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Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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Status Updates posted by Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

  1. Wow, I'm getting comments from complete unknowns...

  2. Ah, but I could be a phenomenally dense beanpole. Or a beanpole two stories high. Or not a beanpole at all. You don't know. And probably never will

  3. even if you keep him out of the light of a yellow sun, the source of his powers. He weakens but he doesn't become powerless

  4. Seeing as you're a Kratos fangirl and all that, did you know there was a GoW RPG in COT?

  5. Not me, thats for sure

    *throws away pliers*

  6. Blackmail opens many doors

  7. Well you did say read. Its rather hard to read moving pictures unless you put on the subtitles or convert them into binary :P

  8. Well Duck's latest comment has been pushed right off, so technically no we don't have any women

  9. That's spelling. While both spelling and grammar are part of syntax, they are not the same thing

  10. Absolutely nothing Nihy, absolutely nothing...

  11. If he's that lazy he wouldn't have read the other comments to find out if what he posted would have had a double meaning

  12. I know the feeling. I keep some of the applications around though, simply because you never know who might end up 'famous'.

    And then I get them on my friends list!

  13. I don't remember what stories they were, I didn't bother committing their names to memory. Like I said, I didn't enjoy them. Likewise I don't enjoy "a good superman fight" because it's not so much a fight as a workout for the guy. And he doesn't inspire me. Batman Green Arrow and Iron Man are inspiring because they're totally powerless and are relying on their s

  14. Well...we're both mammals...

  15. Your point being?

    If I want to name my RPG after a mental disorder I can.

    Besides I wouldn't be the first the share an Acronym with something else

  16. Trying to recruit more members to our RPG. care to check it out? It has werewolves and vampires in it...

  17. Well we could do both...Obviously we'd have to do Cap'n's first because the moment he get's banned his topics get closed, right?

    So just point me in the right direction...

  18. We just charge them a toll to go round

  19. smarts and wealth. Superman is an unstoppable juggernaut, which spoils it somewhat. We could all make a difference if we could fly at supersonic speeds and punch through concrete

  20. It's so sad that Zy and Nihy had to die like that. This abandoned and neglected c-box with absolutely no comments in it for ages seems so empty without them

  21. *Throws a queso-bloated Necro at you both*

  22. Slowly but surely, all the Zyglakkys shall disappear...

  23. Nobody expects this Monty Python reference!

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