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Lewa0111 Nuva

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Blog Entries posted by Lewa0111 Nuva

  1. Lewa0111 Nuva
    *Charity Commercial Announcer voice* 75% of Mataus don't have enough questions to keep their comedy chapters coming regularly. If you or someone you know is one of the 25% of Mataus with questions to spare, do your part and donate your questions to the Lewa0111 Matau Question Charity. Or "LMQC" for short. Don't ask how to pronounce that. Call right now at 1-800-55-MATAU today.*end voice*
    ...Okay with that weirdness over with, Matau is in fact in dire need of questions. I wrote a filler chapter today, but he's only got 2 in the wings, and without the old comedy's questions to use anymore, that's not enough to tide over a full-length chapter, so send 'em in! Or, hey, ask Nokama/Whenua/Visorak/whoever some questions, too!
    On a semi-related note, I'm back for at least the summer. Graduate school is tough, which is why I've been so sporadically active on here this past school year. But I'll keep writing comedy chapters whenever I can, and I'm still dredging the Internet for traces of my old stuff. I may have a lead on a decent chunk of QFTCJP to revive. We'll see!
    And finally, some of you may have spotted the announcement in my sig. I'm trying to put together a team called The Avengers ...I mean, a team to work on a voice-acted BIONICLE comedy video series. Not sure if it'll be based on existing stuff (voice-acted TNI, anyone?) or something brand-new, maybe using reboot characters, but either way I need talent! I'm a great writer and decent voice actor, but am terrible at art/animation/whatever. So pass the message along to anyone you know who might be interested!
    Lewa0111 Nuva
    P.S. If you haven't already, head over to G&T where I'm hosting a game! It's called Sad, Sad [character] in which players try to cheer up a sad Gen 1 character. This time around it's Lewa.[/shamelessadvertising]
  2. Lewa0111 Nuva
    Hi everyone, quick update on where I've been for the past few months.
    Still trying to work out a solution to the comedy-posting problem, with...no results, unfortunately. If there are any of you who know anything about BBcode who might want to help me, I'd really appreciate it! With that said, though, I haven't stopped writing and indeed have been working on new chapters of TNI and Hack Wars from time-to-time during this hiatus. Whenever this gets fixed, I'll be able to post a bunch one after another. Still wish I could share it all with you now, though!
    The Holiday Series stuff I've written for St. Patrick's Day, April Fools, Easter, and the Fourth of July will probably end up just being used for next year's entries, though. Don't want to release things too far out-of-season, and at this point, who knows when I'll fix this issue!?!?
    Pohatu: By the way, I--
    Don't use that joke! Anyway, so sorry for being gone forever and I hope I can get back to making you all laugh again soon.
    Lewa0111 Nuva
  3. Lewa0111 Nuva
    Praise Mata Nui, I finally finished that slog of a repair job. All four of my main comedies as well as my one-posts have been completely repaired and are back to normal (save Gabriella's Hack Wars chapters but she's told me she will be returning to BZP sometime, so there's that). You all know what that means...I'm out of excuses.
    I just updated Hack Wars with a new chapter, and plan to primarily focus on that comedy until it's finished. The occasional chapter of Mata Nova might also get written, and I'll also finish posting what I have saved from my old stuff. Once Hack Wars is done I'll revive Ask Matau! and TNI. It's a difficult thing to think about but I figure I might as well charge ahead and give everyone a few laughs. Besides, Matau will probably be pretty annoyed with me for how long his show hasn't been airing!
    So check out Hack Wars, everyone!
    Lewa0111 Nuva
    P.S. Come Halloween, also be on the lookout for the return of the Lewa# Studios Holiday Series...
  4. Lewa0111 Nuva
    Guess who still exists? That's right, this guy. XD
    I suppose you've all assumed I left for good, and/or died. I assure you that neither is true, though I feel I probably owe you an explanation as to where I have been all this time. The thing is...I really don't have an explanation other than the difficulty of trying to re-write old material that you know you got right the first time. It's a really difficult feeling (as I'm sure those of you who lost writing of your own from the dataclysm are aware) and I can't tell you how many times I've gone back to a new topic or TNI/Ask Matau!, opened the "reply" page, and just stared at it. I haven't been able to bring myself to try to recount any of the old stuff since.
    But with that said, I've made a decision. Most of my currently available comedies have suffered some weird formatting glitch, so I've been at least correcting that little by little. In addition, I plan to commence updating BZ-Nui Hack Wars once again, along with maybe Mata Nova as those are the only two that are all new content and don't need to be "re-written." I will update my profile status thingy (yes, that's the official name of that because I SAID SO, HA ) when that happens.
    Thanks for putting up with me through all of this craziness, by the way. I'll get back to re-doing my old ones eventually, I promise! I'll probably even start posting them on a separate blog as well too as backup in case another Dataclysm happens again. Seriously, you guys rock and with any luck I'll be able to start making you laugh once again.
    Lewa0111 Nuva
    P.S. Along with everything else, I now have a grand total of ZERO questions for Matau's next chapter when I get around to it. Send in those questions if you'd like!
  5. Lewa0111 Nuva
    Well. I think I'm out of excuses. I've been gone for months with nary a peep as to my whereabouts. (Is that how you spell it? I don't know.)
    What's been happening, you may ask? Well, sort of a weird combination of business, distraction, and just being lazy. Last June, Gabriella and I both graduated from the college where we went together, and I moved back home, where I spent most of the summer looking for jobs as well as applying for graduate school. This kept me pretty busy for those few months. Then, toward the end of August, I got a part-time offer for work and started working there, which keeps me busy Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays for the most part. This was where the laziness came in. I was so busy those three days that all the other stuff I like to do (reading, watching movies, playing video games, etc.) started becoming higher priority for me on the off days when I didn't get to do them, so BZPower sort of fell off the wayside. In addition, I just simply forgot about it. A lot.
    Long story short, I have no idea where my schedule might lead me next, but for now, it's fairly regular. I may not have as much time as I'd like to do all the things that I'd like, but I'll try not to forget about BZP again. I updated Hack Wars with a new (fairly long) chapter, and on Wednesday I'll try to have a new TNI or AM! chapter (depending on which comes next in the crossover) up. Hopefully it'll stay more regular from now on, and I'll try to stick as close to the schedule from the last blog entry as I can (though Tuesdays and Thursdays are now out for obvious reasons, and Friday's chapter may have to get moved to Saturday). My apologies once again and here's hoping it actually works out this time!
    Lewa0111 Nuva
  6. Lewa0111 Nuva
    So, another new chapter of both TNI and Ask Matau! were posted today. Go read them and send in some questions for Matau!
    On an unrelated note, I was thinking about reposting one of my prose comedies. Since they are in prose and were among my later works, I'll probably just repost the whole thing verbatim and then begin working on new chapters. However, since I only really have time for one (in addition to TNI and Ask Matau!,) I thought I'd let you all vote on which one you'd like to see reposted (and therefore updated) first. Whichever comedy has the most votes by next week will be reposted. The choices are:
    Comedicle (QFTCJP)
    Ga-Metru School Musical 1 and 2
    The BZ-Nui Hack Wars
    No, I'm not reposting or rewriting the "Crazy ____" series, those were one-posts and extremely stupid in my opinion. Nor am I going to redo any more script comedies for the time being, since I'm already updating two of those. Vote for which comedy you want to see by putting a comment below!
    Lewa0111 Nuva
  7. Lewa0111 Nuva
    So lately I've started watching the new sci-fi show, "Terra Nova," and I've been really impressed so far. Sure, there have only been four episodes so far (and new ones come out every other week), but what I've seen has been awesome. And then earlier today it occurred to me that the basic premise behind the show would be pretty easy/fun to make into a BIONICLE spoof, and since actual episodes come out so sporadically anyway, it would be easy enough to keep updated, similar to Pohatu Puppet Pals. I'm not sure yet if I will actually write this comedy or possibly wait a little while, but here's my general idea and concept I've started considering.
    "Terra Nova" is a show about humans in the future discovering a time portal to the Cretaceous period, and sending people through it to start a new colony on the other side in a more primitive, less industrialized setting. So, my idea is, what if an accident involving Vezon and his Olmak caused a dimensional/temporal rift to appear, letting Spherus Magna inhabitants go through and end up back on the island of Mata Nui pre-cleansing? They could then start a colony including Glatorian/Agori as well as the MU inhabitants we've come to know and love, and have hilarious adventures with Rahi and other craziness as a vaguely defined spoof of the show's episodes. Since the show isn't already a comedy, it would be easier to spoof than if it was already funny to begin with. I also would write the comedy in such a way that it would make sense and be funny even to those who haven't seen the show, since it's relatively new and not all that well-known yet.
    But we'll see. The comedy will tentatively be titled "Mata Nova." First, I've got to get through my midterm week...
    Lewa0111 Nuva
  8. Lewa0111 Nuva
    Well, it's Monday. (Okay, technically Tuesday, but whatever, I don't have free time during the day!)
    So you know what that means...as promised, the results of the voting contest! Our winner is none other than..."The BZ-Nui Hack Wars." It got an overwhelming number of votes, more than twice the number of the runner-up, the "Ga-Metru School Musical" series, with 2 votes. "Comedicle" got a single vote, and none at all for Pokerahi.
    So, as promised, I'll begin reposting BZ-Nui Hack Wars on the new forums beginning tonight, with one chapter per day until I am caught up to where it was before the forum migration. After that, updates will be twice a week, probably every Wednesday and Saturday. TNI and Ask Matau! will continue to be posted regularly, once per day.
    Thanks to all who voted!
    Lewa0111 Nuva
  9. Lewa0111 Nuva
    GASP, I'm back! What a surprise. For those of you who don't know me (and I don't blame you, it's been almost a year), I'm Lewa0111. I've been a fan of BIONICLE since the beginning, though I dropped off the radar somewhere around the Bohrok-Kal and only started back up in '06, and followed the story faithfully from then on until its untimely demise last year. Now that the forums have been completely made anew, I've decided to start re-writing my earlier comedies, starting with The Nuva Inn, since in all honestly the first chapters of those comedies were a bit embarrassing even for me to reread. Eventually I'll get around to reposting all of my other comedies as well so that I can continue them, in no real order (unless there are any particularly popular requests). The redone first chapter of TNI is up today, and I'll be trying to post at least one rewritten chapter per day, possibly more depending on my schedule. And this time I mean it! ...No, seriously!
  10. Lewa0111 Nuva
    First things first: TNI has a new chapter, so go check that out. Ask Matau! to follow soon (assuming enough questions roll in), and come Halloween, the Holiday Series will be starting back up! Already got a few nice ideas in mind.
    As for my personal life and busy-ness, I'm still quite busy with graduate school but try to find time to write here and there. Hopefully things stabilize soon, but you never know. Adulting is hard!
    On my other BIONICLE projects, Sad Sad Lewa is still waiting for more players but I haven't forgotten it completely. Only two people have responded to my big comedy project announcement, but if I get more (especially animators/artists, we're really short on those) we'll be able to decide on a theme and get moving. I personally like the idea of an animated/voice-acted version of Ask Matau! right now (as it would be much easier to translate into video than TNI) but we'll see. Might also make it completely brand-new. Who knows?
    Still trying to re-format the QFTCJP cache I found online, but it's slow going. Looks like it includes most of the 2001 saga (about 15 chapters) but nothing past that. I'll definitely be posting something when that gets finished! I may be on less frequently than before, but I'm not gone completely. BZP will always be important!
    Lewa0111 Nuva
  11. Lewa0111 Nuva
    Guess what?
    Crossing my fingers to the extreme here, because I think I've managed at long last to fix the issue I was having with the BBcode chopping my script-format chapters in half. In the past it looked normal for a day or so before cutting off, but so far my latest edit to TNI's chapters has stuck around for three days now. I'm going to give it two more days, and if it doesn't cut-off by day 5 I'll go ahead and start posting new stuff again! If I'm right, the problem was the italics I was using for the songs overloading the system, but we'll see.
    On somewhat-related news, the Christmas special is now up, with a New Year's one on the way. Enjoy, and happy holidays!
    Lewa0111 Nuva
    (P.S. The song contest in TNI is still ongoing, now that Pohatu's song is available to see in the cutoff chapters. Get your votes in!)
  12. Lewa0111 Nuva
    Hi everyone,
    You're probably wondering where I've been. I had a big resurgence a few weeks back, and then...Nothing. Not a peep. Not even a Valentine's Day entry in the Holiday Series. What happened?
    Well, for those of you who read The Nuva Inn, you probably noticed the most recent two chapters of that comedy randomly got cut off when I tried to post them. After re-editing the posts several times, they continued to get cut off and neither I nor anyone helping me out in the tracker has been able to figure out what's wrong.
    I've spent the last week or so trying desperately to work out a solution, with no results yet...which is really too bad because I'd love to be able to keep writing. But I'm not going to do that until I know my chapters will be able to post in their entirety. If anyone knows anything that might help, by all means let me know! In the meantime, though, I'll keep trying whatever I can. Once I get the issue fixed, I'll be sure to let everyone know.
    Thanks for understanding, and don't forget to vote!
    Lewa0111 Nuva
  13. Lewa0111 Nuva
    Hello everyone, hope you're enjoying the new year! I know I am... *glances over at Lewa 2015*
    Anyway, for those of you who may not have noticed, the Nuva Inn Christmas Contest has officially begun, with Onua, Pohatu, and Kopaka having already sung their songs. I'm going to be taking votes both here as well as via PM for those who'd rather stay anonymous, and the results will be declared once all the votes are in. Here are the rules:
    1) The points from the three in-story judges will be added to the points from votes.
    2) Each member may vote once per round. One round = one chapter of the comedy.
    3) Disqualified singers CAN be voted for but they will not be eligible to win anyway.
    4) You can't vote for the judges, no matter how much you may have enjoyed Lewa's money song. The Narrator is also not in the contest.
    5) Nothing, I just like the number 5.
    I'll keep updating this post with the totals for each round. Current point totals are:
    Round 1
    Onua: 0 points (judges)
    0 points (voters)
    Kopaka: 8 points (judges)
    0 points (voters)
    Pohatu: 8 points (judges)
    0 points (voters)
    Round 2
    Tava: 8 points (judges)
    0 points (voters)
    Fred: 8 points (judges)
    1 point (voters)
    Gali: 0 points (judges)
    0 points (voters)
    Round 3
    Lewa0111 Nuva
  14. Lewa0111 Nuva
    Happy New Year, everyone! Kind of a strange way to start off a Christmas-titled post, but hey. As the holidays themselves were extremely busy for me (and I spent several days in there trying to post the latest update to Ask Matau! amid technical difficulties), I have fallen a bit behind schedule. Gee, what a shock.
    Still, not EVERYTHING is behind schedule. Both the Christmas and New Year's entries in the Holiday Series were posted more or less on time, and Ask Matau! and TNI both finished up their respective parts of the crossover saga. Not to mention Christmas still isn't over for you Lewa0111 fans; everyone's favorite dysfunctional hotel staff are still forging ahead with a (rather late) Christmas song contest! Those of you long-time fans may remember this from the old TNI. It returns beginning tomorrow!
    After the Christmas special is over, TNI and Ask Matau! will resume more-or-less normally from there on out. Since the archives are gone for good, I won't be remaking any old chapters other than vague plotlines that I remembered myself. You are more than welcome to send me hints that you might remember from the old comedies to help jog my memory as well, including Guest Star roles or other things. Hack Wars seems to have dwindled in popularity, so I'm leaving that one alone for the time being but will come back to it at some point.
    I'm also working on tracking down the rest of GMSM and Comedicle/QFTCJP. If I succeed, I'll re-post whatever else I can find from those, though what's been posted for GMSM is all I have at the moment. And the Holiday Series will continue in February, naturally.
    Bye for now! Must...buy...Lewa...2015...
    Lewa0111 Nuva
  15. Lewa0111 Nuva
    Hello everyone! Just thought I'd post a quick update to let everyone know that The Nuva Inn has returned! After over a year of hiatus, the pie saga has been concluded with an extra-long chapter. Matau will also be getting his own finale chapter sometime soon, and of course the Christmas Song Contest will begin as well! Stay tuned for a holiday season filled with Lewa0111ishness!
    Nuju: According to the 12th Edition of the New Enhanced Scholastic Collegiate Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the word "Lewa0111ishness"--
    Everyone: NERD!
    Lewa0111 Nuva
  16. Lewa0111 Nuva
    Hello everyone! At long last, I finally finished a (belated) Thanksgiving special! Would have gotten it up earlier but I was stuck with writer's block about halfway through it. Ah well, it's there anyway. Check it out!
    On a somewhat related note, the Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/Solstice/Naming Day/whatever season is upon us, and I've decided to do something a little different this time around. On the way home from work the other day, I had some Christmas songs playing and I found myself absent-mindedly singing the lyrics to "Billy the Off-Color Pie," "The 12 Days of TNI," "The First No 'L'," and "Jingle Judge," among others. You know what that means...
    The TNI Christmas Story Arc is returning! Yeah, I decided it was high time I got off my butt and went back to Lewa and the gang, just in time for the holidays. I'll be finishing up the last chapter of the pie saga and then getting right into the holiday spirit! I'm sure that wasn't the actual order of things in the original, but it's lost anyway so who cares? Time for some TNI this holiday season!
    Of course, I still plan to write a regular holiday one-post on the day itself (or as close as I can), but this will give me more motivation to keep going with TNI. Check back for updates and have a great holiday season, everyone!
    Lewa0111 Nuva
  17. Lewa0111 Nuva
    Happy (belated) Halloween, everyone!
    Thought I'd provide a few updates for everyone about my comedies and such given that I've been away for a little while. First of all, the Lewa# Studios Holiday Series has returned! "Why Toa Shouldn't Trick-Or-Treat" has just been posted (a few days late, yes; Halloween itself kept me quite busy this year!) Featuring costumed Toa, Tava shenanigans, and some interesting trick-or-treating. Check it out!
    Also, BZ-Nui Hack Wars is not dead. Due to an apparent lack of interest in the comedy, I haven't felt too motivated to update lately but I will try to get more chapters up when I can. I've also been taking a glance at Ask Matau! and TNI, but I can't make any promises on those two. If nothing else, once Hack Wars has finished I will repost Comedicle and start continuing that. But we'll see.
    Finally, I hope you all had a great Halloween and I will be seeing you all again this Thanksgiving for another installment of the Holiday Series! (And will be busy keeping Tava away from all the pies, of course...)
    Lewa0111 Nuva
  18. Lewa0111 Nuva
    For the love of Karzahni on a pogo-unicycle eating a pizza, why is BZP seemingly such a huge target for hackers!?!?!?!?
    Pohatu: By the way, I love--
    Every Other TNI Character: DON'T USE THAT JOKE!!
    So, yeah. For all 0 of you who didn't notice, BZP got hacked AGAIN. Seriously. For a somewhat-obscure fansite for the discussion of a toy franchise that ended three years ago, we sure seem to be a giant hacker magnet...Anyway, time for the good and bad news regarding my stuff.
    Good news: I saved the one new bit of content (i.e. the previous blog post) via Google Caches this time around. I also double-checked Hack Wars, Mata Nova, TNI, and Ask Matau! and nothing has been lost in any of those. So we're all good there!
    Bad news: I am gonna have to re-repost my old comedies again from the first chapters. Meaning you'll have to wait even longer for new content.
    I'll start reposting tomorrow (Friday,) due to having a double shift at work tonight. Same stuff as last time, so stay tuned!
    Lewa0111 Nuva
    P.S. If anybody has anything at all saved/remembered from Comedicle/QFTCJP, Pokerahi, Pohatu Puppet Pals, or especially the GMSM series, please PM me with whatever you may have! Those are the comedies I'm missing the most content from at the moment. Thanks!
  19. Lewa0111 Nuva
    So...yeah. For those of you who haven't heard, the archives are now officially lost forever from the forums. Now, this would be a mild annoyance were it not for the fact that many, MANY archive topics, including all of my comedies, had lost the majority of their posts several months prior to this, giving me no warning whatsoever. For those of you who are not writers, you have no idea how devastating this is, and is enough to make me nearly want to give up on comedies forever. (Not that I haven't already more or less...but that's another story )
    Luckily, I managed to save a very small amount of archive content, both via Google Archives (which saved me during the last Dataclysm as well), and what little I'd saved as Word documents on my computer and hadn't deleted. However, Pokerahi, Pohatu Puppet Pals, and Ga-Metru School Musical 2 have nothing, or almost nothing, saved whatsoever. The rest of the stuff has varying levels of content available that I will begin reposting chapter by chapter starting today. I also have plans to backup all of my comedy writings, both old and new, to the Lewa0111 wiki and/or a blog to avoid something like this happening again.
    (Also, I'm not dead. In case you were wondering.)
    Lewa0111 Nuva
  20. Lewa0111 Nuva
    Again, I apologize for the recent hiatus. Quite honestly, it was just one thing after another, and I had very little time to come back to BZP. Now that that's over, though, I hope to get back to a regular comedy writing schedule on a weekly basis. It will be as follows:
    The Nuva Inn: every other day (Ask Matau! "off days)
    Ask Matau!: every other day (TNI "off days")
    BZ-Nui Hack Wars: Wednesdays and Saturdays
    Mata Nova: Mondays and Fridays
    Once Mata Nova and/or BZ-Nui Hack Wars is finished (whichever happens first), I will begin reposting Quest for the Comedy Jokes of Power next. The script comedies will continue to be updated indefinitely, though there may be a slip on Tuesdays and Thursdays, which are the busiest days for me in real life, so occasionally I may not have time to update then. If that happens, the schedule will continue as normal.
    Thanks to all my fans for continuing to read, promote, and reply to my comedies! You guys (and girls) all rock!
    Lewa0111 Nuva
  21. Lewa0111 Nuva
    Ah, the life of a college senior is a busy one indeed.
    This week and last week have been full of final exams for me, and as such, lots of studying, which is why I haven't been able to find time to update my comedies (or anything else, for that matter) for a while. I'm really sorry about that, but honestly, there really wasn't much I could do about it. Tomorrow (Thursday) is my last final, though, so expect lots of updates tomorrow and in subsequent days!
    A forewarning: I will not have any access to the Internet from the 23rd to the 2ndish. Our family will be going to visit relatives for the holidays, and they live in the middle of nowhere with no wi-fi access anywhere. But other than that, I should get back to updating regularly for the most part. Just thought I'd let you all know!
    Lewa0111 Nuva
    P.S. Also, expect another holiday special sometime just before I leave for the holidays!
  22. Lewa0111 Nuva
    Well, I have to apologize to you all. I know the last several days have had no new updates of TNI, Ask Matau!, BZ-Nui Hack Wars, or Mata Nova. However, I actually have a very good reason for that, and it is the fact that the internet connection in my room has been down since Friday. I posted one new chapter of TNI in the interim at a library computer, but other than that I haven't had access to BZPower whatsoever.
    As for the lack of Ask Matau! updates, this was intentional on my part. Since Ask Matau! was originally started later than TNI in the old forums, events that are cocurrent between the two (such as the crossover saga or the appearance of Joe the Coffee Rahkshi :wakeup2: ) don't line up properly if I had continued to update both at the same time. So TNI is getting updated more often in order to make some of these things line up. But don't worry, Matau will be back soon to answer your questions, viruses, spam, and other random things!
    I'll also be posting a new one-post Thanksgiving special tomorrow, so look for that!
    Lewa0111 Nuva
  23. Lewa0111 Nuva
    Well, I've finally gotten back on my normal schedule, with both TNI and Ask Matau! updated today. I will probably be writing Ask Matau! chapters every other day or so, since I realized that the "crossover" saga between the two comedies would not line up properly otherwise. So if Ask Matau! doesn't get updated occasionally (like yesterday) but TNI does, that's probably why.
    Also, the first new comedy I've written in quite some time, Mata Nova, is finally here! Again, whether or not you've seen the original show "Terra Nova" doesn't matter, the comedy should still be very accessible to those who haven't seen it. It will be a bit less random and more serious than some of my other works (think BZ-Nui Hack Wars style), and it will be updated once a week at least. Be sure to let me know what you think!
    BZ-Nui Hack Wars will continue to be reposted at a rate of one chapter a day, at least on my end, since Gabriella doesn't have as much time as I do to go on BZP each day. Once that's done, it will be updated less frequently but still on a weekly basis.
    Lewa0111 Nuva
  24. Lewa0111 Nuva
    Just to let you all know, I will unfortunately not have any time to update my comedies from Thursday to Sunday of this week, owing to the fact that I will be on a volunteer trip for college with no reliable internet access or time to sit down and rewrite a new chapter until then. Gabriella will be able to post the next BZ-Nui Hack Wars chapter, however, and I should be back to the normal schedule on Sunday evening with a new update of both TNI and Ask Matau!
    Also, I apologize for there not being an update of anything tonight, but I have a big exam tomorrow morning and I really needed the time to study. However, to make up for this lack of updates, in addition to my normal schedule, I have also decided to begin writing the first chapter of "Mata Nova," the Terra Nova spoof comedy that I hinted at in my earlier blog post. Chapters of this should be updated every Monday, so as to stay far enough behind the show that I don't accidentally give any major spoilers away.
    In addition, BZ-Nui Hack Wars is beginning to approach the last of its reposted chapters, and once that's done, it will start being updated twice a week!
    Lewa0111 Nuva
  25. Lewa0111 Nuva
    Just wanted to take this opportunity to apologize for the sporadic updates the last two days or so and explain my planned update schedule.
    Unfortunately, due to my having two exams to study for tomorrow, there will not be any updates tonight of either TNI or Ask Matau!. Even though I'm just rewriting old chapters, they still take quite a while to write (believe it or not) and I simply don't have time. However, I will try to update both of them once a day regularly again starting tomorrow night.
    Speaking of tomorrow, tomorrow night is day I will count votes and begin reposting (verbatim) one of my prose comedies. Since that will be just a straight-up repost and not a rewrite, there shouldn't be any problem with updating that once per day until it gets caught up. After that, my goal will be to continue updating the two script comedies once a day and the prose comedy twice a week.
    P.S. Thanks to everyone who sent in questions for Ask Matau! so far. Your questions will be appearing in the next few chapters, so thanks!
    Lewa0111 Nuva
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