn't mean I'm dissapearing from the world of the internets. Contact me on YIM *Don't have one? Get one, silly*.
  20. Ka-Chan
    *hand slips out of space/time continuim, drops note*
    "Feel free to drop a message by me on Yahoo Messenger. Look for giantsquid1992 or 'Carl The Kahn' . Now seriously- BAAAIII"
  21. Ka-Chan
    I just really don't even care about any of this anymore. No whinning, no regrets, no bitter feelings. I've just...Lost interest. In Bionicle, in the community, even my Transformer RPG *Yes, not even the RotF trailer could revive my interest* .
    So yeah.
    It's been a time and a half, guys. I will visit, of course, but I'm done here.
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