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Blog Comments posted by Gemini476

  1. Taking over the world before Nuju Metru.

    Igor has a flue. I'll have to wait until he gets better for my Monster.

    I'm hoping for my henchmen to take over the television network by Friday.

    Build my Death Ray.

    Prepare to go out and stop me. No quality on heroes these days, is there?


    * When did/do you finish school?

    'Bout 3 o'clock.

    * Have you ever been bribed with millions of dollars by a political heavyweight to keep your mouth shut about an international terrorist conspiracy?

    If I told you that, I would have to kill you.

    * Are you right-handed or left-handed?


    * What are you talented in?


    * How much does gas cost out where you live?


  3. Is this good? I'm bad at story-writing.



    Category: [2nd Chances]

    Beast Name:Hand Of Destral

    Topic:Never posted him. I've been working on him since last year.

    Description: A long arm sticking out of the ground. A failed Makuta experiment. It is able to go through dimensions, so it's body is probably hidden away.



    Category: [2nd Chances]

    Beast Name:Southern Sea Beast

    Topic:Link.Though I have improved him since then.

    Description:A big dum creature form the bottom of the ocean. Has a big sword it can slice through prey with.

    Talks matoran good, yes?



    Category: [New MOC]

    Beast Name: Hordika Rahnoz

    Topic:Finished him last week.

    Description: A former toa, now almost completely Rahi. He hates the Visorak and all toa that he says betrayed him.

    He strangles foes with his four tentacle arms. Hee taalkss wiithh aa hissiing voiice...

  4. German, Spanish, French, pretty much every language has a plural "you", so IMO we should all be usin that'n.

    Meesa bein liken yousa postin. :)


    Since I'm not English, I love the auto-spell check in Linux.

    Or it's just in Mozilla. Yeah.


    But I disagree with English being hard.

    Try Spanish.

    I Am? Soy? You are? Eres? Upside down question marks? Sí.

    BTW, is it "spellcheck" or "spell check"?

    My spellcheck/spell check doesn't like spellcheck.

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