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Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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Status Updates posted by Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

  1. You didn't get the reference then? The Christmas cease-fire in WWI? Where both British and German forces got out their trenches and played a game of football together? Ringing any bells?

  2. You didn't know what ZP was, you don't know who Richard is...

    What are you, some kind of anti-nerd?

  3. You do realise stabbing me will just melt your blade, right?

    Necro, thats not inflation, thats just those things going up in value

  4. You do realise that in telling Sets to kill me, TPt1, you are also telling him to kill you, seeing as you claim we are one

  5. You do realise there is no such place as ferretland, right? And it's always ferrets because they are what beats bunnies, like rock beating scissors

  6. You don't get scurvy. Congrats.

  7. You don't seem to do much these days? Chillaxin'?

  8. You don't. Spooky, huh?

    (The answer is no)

  9. You even ate his deadly poisonous spines?

  10. You fool! By shattering the Vahi you have created a rip in Time/Space!

  11. You fool! By shattering the Vahi you have created a rip in Time/Space!

  12. You fool! By shattering the Vahi you have created a rip in Time/Space!

  13. You fool! Now the lyrics don't fit the tune!

  14. You got chills

    I'm multiplyin'

    ...It's electrifyin'

  15. You got it wrong 'suna, you're not supposed to put the hyphen in. That way it looks like you really did stop mid-sentence

  16. You got something against werewolves? Thats rather lupist you know...

  17. You got something else to do your typing, so you're tring to ignore me, so you do care :D

  18. You guys are officially nuts

  19. You guys mind if I watch the show?

  20. You have clearly never met me in real life XD

  21. You have crazy brackets now?

  22. You have such a strong personality that even after you died there were still traces of it. How can I miss you if you're technically still around?

  23. You have who? Sorry, I thought these people were supposed to be famous (ie well known)

  24. You have your old name back!

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