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Roa McToa

Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Roa McToa

  1. Roa McToa
    So, yeah. Winter is officially setting in up here in Seward. I got to scrape the rental yard with the loader to clear it of the slush that would undoubtedly turn into ice this morning.
    I have a feeling this year that I am going to be responsible for a lot of the plowing that my workplace contracts out every year. I told the Bossman that I wanted to run the loader more plowing snow this year, and get an even better feel for it. It will look awesome on my resume if I have a lot of hours logged on equipment.
    Behold my Ryde! (sans the gnarly bucket teeth, ours has a smooth edge blade)

    Its a small loader, and is very nimble. You can make some really tight turns, and get into tight places too. The loader is an articulated type, so it bends in the middle to steer. So bring it on Jack Frost, I'mma ready for ya!
  2. Roa McToa
    Spring is upon us here in Alaska. All the Home Depot stores I assemble for are screaming for help right now. They need all of the wheelbarrows that are left over from last year built (were talking hundreds here). So work has been rolling along. There is lots of money to be made...
    I am working like crazy on getting my taxes all done on time. Oooiii I am sweating bullets over here! Its so close to the deadline. I really gotta start doing them up earlier LOL
    I have a bbc42 entry built, I just need to find a few minutes to finalize it. I think they are adorable little critters, and they dont have tuggle eyes! Yayyy!
    It's looking like I can take out my old bikes pretty soon! I am stoked about that! I got to do some riding while I was in Oregon, and got the bicycle fever! I love my schwinns!
    Anyways, I have to get back on my taxes, so I'll catch y'all on the flip side!
    Roa out......
  3. Roa McToa
    My right thumb was rendered useless today. I was assembling the biggest weber BBQ that you can buy at Home Depot, and in the process of unpacking it, the lid managed to fall full force onto my thumb. If my thumb had been at any other angle, I think it would have broke. It bit REALLY hard. I think the lid on that thing weighs about 8-10 lbs.............
    I feel fortunate that I only got a heavy bruise on top, and a rapidly filling blood blister inside my first knuckle. Keeping that thing drained is painful enough in itself. I have no good grip with my right hand unless I don't use my thumb. So looks like if I want to make anything new, I'll have to lefty it........
  4. Roa McToa
    Hello all! Brickfair was fun, and I had a really good time for the most part. Now that the convention is over, my posse drove back to chicago, but we made a stop at the Ohio toy and plastic brick museum in Bellaire. They are hosting a public build at the end of the week, and I was asked if I could build a special model for the museum. My plane was due to leave today, but the curator of the museum was willing to pay for the cost to change my plane ticket. Soooo, I accepted.
    Getting the opportunity to build from the worlds largest privately owned Lego collection was too great to pass up. I am going to build a custom "non-TOTstoryline" version of a giant rahi with a Suvika rider. I started building around 3:00, and I am almost finished with the rahi's head. The absolute plethora of parts is absolutely mindboggling!
    I will take pictures during the course of the week, and I will be sure to post a video of the museums Lego robot rock band from FAO Schwarz. It is SO AWESOME that it's too awesome! I got to see the models up close, and yes, they are people sized robots! They house some really neat models, as well as a world record size mosaic. Tis rather awesome!
    This is going to be loads of fun, and I may be able to snag some really rare lego products and prototype stuff for use on BZPower as prize fodder. And when I say rare, I MEAN IT! This stuff doesn't exist anywhere else.
    I will keep you all posted!
  5. Roa McToa
    I volunteered to insulate an area of my Moms roof that has no insulation, but the house is proving that I cannot do it as easily as I had planned. What I thought was an outside access door in the roof, proved to be nailed down rather firmly. No budging whatsoever. So, consequently, I have to go ito the roof through the coat closet. Now imagine a closet that is basically enough space for you and a friend to cram in there, with a shelf below the ceiling door that you are trying to get into. Now imagine trying to take a huge bat of insulation up that tiny hole......
    I dread the fiberglass. I can only hope that I don't get it all over me. I don't have any old nylons to put over my arms to protect me from the finest of fibers, so I hope I don't get insulation rash from the fiberglass. This is going to prove to be a daunting project with a lot of crawling around in tight dusty spaces.......
    Oi oi oi....
  6. Roa McToa
    The engine, transmission and transfer case are all out of the truck! YAY! I also removed the side and rear windows, because they are super expensive REAL tinted windows... not the stupid stick on tints. Now I just have to take the tinted windows out of the rear passenger doors, and that is more of a chore, being as you cant just cut them out with a knife like the back ones. The doors actually have to be disassembled to remove the glass. Once those are on my good truck, I will be blingen it pimpin' style in my Burb.
    I took out all the light covers and turn signals too. I'll sell off the rear 3rd seat (they were about $2,000 brand new back in the day) I can get a few hundred for it at least.... That, and I'm going to have a ball with a Sawzall, and cut the front and rear bumpers off the truck at the mounting brackets, being as they are too difficult to unbolt due to age and rust. It's all good fun, and I can see why people say that working on cars is therapeutic. I feel very satisfied with my progress on the carcass, as it is getting closer to the point where it can be hauled away
    If I am lucky, I can snatch the class four towing hitch thats mounted on it too! As of now, some of the bolts are buried up in the frame rails, and I can't get to them. But when I take the rear bumper off, I might be able to access them. Only time will tell.
    Oh, and the engine compartment on a suburban is big enough to sleep in.... an interesting lil' tidbit of info for y'all LOL
  7. Roa McToa
    We were walking along after getting out of the pick a brick field, when we came across this lone horseman. The horse looked too organic to be real, but the rider was 100% lego, and real! He was a shady looking guy, all half robot and stuff. He looked rather battle ravaged, and his face was so angry looking.
    "Hey Mister" I said. "Are you familiar with this place, could you give us directions to somewhere cool?"
    He glared at me and Green Guy, and shook his head.
    "You two have entered a dark and treacherous place. There is something bad going around, and I have a feeling that were being watched." He looked around nervously....
    Green Guy shuddered. "I'm scared... umm, Blue Archer Lady. This guy gives me the creeps, and I wanna find goodies!"
    With that remark, the horseman pointed to the north. "You will find great treasure north of here, but beware the ever watching ones." With that, he rode off, never to be seen again.

    "Well, that was crazy" I said. "I wonder what he was all about...."
    "WERE GOING NOOOOORTH!" Green Guy hollered as he started running. "GOOOOOOOODDDIIIIEEEESSSSS!"
    I chased after him.....
    My mouth was agape as I rounded the next corner....... Mesmerized, I entered the vat.
    More kanohi that you could know what to do with, and there was some semi rare masks in there! LOTS of them! Oooh the wonders!
    "Look at these masks Green Guy! I think we have hit the jackpot!"
    He popped out of the piles of kanohi and said "Look at me Blue Archer Lady! I found a TNGM, and it fits so nice! Tee hee hee!"

    Could it get any better? Or are things about to go terribly wrong?
    Stay tuned for the next installment of "Letagis Matoran go on an Alaskan Adventure!"
  8. Roa McToa
    Finally, my Giant Rahi are all built! Just some minor touchup work left on them and their riders.
    I can now concentrate on transforming the reikia fom their old dull selves into new, more menacing beasts. The elimination of Baksilvah means the addition of a Gold Reikia!!!! There will be more info as to why at a later time.
    I may post some sneak peek pics as they are being built.... Stay tuned for great things! I'm gonna take pics of EVERYTHING at brickfest, and make a nice brickshelf folder out of it. Pictures of my display will be posted in The Inhabitants of Kaiva-Nui.
  9. Roa McToa
    The rahi is as finished as I can get her at this point because I left both of my "Tool" buckets at home, so 99% completion minus a few trim peices that I dont have with me right now. Stay tuned for a topic update!!!!! Woo This is one of my biggest so far I think!
  10. Roa McToa
    I finished another painting. This one was painted using only Sepia watercolor, and is based off of an old photograph that was taken in the 1930's outside of Petersburg Alaska. I'll get better pics of it out of te frame in a couple weeks, as the glass is reflecting a bit of stuff, distorting things a tad. Enjoy!

  11. Roa McToa
    My bbc entry is almost completed, What oh what could it ever be?
    All I can say, is that it is pure awesome, and it is the first of its kind in the MOCing world of Bionicle...........
    Stay tuned............
  12. Roa McToa
    Well, looks like I cannot attend brickworld this year, because my cousin is getting married, and I'd rather attend her wedding than a brick convention.
    But, I may/will be sponsored to go to brickfair and do some demonstrations and seminars, as well as showing my Inhabitants of Kaiva-Nui display. So things are looking brighter every day, and I should be able to be fully back online again within a few months.
    I am at work as I type this, so I have to cut it short. Catch y'all on the next entry!
  13. Roa McToa
    And build and build and build and build and build and build and BUILD................
    Quite frankly I am getting tired of it.......
    If you are thinking that I am tired of building bionicle, have no fear! I could never give up this great building system we all know and love as Bionicle!
    I have been stuck in Anchorage too much.... WAAYYYyyy too much! I am seriously wanting to cut back on my assembly job. I can already feel strange twinges in my hands,wrists and arms that weren't there before. Working there for about a year and a half, I have had enough of building every day. I don't want to end up with carpal tunnel syndrome...........
    My goal is to attain a job at home in Seward, and still be able to come back to anchorage to work at my violinmaking/repair job. I am still thinking of doing assembly work, but only for the two weeks at a time that I'm in anchorage. A two and two week schedule would really work out great for me, and I am hoping to find an employer who will make room for my trade. If I earn enough money to put my shop together, I will be able to bring my work home with me, and have to travel to anchorage less. I'll have to save save save for that to happen!
    On another note, I got to process some fresh fish the other day. T'was 1 1/2 halibut worth of fillets, it is was SO GOOD! I cooked a half a fillet the other night, and it was perfect and flaky juicy nummyness! I also cleaned up some salmon, and had that a few nights before halibut. It was So Good, that it tasted like candy! I hope to get more fish soon, I love the stuff!
    Another reason I really want to spend time in Seward, is to find love. I met someone a while back that I'd like to run into again, and if he doesn't make the cut, I will look around. There are plenty of nice men to go looking for in "Poor Womanless Seward"............ I am crossing my fingers, 'cause being lonely just stinks. I hope I find a guy who likes the fact that I love bionicle and lego..... Its always the pitts when a guy thinks you are wierd for liking toys.......
    Anyways, I'll bring this entry to a close. I will have more to talk about soon, as I have been seeing the moose browsing lately....... Lots of them!
    See you next entry!
  14. Roa McToa
    Hello all! Day three has passed, and my Bionicle display is all set up in the Space room, terrorizing all the star wars and space sets. Mwahahha! Sooner or later, a bionicle room will get set up, but for now, space will have to do. I get to Oogle the spaceship cockpit during the day. Of my rahi, I am displaying Vakatu & Krukoa, Boruka & Mirkatuva, Gulakai & Rayzaurak, Paruvak & Pakuudo, the Sea Scourge, and Yukizahk as well as my main character matoran and some assorted rahi. The Bionic fridge is there too, and Onewa and Nuparu are enjoying some kraatdogs.
    My museum model is almost finished, and is looking haenous! I just have to finish its base and arms. Its going to be wormlike, but wyrmlike if that makes any sense. I used some crazy fusion on the back/spine and made use of a large, odd system piece. Its already weighing in pretty heavily, and should be fairly impressive once its finished. This model will remain on permanent display at the museum.
    This opportunity may also extend itself into the future for me. As the museum continues to grow, they are willing to sponsor me as a builder and even send me components to build with! They want me to return next year, and may even fully pay my way here! That makes me happy to know that they love my work. So far, all the guest builders/LUG's absolutely love my work, and admire the talent I show. My attitude also goes well with it as I tend to be rather upbeat and in lego love/heaven.
    I look forward to the show, and sharing my mocs with all the kids that are expected to show up this weekend. Saturday will be the big attendance day, and it should be a madhouse of fun times and lego building.
    If you can make it, I'll see you at Brickshow!
  15. Roa McToa
    There are times when you feel that you can truly approach the world with open arms and take in everything that you see, smell and feel. Other times, you feel that you must keep your arms closed, and be guarded because of foul energies that flow in the the universe. When your mind is open, you can truly see the colors of our world, and all the differences in behaviour of people around you. Sit and absorb your surroundings to acheive a sense of enlightenment within yourself, and you may just see a new light in old friends in your life, and new friends.
    You find too that your true friends are the ones that stick with you even through the dire straights. Even when you are down and ground into the dirt, your true friends are there to support you and help bring you back up to where you used to be. Your true friends will help you if you are stranded out in the wilderness, and no one else will come and help you. When you think of having a true frind, really think, would this person go to all ends to help me? Would this person stick by you, and beleive you when everyone else says that you are wrong, even when in your heart, you know you are right?
    Love your friends and love your enemies. One who can forgive someone is better off that one who beats someone down. Forgiveness is an act of kindness that not everyone knows how to bestow, and once embraced, it makes you an honorable person.
    Another random thought from the rantings of Roa..........
  16. Roa McToa
    I am going to start working on my PBZP. Its been long neglected, and needs some TLC. I plan on building my first O entry, and finish my B and K entries first, being that I already have one of two for each finished.
    I plan on using some great new building techniques and building some really nice mocs. I'm also going to start working on some new creations for NW BrickCon in October.
    I'm going to start putting together my Trials of Terror movie trailer soon, and will do voicecasting once my scripts are written for this trailer. I'll keep y'all informed as things proceed.
    Don't Forget to Name the Reikia! You have until the end of May to do so!
  17. Roa McToa
    Arg, I feel like I am coming down with something really bad. My throat hurts so bad its hard to eat and drink. I hope that it won't inhibit my ability to work and interact with customers.
    Healing from a sprained ankle two weeks ago, and then this..... Yeargh. I hope it goes away, cause pain is a pain......
  18. Roa McToa
    "I'll help out with whatever you want, for the right price...." You heard it, I'm taking on space as the Han Solo knockoff wannabe smuggler Dash Rendar. He's so awesome LOL He's got a cool sidekick droid co-pilot named Leebo, and he is awesome too!
  19. Roa McToa
    So ah yeah,
    I got the most awesome call today! I am being sponsored to attend Brickcon in Octoboer! ZOMG WHEEEEE!!!!
    Possibly getting sponsored for Brickfair too! WOOT WHEEEEEE!!!!!!!
    Hopefully I will make it to both conventions! WHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
  20. Roa McToa
    Looks like I won't be leaving Anchorage for a while yet. The road is closed and they are cleaning up avalanches on the highway. Driving conditions are also too hazardous due to high wind, ice, rain and snow. Funny thing about the Seward Highway, its rated as one of the most beautiful sightseeing highways in the country, yet it is the most dangerous to drive in the winter. LOL
    I heard rumors that after the short clear spell we're going to get, its going to be a whopper doozie 40" snowstorm!!!! Thats like.... almost 4 feet!!!!! I'm going to have a lot of shoveling to do.........
    Heres a random GOOD DEALS of the day for those who like to save money on Bionicle sets! Anyone who lives in the Pacific Northwest is familiar with the store chain Fred Meyers. If you are a lucky sot with money, go to your local fred meyers and buy up piraka and 06 playsets! They are discounting them for up to 75% off the retail price!!!! So like, you pay $3.75 for piraka! I have seen lava chamber gate for as low as $17! They are discounting exo force sets and other lego sets as well! Stock up on your LEGO Bricks Kiddies!
  21. Roa McToa
    My brother and sis'n law are coming up here from Oregon this Thursday with their son Eli! I am SO HAPPY! I haven't gotten to see my nephew in so long! None of our family up here in AK has gotten to see Eli, so everyone is ecstatic! They were going to come up for thanksgiving, but couldn't make it, so everyone was bummed. But now, its like... BOOYAH!
    I can't wait!
    *jumps around with glee* :smeag: :br:
  22. Roa McToa
    Winter quickly approaches up here in Alaska. The snow has already started to fall, but isn't yet sticking, although that may change in a week or so. A large storm front is moving in, so it means either snow, or lots of rain. Rain usually equates to flooding. Hopefully that won't happen again.....
    oop, the power just went out, good thing I am running a laptop.....
    *goes to sleep*
    *wakes up at 6 am*
    Looks like the power came back on, and its still raining outside. Ahh yes, good ol winter LOL
    More blogs to follow
  23. Roa McToa
    Its day one of the engine transplant for my 89 suburban. I have been working on disassembling my parts truck to get the engine ready for pulling. I have drained the antifreeze, and the A/C system, and am ready to remove the spark plug wires and distributor cap. It's raining a tiny tad outside, but it's not enough to really be a bother.
    My friend is coming up in a bit to pull out the transmission and transfer case. Were then going to Eagle River to sell the transmission (from the parts truck) for $1000. Then it's off to Peters Creek to snatch up the engine hoist. I figure we'll get the engine taken out today, and put it into my truck tomorrow.
    I'll keep y'all updated as progress goes, and I may even include pictures!
    Wish me luck!
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