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Roa McToa

Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Roa McToa

  1. Roa McToa
    Or try at least.
    I am headed to Anchorage this weekend for both visiting and work.
    I gotta pick up a variety of things for work, like envelopes, taillights for the boss's truck, the starter for the dump truck, a pile o bubblewrap for insulating under portable restrooms, plus I am sure I can think of a few other things.
    After that stuff, my friend is have a "mothers blessing" gathering. She is having a baby soon, and all of us friends are getting together to make a power bracelet for her to take with her when she goes in to have the baby.
    I won a $50 gift card to Target when they had their grand opening up here in October.
    I plan on using it to get the yellow Jetrax. I hope hope hope they have it! *XX's fingies*
    I hope that there are also new Neo Shifters. I am dying to get the new ones, and the web battlers! They rock the older ones sockszorz! Lots of really cool tranz color parts.
  2. Roa McToa
    Woweee! I got blog of the week! How awesome! I certainly wasn't expecting it. I'm going to take some more pictures around Seward to add to my Seward Life entry. I have a lot of interesting pictures and things for all to see.
    Also, as a side note...
    I am going to make an RC Super Venom Striker out of my manas and 2 striking venom sets. It'll be the ultimate exo-force mobile base!
    Stay tuned for some awesome stuffz!
  3. Roa McToa
    Ahh yes, I have had the most wonderful 4th of July weekend ever! I was fortunate enough to be the sole pit crew member for my friend who built a custom drag bike from parts of practically every motorcycle make you can possibly think of. There are parts from harley davidson, suzuki, yamaha, kawasaki and more. The bikes powerhouse is a 570cc snowmachine engine, driving the wheel with a belt drive, eliminating the need to shift gears. The bike is insanely fast, and can run a quarter mile in the 12-13 second range. There are only some minor bugs to work out of it, as there were a few problems he had racing the strip. Being its only the second time he has raced the bike since it was finished, it performs Really well!
    Heres a picture of the bike and its owner

    There were some crazy cars there with massive horsepower! I will feature the big boys, and my track favorites right here in the blog! To see the rest of the pics, refer to the link to my maj gallery at the bottom of the entry.
    I especially liked this car, and by the smile on its owners face, I'd say he likes it too! It ran some crazy fast runs!

    Here is a car that should belong to BZP member Darth Vader........ And OH YES, is it ever so FAST!

    The Grim Reaper is a track favorite. This car has raced for many years. It's pretty fast too

    This teal Chevy Malibu ran fast runs, and is a real eye catcher!

    Not to mention that the car it was racing did a Madd wheelie off the starting line!

    This lady runs very consistent times on her snowmachine, and can be rather hard to beat. And yes, people really do drag race their snowmachines!

    The infamous Alaskan Grizzly Nitro powered funnycar doing his pre-run burnout. They do their burnouts powered on alchohol, but when they do the run itself, they kick in the nitro fuel, and Oh buddy...... It shakes the very earth you walk upon when it runs, and it shoots fire out of the exhaust pipes! These cars travel about 300 miles per hour up to the quarter mile, and it is crazy insane! You just can't plug your ears hard enough when these cars run!

    Arctic Thunder was a fast dragster! It ripped down the raceway

    The Grim Reaper and the DooDah Coupe taking off of the starting line. Oh the wheelies!

    And don't forget, that Mighty Mouse RULEZ! Not to mention the car was mass fast!

    These are kids like you that drive these mini rail dragsters. The engines are about the size of a "ride-on lawnmower" engine, but they are massively sooped up!

    Click Here to See the Full Bore MAJ Gallery To see more INSANE horsepower pictures!
    Google Videos!!!!
    Alky's Burnout,Alky's run This car has so much crazy horsepower! A little too much...... The blower belt blew off the first time, and on the second run the car wheelied halfway down the track and hit the guardrail. It was Intense!
    Black T-Bird Funnycar
    Dart Vader's Run I told ya it was fast!
    Corvette Funnycar
    Nitro Alters, Nitro Alters 2
    All these nitro cars were insidiously Powerful!
    Nitro Funnycars, Nitro Funnycars 2
  4. Roa McToa
    I'm getting ready to go on my Brickfair Adventure!
    I am about 90% packed, and am flying out tomorrow night! I even picked up some grippy foam for helping in the setup of large models on smooth tables. Things tend to slip, and the smoothness of the tables limits poseability. My mocs are built for outdoor use, and tend not to grip onto tables too well. The foam should help any models that need a little extra grip.
    I'm arriving in Chicago wednesday morning at a bright and early 5 am, and we are hitting the road from there. Were going to make a stop at the Toy and Plastic Brick museum, which houses the worlds largest privately owned lego collection! I am eager to see it!
    If I'm really lucky, I will have time to visit the Smithsonian Institution! I've never seen it before, and I am told that its now 9 buildings big of massive artifacts and displays! I must gooooo..... dinosaurs woot!
    Anywhoo, I am nervous about the whole thing. Especially the BBCC. I always make the drastic mistake of taking bad pictures of my entries, giving BZP a "not so good" view of my amazing moc. I know it got a lot of hype, but I am still nervous..... I guess that goes hand in hand with getting ready for a trip *_*
    Wish me luck!
  5. Roa McToa
    Its day one of the engine transplant for my 89 suburban. I have been working on disassembling my parts truck to get the engine ready for pulling. I have drained the antifreeze, and the A/C system, and am ready to remove the spark plug wires and distributor cap. It's raining a tiny tad outside, but it's not enough to really be a bother.
    My friend is coming up in a bit to pull out the transmission and transfer case. Were then going to Eagle River to sell the transmission (from the parts truck) for $1000. Then it's off to Peters Creek to snatch up the engine hoist. I figure we'll get the engine taken out today, and put it into my truck tomorrow.
    I'll keep y'all updated as progress goes, and I may even include pictures!
    Wish me luck!
  6. Roa McToa
    My brother and sis'n law are coming up here from Oregon this Thursday with their son Eli! I am SO HAPPY! I haven't gotten to see my nephew in so long! None of our family up here in AK has gotten to see Eli, so everyone is ecstatic! They were going to come up for thanksgiving, but couldn't make it, so everyone was bummed. But now, its like... BOOYAH!
    I can't wait!
    *jumps around with glee* :smeag: :br:
  7. Roa McToa
    I volunteered to insulate an area of my Moms roof that has no insulation, but the house is proving that I cannot do it as easily as I had planned. What I thought was an outside access door in the roof, proved to be nailed down rather firmly. No budging whatsoever. So, consequently, I have to go ito the roof through the coat closet. Now imagine a closet that is basically enough space for you and a friend to cram in there, with a shelf below the ceiling door that you are trying to get into. Now imagine trying to take a huge bat of insulation up that tiny hole......
    I dread the fiberglass. I can only hope that I don't get it all over me. I don't have any old nylons to put over my arms to protect me from the finest of fibers, so I hope I don't get insulation rash from the fiberglass. This is going to prove to be a daunting project with a lot of crawling around in tight dusty spaces.......
    Oi oi oi....
  8. Roa McToa
    There are times when you feel that you can truly approach the world with open arms and take in everything that you see, smell and feel. Other times, you feel that you must keep your arms closed, and be guarded because of foul energies that flow in the the universe. When your mind is open, you can truly see the colors of our world, and all the differences in behaviour of people around you. Sit and absorb your surroundings to acheive a sense of enlightenment within yourself, and you may just see a new light in old friends in your life, and new friends.
    You find too that your true friends are the ones that stick with you even through the dire straights. Even when you are down and ground into the dirt, your true friends are there to support you and help bring you back up to where you used to be. Your true friends will help you if you are stranded out in the wilderness, and no one else will come and help you. When you think of having a true frind, really think, would this person go to all ends to help me? Would this person stick by you, and beleive you when everyone else says that you are wrong, even when in your heart, you know you are right?
    Love your friends and love your enemies. One who can forgive someone is better off that one who beats someone down. Forgiveness is an act of kindness that not everyone knows how to bestow, and once embraced, it makes you an honorable person.
    Another random thought from the rantings of Roa..........
  9. Roa McToa
    "After escaping from those vicious clones, I traveled onward through this strange new universe, and ran across a field of unsorted Pick a Brick. I began my trek through the deep bricks, almost sinking in to their vastness when I tripped. I got up, and lo and behold, I had tripped over my good buddy ...ummm green guy? Neither of use were given names yet....

    I was happy to see him, and helped him up from the pile of brick. Together we trekked onward!"
    What will our brave heroes encounter next on their adventure?? Stay tuned to find out!
  10. Roa McToa
    The engine, transmission and transfer case are all out of the truck! YAY! I also removed the side and rear windows, because they are super expensive REAL tinted windows... not the stupid stick on tints. Now I just have to take the tinted windows out of the rear passenger doors, and that is more of a chore, being as you cant just cut them out with a knife like the back ones. The doors actually have to be disassembled to remove the glass. Once those are on my good truck, I will be blingen it pimpin' style in my Burb.
    I took out all the light covers and turn signals too. I'll sell off the rear 3rd seat (they were about $2,000 brand new back in the day) I can get a few hundred for it at least.... That, and I'm going to have a ball with a Sawzall, and cut the front and rear bumpers off the truck at the mounting brackets, being as they are too difficult to unbolt due to age and rust. It's all good fun, and I can see why people say that working on cars is therapeutic. I feel very satisfied with my progress on the carcass, as it is getting closer to the point where it can be hauled away
    If I am lucky, I can snatch the class four towing hitch thats mounted on it too! As of now, some of the bolts are buried up in the frame rails, and I can't get to them. But when I take the rear bumper off, I might be able to access them. Only time will tell.
    Oh, and the engine compartment on a suburban is big enough to sleep in.... an interesting lil' tidbit of info for y'all LOL
  11. Roa McToa
    My bbc entry is almost completed, What oh what could it ever be?
    All I can say, is that it is pure awesome, and it is the first of its kind in the MOCing world of Bionicle...........
    Stay tuned............
  12. Roa McToa
    Well, I was taking a good brainthought on Akitsu and what I should do with her. I will probably chibi the model, but then I have this wonderful torso that is left over. I thought and thought, and then was like Meh, and forgot about it. I started drawing concept designs for my last two giant rahi when a stunning revelation hit me. Turn akitsu's torso so its facing chest to the ground, and you have a perfect catlike torso. I think I'm going to build Kokatas Giant Rahi off Akitsus torso! I am thinking like a giant maned saber cat or something... Should be interesting indeed! Paruvaks rahi just needs a body, as its head is complete, and pretty fierce looking.
  13. Roa McToa
    Hello all! Brickfair was fun, and I had a really good time for the most part. Now that the convention is over, my posse drove back to chicago, but we made a stop at the Ohio toy and plastic brick museum in Bellaire. They are hosting a public build at the end of the week, and I was asked if I could build a special model for the museum. My plane was due to leave today, but the curator of the museum was willing to pay for the cost to change my plane ticket. Soooo, I accepted.
    Getting the opportunity to build from the worlds largest privately owned Lego collection was too great to pass up. I am going to build a custom "non-TOTstoryline" version of a giant rahi with a Suvika rider. I started building around 3:00, and I am almost finished with the rahi's head. The absolute plethora of parts is absolutely mindboggling!
    I will take pictures during the course of the week, and I will be sure to post a video of the museums Lego robot rock band from FAO Schwarz. It is SO AWESOME that it's too awesome! I got to see the models up close, and yes, they are people sized robots! They house some really neat models, as well as a world record size mosaic. Tis rather awesome!
    This is going to be loads of fun, and I may be able to snag some really rare lego products and prototype stuff for use on BZPower as prize fodder. And when I say rare, I MEAN IT! This stuff doesn't exist anywhere else.
    I will keep you all posted!
  14. Roa McToa
    I gaze to the sky as snow gently falls onto the rooftops. The sky is grey, and the trees are gleaming with the lightly frozen crisp of a fresh winter new. The songbirds that stay are the swift and the singing, flitting from branch to branch, peeping their chilly song. Taking in a breath of crisp fresh air, you can feel the frigid cold of a winter ensuing.
    Long gone is the summer of past, looking forward to winter at last. To stand on a mountaintop in the dark of night, basking in the light of the moon, no other feeling can quite compare. When the snow lights up with a glow, that brings up deep feelings of warmth, in the heart you once bestowed.
    Here to winter, here to snow, here to a warm hearth's glow
    I love winter
  15. Roa McToa
    My truck has a flat tire... ARG!
    Good thing I made it here ok. Mustv'e picked up a sharp object, or the tire is just too worn. The inner edge got worn down pretty low last year 'cause the axle I used to replace the bad one is bent, making the wheels splay out. The truck the axle came from was a wreck I salvaged for parts, but it had been winched down too tightly when it was towed, hence the splayingness...... all that work....
    I'll have to get it fixed when I get back to Seward, so I'll have to use my spare, but its a summer tire..... :annoyed2: I hope it doesn't affect the performance of the truck on ice. The highway could be bad tomorrow...... 130 miles of icy two lane highway with no streetlights..... O_O
    I got my top errands done. I still have some to do tomorrow, but I get more free time than I did today.
    My friends "mothers blessing" ceremony was awesome! Way better than any traditional baby shower. We all gave her a bead or charm for a necklace she will make to wear when she goes in to have her baby. There was also a book we recited verses from. It was really sweet, and we made prayer banners that she can hang on a string. Overall, it was very special, and they had good food there too! The charm I made for her was a small pomegranite that had dried up, and had the seeds rattling around inside. It was a hit, and my mom gave her one that had a stone she found one day in the yard. It was a smooth round piece of granite with a smaller round piece of rose quartz fused with it, and it resembled a womb.
    I spent the $50 Target gift card that I won in a sweepstakes on a yellow jetrax at the brand new target store!!!!!
    I am building it now! Ta ta!
  16. Roa McToa
    Well, looks like I cannot attend brickworld this year, because my cousin is getting married, and I'd rather attend her wedding than a brick convention.
    But, I may/will be sponsored to go to brickfair and do some demonstrations and seminars, as well as showing my Inhabitants of Kaiva-Nui display. So things are looking brighter every day, and I should be able to be fully back online again within a few months.
    I am at work as I type this, so I have to cut it short. Catch y'all on the next entry!
  17. Roa McToa
    Arg, I feel like I am coming down with something really bad. My throat hurts so bad its hard to eat and drink. I hope that it won't inhibit my ability to work and interact with customers.
    Healing from a sprained ankle two weeks ago, and then this..... Yeargh. I hope it goes away, cause pain is a pain......
  18. Roa McToa
    Here I sit, able to scratch out another blog entry whilst in the rainy mists of Seward.
    Work has been a rather.... interesting prospect for me. I have been going through a lot of stress dealing with an angry co-worker (he is just an angry person, and can't help it). That has put an unimagineable amount of crazy tension on my brain lately. That, and another thing that finally got resolved is that my Boss has a rather... ermm unscrupulous... history when it comes to other women, and his wife was very uneasy about me working there because of his past history. But I was able to finally speak with her, and NOT get fired for some stupid reason, like being the only girl working at the tool rental.....
    I have been learning a lot, and am finally getting better at driving the forklift. I've been doing some auto mechaniching too, fixing things like brakelines, changing oil, reassembling parts for the plow truck, etc... I also repaired a broken bearing in one of our ocsillating sanders, and that made the boss proud, but I think the mechanic feels like I am stepping on his toes. The rental shop doesn't have enough space for all the tools we have, so it gets interesting dealing with eachother, and with customers.
    Zieon and I have been having a great time! I really enjoy his company, and he is as crazy for videogames as I am! He's really good to me, and treats me with respect. His two kids are really cool too. They are mentally advanced moreso than other kids their age, simply because of what they have seen in their lives, and from having real heart to heart conversations with their father. So as far as personal life stuff, all that is going great!
    I'm talking with the people here at the local library to have my mocs put on display in one of their display cases, and that is looking pretty good as far as it happening! I'll be sure to post the datres for when my models are on display, so that any one you BZP members who happen to be in Seward, can check out my mocs!
    I'll be working on a detailed Seward Life entry soon with lots of pictures.
    Heres to another day in paradise!
  19. Roa McToa
    Hey guys and gals, I made some "Shrinky Dinks" Bionicle keychains. I'm going to make Thok into a magnet cause his loop was too thin and broke off when I flattened it. I accidentally made the tahu nuva one backwards too LOL. Oh well, trial and error for the first batch The detail is pretty good, and its kinda hard to capture it in a photo. If I get enough interest in these, I'll make a bunch and trade em for stuff Let me know what you think!

    Zaktan Detail
    Kalmah Detail
    Thok Detail
    I like Thok and Kalmah the best so far, although Zaktan is really cool. Should I make some more? I have a lot of material!
  20. Roa McToa
    I just got my hands on some Hearts of Space radio show episodes. Talk about some great music for Trials of Terror! I remember tuning in to this show when I was living up in Fairbanks, and getting to watch the northern lights swirl about in their beautiful lightedness whilst listening to beautiful soundscapes. They've been broadcasting the show since the 80's and they host all kinds of contemporary space music. Its especially nice for when you want to relax, or just listen to something that you've probably never heard before.
    I can definitely say that I've found some movie soundtracks, especially for the "underwater" scene I plan to do. It'll be filmed on a homemade set, cause its just too darn hard to film under real water The scene involves Mahlika and Muga, and thats all I will divulge at the moment, as I dont want to give away any movie secrets yet!
    I also started shooting another Piraka Funny. Reidak is scared of a monster, and avak gets hit by a bout of bad animation. Trying to find out whats got Reidak so scared, little do they know the monster is standing right behind them......... Mwaahhahahaaaaaa, Stay Tuned!
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