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Blog Entries posted by Kiotu

  1. Kiotu
    Here's a riddle for you guys, because I know some of you (including myself) love a good riddle:
    Two vacationing couples, Bob and Jen and Dave and Sarah, are flying to a holiday resort on a tropical island. However, their plane crashes in the waves. Bob, Dave and Sarah are washed up another island alive, and Jen is presumed dead.
    A month later, having been rescued, Dave walks into a restaurant. There he orders the albatross. Upon trying it, he walks outside, pulls out a gun and shoots himself.
    Why did he kill himself?
    So, ask a yes/no question, and I'll reply with the answer. You know the riddle rules.
    Also, no spoiling if you've already heard this riddle.
    ...and I think the original riddle didn't have names, but I'm using them for simplicity.
  2. Kiotu
    The Unofficial BZPower Writing Month
    Recently, Velox and I have been brainstorming ideas for a BZPWriMo, based off of the National Novel Writing Month (or, shortened, NaNoWriMo). For those unfamiliar with NaNoWriMo, the purpose is to write a 50,000 word novel (roughly 175 pages), during November. It's for anyone who's ever wanted to write a novel, but too scared away by the time and effort involved.
    However, BZPWriMo will be a bit different, and will be set to start on the first of July. The goal is to write 20,000 words by the end of the month. At the end of the month, anyone who finishes their entry, with over 20,000 words, will be judged. Before this however, they will be allowed to edit their work. When the judges have selected the finalists, I will set up a poll, where everyone can vote for the best entry.
    One other thing, there will be prizes. Other than the prize of creating a whole new epic/anthology/other type of story.
    In the meantime though, we'd like your input, and we'd like anyone interested to give their feedback on a few things:
    Are you interested in participating? Are you interested in judging? Should the BZPWriMo be BIONICLE-only stories, or would you like COT stories to be included? Is 20,000 words a good aim? That's all for now. The official entry will be posted at a later date. -K
  3. Kiotu
    Opinions. Now.
    Okay, here's my opinion. I think the thumb is a finger. It has the same amount of joints (yes, it has three, one near the wrist), it looks the same as a finger, functions the same (it's just a finger on the side of your hand), is a digit from the same location, so therefore, IMO, it is a finger.
  4. Kiotu
    So guys, I heard that the Pentagon had just recieved a suggestion on how to track down those elusive terrorists: parachute bears down to the ground, because their sense of smell is much better than a greyhound's.
    This is the stupidest, most hilarious and most awesome plan I've ever heard. I wonder, even if the bears found something, how are they going to call in or how would the army guys find out? And really, who are the bears going to side with? The ones that push them out of a plane? I think not!
  5. Kiotu
    So, I had to go get a blood test today. My doctor told me that I wasn't supposed to eat before drawing blood, so I hadn't eaten since early last night. However, the first question they asked there was if I had eaten or not, and I replied that I hadn't. The lady at the desk said that I could've if I wanted to, since children aren't required to fast.
    Of course, I was like this:
    Anyways, three little vials of blood were taken; hurt a bit, though not for much longer than a few seconds, and my left hand went numb for a while. Not unexpected though, since the reason I'm getting the test is because my right big-toe has lost a lot of its feeling. I can still feel things -- pressure, heat, pain -- but it's dampened, like wearing a sock.
    Afterwards, me and Dad went to my favourite Thai restaurant for lunch, which filled the hole in my stomach, so that was nice. I also took some home for dinner.
    My arm hurts now whenever I move it, so I'll probably lay low for the rest of the day. Play some Half-Life, maybe watch a movie, that kind of stuff.
    Also: I'll get my blog graphics up by the next entry, I promise. You can publicly humiliate me or something if I don't.

  6. Kiotu
    Guys, I need to talk to you guys about BZPWriMo's status.
    Hahli Husky recently PM'd me about BZPWriMo, and how it would be best if it were moved from July, for the sake of both this and the official Summer Olympics slated for the same time slot. It wouldn't be so great if entrants from this contest were unable to participate in the official ones because of time, or that entrants from the other had no way to participate in this one. I completely agree. With both going on at the same time, neither contest can really do as well as they would've.
    However, there's no real reason to be disappointed. If you were looking forward to some serious writing, don't forget about the Summer Olympics. Multiple events should keep you happy for July and August, and Velox and I will reschedule the WriMo to another month, soon.
    Thanks everyone for understanding.
  7. Kiotu
    Congratulations! Kiotu has evolved into a Premier Member!
    Dunno if that actually deserves congratulations... the odds of that happening rivals the chances of RM editing my blog.
    Continuing! I now have a blog! Take that people who tried to stop me... So, in your face... nobody! Spirit!
    I'm actually surprised that my Premiership came in so quickly. I just paid for it last night, and when I came on this morning it was already in. It was actually a bit funny how I found out. I logged on, and as usual I checked my Messages, since I had a few new ones. After I responded to one, I suddenly noticed that, rather than 99% full, my Inbox was only at 19%. I was kinda scared... I have a lot of work in some of those PMs, and a bunch of old conversations I'd like to keep. Then I realised! And then I tested out every feature. And then I patched together a blog -- wait, that just happened.
    What will I do here? The answer: lots of things. Here I'll post bits of art and stories I'm working on. WIPs and MOCs I don't feel like posting in the forums as well. Sometimes sprites for my kit. I'll talk about my Fanon Universe. Thoughts and rants, too. Stuff about life. Maybe a contest every once in a while.
    Also, expect anything that would be posted in the forums to be announced and advertised here.
    I'll get some blog graphics in here soon enough, once I figure out what the other half of the settings actually mean.
    And hopefully the blog's title did catch your attention.

  8. Kiotu
    [√] Copy Aho
    Things I want to do during my time on BZP:
    [√] Go Premier
    [√] Get a Proto Boost
    [√] Become OBZPC
    [√] Send in News
    [√] Have a Top Ten Hot Topics Topic
    [√] Have a #1 Hot Topic
    [√] Win a BBC
    [√] Win an AC
    [√] Win an RPGC
    [√] Finish/Publish an Epic
    [√] Review a Set
    [√] Send Something to Brickfair
    [√] Win Prototype Parts Somehow
    [√] Make an Official Topic
    [√] Make a Bunch of Good Friends
    [√] Leave Dramatically =P
    Half of them are unlikely, but I've got to have some goals!
    More to be added.
  9. Kiotu
    I liked it. Especially that the Toa of Psionics is male, this might mean that we'll finally be seeing other characters like this. I've been doing it in my fanon for years, but it's good it's finally canon.
    Marendar seems interesting, to say the least. I picture him as some giant, hulking, ape-thing.
    The title though, made me automatically think they were going back in time to do something. It's a bit of a let-down that we can't see more of the MU's history as a result...
    I'll have to find a way to work this into my fanon though. I'm hoping to post some of the bigger fanon entries soon, on my ideas about the MU, Kanohi, Matoran, Mata Nui and Makuta, Locations, Races, and a bunch of other things. I'm still trying to figure out how to work in Bara Magna, though.
    My current thoughts are that it's another universe created by the Great Beings, as part as a series of creations. I'm not too sure, though. My other idea was that it's just another dome in the MU. Which is better, do you think?
  10. Kiotu
    First of all, I haven't been blogging lately. Server's been acting up for the better of the month for me, and school's crept up on me, too (never underestimate homework and its ability to take up all of your time ).
    Secondly, I saw Inception.
    Which was awesome.
    Seriously, best movie of the year, and one of the best I've ever seen. In my opinion, it's tied with The Prestige as Nolan's best work.
    I also saw it with my dad, and if you knew him, you would know he's awesome at solving mystery movies (he figured out Prestige's main twist within the first thirty minutes or so). He's much better than I am at doing stuff like that, but at the end we compared theories. Here's what I got:

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «My theory is that almost the entire movie is Cobb's dream, with the exception of some moments, like when he talks to his children over the phone. However, everything else is pretty much a dream, which means that ultimately, he's gone A LOT further than just a dream within a dream within a dream. Basically, he's constructing a dream so that it would work in his own mind how to get back to his kids. Some proof: ● At the end, Cobb, Ariadne, Fisher and Saito are all in limbo, which is just the pooled consciousnesses of the people there. How come, then, is it only Cobb's stuff in 'limbo'? This might mean that it was only him in the dream the entire time.  
    ● When it's just Cobb and Saito in limbo, note how they don't go through the waking up stages. Remember how everyone gets out in the 'first stage' dream, when the car is sinking, except Cobb? He wouldn't incorporate this into his own dream, because he's not 'there'.
    ● Note how at the end of the movie, after the airplane docks, everyone looks at Cobb. In a dream, everyone looks at someone manipulating the dream. Connection?
    ● When he visits his kids at the end of the movie, they are wearing the same clothes and are in the same positions from when he remembered them. Note also how there are two voice actors for each kid, 'young' and 'older'. How come they sound older on the phone, but they sound exactly how he remembers them at the end?
    ● Back a bit, when he remembers Mal and her suicide. Note how she's opposite him in the hotel rooms, despite her obviously being in their room before (broken glass, etc...). While she could've rented another room, I think of this as a more metaphorical thing. Perhaps she's split with him in real life, and he actually did try to hurt her. Maybe this is Cobb trying to find happiness through his dream. Mal also, in her last scene, questions Cobb how real he thinks the corporate goons after him are. But this is just his consciousness, right? So...
    ● Lastly, the totem he uses isn't his. Remember when Arthur tells Juno that she can't touch his loaded dice, because she might then incorporate them into the dream, which could trick him into thinking it's reality, et cetera... Now, this takes the same principle. Cobb has been using his wife's totem, which spins indefinitely inside a dream, however, I think he's been adding them to his dreams. Cobb's subconsciousness has been tricking him into thinking something is in 'reality' or not. I'm pretty sure the time he spins his totem in real life, he knocks it over.
    So that's my theory. Feel free to comment on it, or you could just point out typos like a lot of you all normally do.
  11. Kiotu
    It's -definitely- fun. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
    Lemme explain what's been going on for the last few days. On Monday, I took a plane across Australia from Sydney, where I live, to Perth, where my grandfather and his wife lives. From there, we travelled out to their farm an hour north of the city, and I've been here since Tuesday afternoon.
    Since then I've been herding cows, making fires, cooking marshmellows, feeding livestock, moving (300 pounds of) dirt to make a new garden, pruning grape vines, and back-burning. Yes, back-burning.
    Which is completely awesome. Seriously, raking leaves, setting them on fire, and watching it spread when night's approaching is really cool. Before you think something like "zomguh Kiotu, that's dangerous", you have to remember, it's not, really. It was a controlled fire, and only the dry, crusty leaves would ever catch alight. Normal grass may have been burnt, but it doesn't catch on fire, really, it's too moist. So, not only does it clear away some massive amount of leaves (we're guessing around a tonne in the area we covered in an hour, without haste), it's actually safer in the long run. By burning the fuel source now, it helps against bushfires if they ever come around.
    So, yes, life has been awesome these last few days. Which is good. Glad to escape from the city setting and see the country for a change. It's been pretty fun.
    Except for the blisters. They hurt.
    This will affect my time on BZP, though. I'm only able to get onto the comp for about five minutes every couple hours or so. There are some exceptions, however. In the mornings, because of my jet-lag, I wake up two hours before everyone else, and in the afternoon, when we all hang low during the middle of the day. This will be the case until Monday-week, when I head back home to Sydney. But I'll be around.
    There's some other stuff I need to write about, but I'll put that into a different blog entry.
  12. Kiotu
    So, my birthday has now been rescheduled to June 6th, 1995. Because having an exam on your birthday, and then devoting the rest of the day to studying is not a cool birthday.
    Hey guys, guess what?
    Only one month until my birthday!

  13. Kiotu
    I wrote in last night with a piece of news, and I came on tonight after watching Clash of the Titans to find myself an POBZPC, which is awesome. This makes me the 120th 143th member to achieve this status, which is, for me at least, a pretty awesome achievement. To top it all off, in a week my message box has gone from 200, to 2000 PM-capacity. Too bad some other members *coughRMcough* don't have that much space.
    One thing I'm wondering though: How did you guys who commented on my page find out I was a POBZPC before I did?
    *goes off to find that "I'm the POBZPC newb" banner*
  14. Kiotu
    TOO many people make this mistake. It's not bad or anything, practically everyone makes the mistake, but it often causes a lot of confusion. Let me clarify:
    Sentience is the ability to feel emotions. Comes from the word 'sentio' in Latin, 'I feel'. Yes, people are sentient too, but then again, so is your dog, and in fact, your goldfish (know how small their brains are?). If you're looking for the word that describes us, then that would be...
    Sapience. This comes from the word 'sapiens' in Latin, meaning 'wise'. You'll notice that it's found in our scientific name (Homo sapiens sapiens). Coincidence? I think not! This is because, we are sapient, and anything that would have a similar intelligence would also be sapient. And most likely, if you have aliens buzzing around in spacecraft, or something that can speak Matoran, they're sapient.
    Semi-rant over.
  15. Kiotu
    About time.
    I already have Portal for the PS3 as part of The Orange Box. However, since all Valve games are going to be coming out for Mac over Steam pretty soon, I think I may trade back my PS3 versions for store credit, and save that for console-exclusives. Then I'll probably get TF2 and Portal 2 (when it comes out) for the computer, for the computer servers. They were never that good on the PS3. =/
    Also, the Indie Pack looks pretty good too. I have the first level of World of Goo on my computer, and it's a pretty awesome game. I'd probably just get that, but since the Indie Pack includes that, as well as three other games, for the same price as just one, I'll just get that instead.
    *goes off to download*
  16. Kiotu
    I'm going to be gone from tonight until Tuesday afternoon, because I'm going to visit my mom. We have to wake up really early, like, at 4 AM, to get to fly at 6AM. This has happened before, but at least when I was in Perth, I still was jet-lagged, and I woke up two hours earlier than everyone else. Anyways, this will be my fifth and sixth flights this year. I'll be praying, as always.
    Anyone else really hate flying?
    And also: the awesome blog graphics are because of Chunky, who's, like the graphics themselves, pretty awesome.
  17. Kiotu
    BZP, I am disappoint.
    No, really. These new sigs? They're just too big.
    The worst part is when I view BZP from my iPod, which is about half of my BZP-time. The sigs will take up the entire screen. Do you know how annoying that will be? Not only will I have to scroll ten times as much as I used to to read a post, I'll have to scroll sideways to see it too. Wonderful. Still, I am reluctant to change my signature viewing options, since I actually used to like them, and how they could serve as a navigator into a member's work or interests.
    That's my opinion. Hopefully, with any luck, they'll be reverted, or made smaller, at least.
  18. Kiotu
    Actually not really, it won't be a line long. I'm getting really sick of this "In A Line" fad. I just counted. Of the 26 topics on the first page (excluding the pinned ones): 1 was off-topic; 2 were "In A Haiku" topics; only 6 were regular topics; and a whopping 16 were "In A Line" topics. That's pretty annoying, to a person who goes to GD to voice my opinions and talk (...err, type) about things rather than simply making little responses to boost my post-count. I've been ignoring them for a long time now, like I do with all fads, because, personally, I think they're pretty stupid, but going there and seeing this makes me want to avoid the GD in general... Anyone agree/completely-disagree with me about this latest fad?
    However, I don't see why if everyone hates them so much, that no one posts in them and then they die? I guess that they will die when our annoyance grows to the larger part of the fan-base, and all of the topics die out.
    Also: while today was my last exam day, I have one more section to do. Basically, during my last exam, a Science paper, the fire alarm went off, and we had to file out. Because we could've told eachother answers during that time, we need to redo another portion of the paper on Friday. Despite that, I'll be much more online as of now.
  19. Kiotu
    So guys, I just made my 1,000th post. At this rate I'm going at, I'll reach 10,000 posts in just 36 years! JUST 36 MORE YEARS!!!
    Now, only a couple thousand more until a better rank image...
    I was intending to do something special for my 1,000th post, but I must've forgotten what it was. Oh well.
    Also: You can publicly humiliate me in this blog entry, since I don't have blog graphics up.
  20. Kiotu
    So, I went to a concert last night in place of my grandmother, who was too sick. It was good, but I don't think I could appreciate it as much as someone who is either -good- at music, or really enjoys classical music. So I was a bit bored, and my mind was often drifting. While I was there, I noticed the following:
    Belts are used to hold up pants, but pants have belt-loops to hold up the belt. So, really, who's the real hero?
  21. Kiotu
    People these days, relying on octopi to tell them who to bet for. Back in some other guy's day, people didn't have these psionic cephalopods to tell them who to bet for. And they liked it that way!
    Despite this, a clairvoyant octopus would be the coolest pet ever. Agreed?
    Anyways, FIFA predictions? I'm saying Spain.
  22. Kiotu
    Just some of my opinions:
    Halo: Reach (Xbox 360)
    Everything about this game looks pretty awesome. The graphics, AI, multiplayer, environments, everything. Also, new space battles. I wonder if this will become a multiplayer feature as well. Anyways, there's not to much to say, I can't really think of anything wrong with it. I'd like to get it, but I don't have an Xbox, unfortunately.
    Gears of War 3 (Xbox 360)
    I can't say I like this one as much as Reach, although it does look like something I'd play. The AI seem to be a bit dumb, with the massive Doc-Oc type thing just running in the general direction of the character, and all the player needed to do was move out of the way with a roll. The graphics looked pretty cool, and I liked the hostage feature, as well as the one where you can switch guns with another player. That was pretty nifty. 4-player co-op is nice too.
    Fable 3 (Xbox 360)
    Fable 3, on the other hand, isn't something I'd get. I'm not quite sure what it is, but I'm definitely not a fan of the art style. I wasn't much of a fan of the other two, so, I don't know about this one.
    Metal Gear Solid Rising (Xbox 360 and PS3)
    This one looks great. Destructable environments and limbs are always nice.
    Looks a little more action-y than the other MGS games, but that's cool as well. I'll probably pick up a PS3 copy.
    Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii)
    This looks pretty good. The cartoony-ish style is okay, even though I have to say I like the TP style better. The MotionPlus feature is kind of cool, something that'd also be good with MGSR, I think. Really, any Zelda game is welcomed from me. I'll definitely be getting this one.
    Metroid: Other M (Wii)
    This looks good too, I'll be getting it as well. The new style looks good, and, unlike the new Zelda game, is more dark than the previous games, which is okay, I kind of like it. Switching between persons is cool, too, though I wonder if you can play the entire game in first person (with the exception of the ball mode).
    InFamous 2 (PS3)
    Interesting. I can't say I like the new Cole, I've never been a fan of switching actors between movies, and this is basically the same thing. Even if they have a cool storyline reason for it. The new Cole isn't as awesome as they old one, and I'm not quite sure why they changed it. Ice powers are nice, though I can't see the connection between it and electricity. I'll have to see more of it before I decide if I'll get it or not, though, if it's anything like the first, it'll be good (despite the new Cole =P).
    LittleBigPlanet 2 (PS3)
    It looks great, with all of the new game modes. Nothing much more to say, it's just going to be an awesome game.
    More to come when I see some more.
  23. Kiotu
    I just needed to steal a battery from the clock in my room to power my mouse, which is obviously more important.
    So guys, have you ever had to raid for batteries? Where'd you have to take them from?
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