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Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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Status Updates posted by Wyrd Bid Ful Araed


  2. As penance for your heinous crime, the least you can do is join up

  3. Maybe its something in the water?

    And I'm merely twisted, not psychopathic!

  4. Woe is you Necro, woe is you

  5. Is who what-now? The guy in my P pic is called Mr. Teatime (pronounced Tee-ah-TIM-eh) and he is an Assassin (note the capital A)

  6. *New body grows from head and new head grows from body*

    We call ourselves Legion because we are many

  7. You may -try- to leave. I did mention there was no exit, right?

  8. Well we've all got to have a hobby I suppose...

  9. And a gurren-lagann is what? A giant drill by any chance?

  10. *Blitzes comment box with liquid Board Messages*


  11. Yeah it will. The filter isn't choosy

  12. 'fraid not. Spam would have been deleted, and my post count would have been taken down with it

  13. *Drowns Xaeraz in irregular shavings*

    It's called sawdust

  14. Yes. For cryin' out loud, I can still see your last comment on the list (though I won't after I post this)

  15. Well I'm using a trident, so there :P

  16. Rawr!

    *chews bamboo shoots*

  17. I'm happy I'm getting away with using it, all things considering. I suppose if I just stick with the imp it's obscure enough

  18. Now we push that Sets comment off visibility so it looks like I'm talking to myself

  19. The version that doesn't laugh

  20. In regards to your post on Kittan's profile: Depends on whether you missed my Kssndr post before my most recent one...

  21. So does calling it English but not using English words (it's called a full stop here in the UK)

  22. Why is it so creepy btw? Is it his glass eye (the black one)?

  23. How do you know they're flawless? You never check them

  24. So he gets nuked, whoop de doo. Hope he enjoyed walking away totally unscathed

  25. You are 'pertaining to forum' Friar Tuck?

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