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Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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Status Updates posted by Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

  1. *Puts on a face he keeps in a jar by the door*


  2. *Puts on Helmet*

    They're at it again! To the Bunkers!

  3. *Releases a Rancour for good measure*

  4. *Releases rabid ferrets at SoulC*

    *Hands Friar a stomach pump*

  5. *Remains behind cover because of the Monty Python sketch Necro might be referencing*

    You don't fool me that easily.

    One thing though, Ichigo, why do you shout out before attacking? It gives you opponent time to run away?

  6. *Respawns*

    Well, I'm off to eBay with my cold, dead corpse. You'd be amazed at how how much those things sell for

  7. *Returns from fetching popcorn*

    Hey what'd you do with my helmet?

  8. *Seals SoulC withing a silver/iron coffin*

    And now you cannot ressurect him. I advise you give your bestowment to someone more worthy. One name does leap to mind...

  9. *Sends Goons to deal with FD*

  10. *Sends pet werewolf out to deal with mob*

    Well if they will come screaming instead of waving torches and pitchforks...

  11. *Sets Memory-Wiper-Stick to 2hrs 12mins*

    You will all get on with your business


  12. *Shields himself with an 0 then uses a 9 as a lasso*


  13. *Shoots everyone*

    You're all nuts

  14. *Shoves Munki near Alice to see what happens*

  15. *Sits in sauna*

    I'm working on the steamed part right now folks!

  16. *Slaps FD for being selfishly inactive*

  17. *Slaps Nihy with gauntlet*

    You have insulted my honour I challenge you to a-

    *Shoots Nihy*


  18. *Slinks guiltily into a corner*

    I don't actually have a Gaia account, so I couldn't anyway (for now)

  19. *Slips on banana skin*


  20. *Slivers of head coalesce over Nid's and begin eating its brains!*

  21. *Smacks everyone around with a large wooden structure with a fire going at the top*

    It's called the Pharos Lighthouse!

  22. *Snarffles cookie*

    It is truly an interesting word. It sounds like it could be so many things, yet the thing that it actually is is accurate (mind you, some of things it might be could be accurate...)

  23. *Snuggles up to a cluster bomb*

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