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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Dorek

  1. Hee hee, yeshums.

  2. Heh *adds to friends list*

    But yeh. Totally gonna be a trusted trader. You'll see. You'll all see.

  3. Heh heh, nothin my man. Just a little game me and Nickbomb play.

  4. Heh heh, someone who can appreciate some decent music. You get... um... a hug?

  5. Heh... you're trapped in a bubble...

  6. Heywaitaminute

    You changed your name back. it is fair and just.

  7. Hush you, you're probably several hours ahead.

  8. I -almost- bought you at BrickCon today. But you were expensive, and I forgot to add money to my wallet. Darn you.

  9. I actually still haven't seen the movie >>. Terrible, I know. I want to see it though. It didn't look that terrible.

    But yeh, keep reading the manga, it's good.

  10. I assumed since you specified a date, it meant that that's when you were going to run out of premier membership, and buy some more.

    Or I'm just crazy. Both are possibilities.

  11. I can ride my bike with no handlebars ~

  12. I can take apart the remote control, and I can almost put it back together. ~

  13. I can't tell whether that was supposed to be sarcastic or not.

  14. I did. It was seriously messed up. But in a good way. Not something I'd put on my iPod though.

  15. Dorek

    I didn't want

    I don't even

    halp ;_;

  16. I do wreck doors.

    Which Mata Nui pic you talkin' about?

  17. I don't know why, but I have high hopes for you. I really dunno why >>

    Or what those high hopes are for.

    Stop looking at me like that.


  19. I eat yo compuda

  20. I figured. I wish we could use color tags on these comments.


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    Supposed to be a diglet, but I dunno///

  21. Dorek

    I got WLM 2011 but that shouldn't have blocked you...

  22. Dorek

    I have a vague idea of who you are, and what you did, but that still doesn't mean you shouldn't have a decent birthday. Have a good one mate.

  23. I haven't started building it yet ^^;

    I was just curious to see if that would be an acceptable color scheme. I might switch to metru green. Or metru red...

  24. I just renewed my premier, so yeah. Soon. Pwomise.

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