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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Dorek

  1. XD

    Word filter even works in comments. Sweet.

  2. When I feel like it, mmmkay? XP

    I might change it to something else, like Bunda is doing, but I might not.

  3. And to think I came up with it all by myself.

  4. Haha. I have da power. Pshaw.

  5. Dorek

    *flying kick*

    No leaving.

  6. tchwat

    I may have accidentally rejected you because I get at least two spam requests a week >>. Put something in the message or something when you try to add.

  7. Yes.


  8. 8D

    Lacey Mosley is such an amazing vocalist, it's not even funny.

  9. I want toooooooooooo. At least I made it to the next round, which is nice.

  10. ...

    Apparently we aren't.



  11. Not very far >> Only up to the Arrancar attack. I used to get scanlations, but my supplier stopped giving em to me, so I has to make do wif da english version =(

  12. Fooooooool Ozius was sooooo much better. XP.

  13. Go die in a hole.

  14. I KNOW! =D

  15. I haven't started building it yet ^^;

    I was just curious to see if that would be an acceptable color scheme. I might switch to metru green. Or metru red...

  16. We haven't had a Sun/Jin episode in forever, have we? Should be good times. She better not join the man in black.

  17. Uh... so? Even if I had known that (which I didn't), does it matter? Besides, I've been using this picture elsewhere for years now, including my phone. And it has different color eyes (the original white).

  18. Cigaro is definitely a favorite. Metro, U-Fig, and Ariels are some of my other favorites.

  19. Freed up a small amount of space in my inbox, but no idea how long that will last. Basically, if you want to continue with our plan, that would be great; between school and work and other stuff, I'm swamped.

  20. YES. It was good. I thought Ben was gonna die but he liiiiived.

  21. rdosgvjndxv

    It says I added you but it doesn't show up on my list.

  22. Dorek


    You didn't tell me... I would've sent an assasin...


  24. o o




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