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Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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Status Updates posted by Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

  1. You're homeschooled, aren't you, though.

    So technically any work you do is homework

  2. You're just jealous because your country never had a lolly.

    Erm, sorry, Empire :P

  3. You're just jealous because your country never had a lolly.

    Erm, sorry, Empire :P

  4. You're just jealous that your proto's still on zero, Mr. Gahlok-Kal crushed

  5. You're just sore that your RPG failed to get off the ground, Sanger :P

  6. You're not fooling anyone

  7. You're not on my Friends list?


  8. You're reading Stephanie Meyer...Aren't they the ones were there's this girl who has a thing for this vampire while her best mate is a werewolf? Are the book worth it?

  9. You're right. That's means it fell off the edge of sanity a long time ago...

  10. You're scarred? How'd that happen?


  11. You're so ugly you can shatter glass. I knew it!

  12. You're the person who came up with the idea, so you would be one of the chief blamers. And if you are one of the chief blamers then we technically have no new guy to blame :S

    Don't you just love loopholes :D

  13. You've clearly got that the wrong way round and have put Sets in the wrong place

  14. You've even got his avatar. Nice :P

  15. You've got the smilodon as an avvie, so I take it that means you've seen season 2 of Primeval?

  16. You've got to admit though, Vorzann's no Tren Krom...

  17. You've never heard the expression "Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds"?

    I don't know who first came up with it, but Oppenheimer is classicaly cited as saying it when he saw one of the earliest nuclear weapons tests

  18. You've removed your friends list!

    Now I feel unwanted...and angry! But mainly unwanted...

  19. Your American money is worthless to me and thus does not get a reaction. Foo'

  20. Your arguments are flawed. It's not that I don't add periods at all, it's that I cannot be bothered to add the one at the end. And breathing has nothing to do with it, seeing as my posts are nothing but pixels on a screen

  21. Your art topic has been closed due to revival!

  22. Your avatar, actually.

    Although strictly speaking an avatar is an embodiment or incarnation of yourself...

  23. Your blog is boring to people. Make it more interesting

  24. Your blog is EPIC WIN!

  25. Your Collosus may have been bigger, but my lighthouse had a fire on top. So Nyah!

    *Starts stockpiling flammable material*

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