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Vezok's Friend

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Vezok's Friend

  1. Vezok's Friend
    I've journeyed, over 3 years, from Montréal to Montréal. Tomorrow or the day after I'll be going back to visit the College I went to those 3 years ago.
    It's been a long and interesting, sad but also exciting Journey, with probably the best times of my life so far in it...
    Yeah, I feel a bit reminiscent. ^^
  2. Vezok's Friend
    I went to see Rock of Ages the day before yesterday, which is just my kind of musical. They even gave out fake cigarette lighters for maximum Audience participation...if only the audience would participate MORE! To make it short, a musical about 80s classic rock? Totally awesome condensed into 2 hrs!
    Scott Pilgrim. If you stumbled across Kohaku's Blog this morning like me, the man speaks the truth and naught but the truth.
    In my opinion, the BEST adaption of a Studios opening logo to a movie ever! And a totally cool movie to live up to the expectation.
    Hard Rock Café...need a say more?
    Keep rockin' people! 6 more days before heading back over the border to Maple-leaf country.
  3. Vezok's Friend
    Sooo, it's me again, this time reporting in from beautiful Tofino! And I gotta say, it's darn cool out here for such a small town!
    I almost couldn't find the time to write this, inbetween Whalewatching, the hot Springs, walking through the woods, Kayaking and Karaoke at the local bar

  4. Vezok's Friend
    He has eyes in the back of his head. He can see through walls.
    He can read thoughts.
    His knowledge is nearing infinity, and then some.
    He can turn your viewpoint 180° within a single sentence.
    His dry wit is only rivaled by that of House.
    He can't fly but he can navigate the 7 Seas, above and under water.
    He has an explanation for everything.
    He speaks 3 languages fluently and almost 2 more.
    And he relentlessy tries to get me to get the best out of me.
    Here's to Dad ^^
  5. Vezok's Friend
    Ok, maybe this thought has been nagging at me since months now, but I just need to put it out there, just to vent some steam:
    Am I the only frikkin person on the planet who thinks what I am currently doing is worth fighting for!?
    Guess I'm on my own then.
  6. Vezok's Friend
    Just a short on-the-road entry out of a Starbucks, before I check out of the hostel and head for the Airport. 
    Can't believe I won't be on this side of the atlantic anymore...so many memories. So many cool people!
    You guys are in for a long thankyou-entry when I get back home ^^
  7. Vezok's Friend
    If the new TF movie is as good as the song I am hooked  
    I'm looking forward to District 9 too ^^ (Niels Blokamp will direct it. And if that works out I bet they'll finally get on with the Halo-movie as well)
  8. Vezok's Friend
    No, I am not going to do a debate on global warming here, but a subjective impression:
    Today was the first time in my life that the weather reported tornado-warnings. Not in my Area, but still.
    Of course this is not the first time we had Tornados in Germany, but they a so rare that this report actually to me seems like an increase...
  9. Vezok's Friend
    So...my parents are gone for the next week and my grandparents will arrive on Monday to check up on me... 
    Seems like I have the car, the hifi, the TV and the rest of the house to myself then
    With Sunday beeing the big show I guess I'll invite a few people form my acting group over...
    Seems thing star going uphill again ^^
    *Cake and tea/coffee to whoever wants some!*
  10. Vezok's Friend
    A little incoherent writing ahead, reader discretion is advised, the author has just awoekn from a far too short sleep...
    So, after 2 Nights in San Francisco I am heading over to Berkeley to explore the greater Bay area a bit more.
    And while this town is almost as cool as some other cities further north ( ), Waiting and hour just for one cablecar-ride is definitely too much ^^
    Still, I like it here. I wonder how many more weird and interestin things I'll see over the next week. Caketaker for this week is a man rivalling Ben Stiller as Zoolander though. Alongside a man in a teal Suit and dreadlocks down to his back!
    And the fireworks from the 4th were some of the coolest I ever saw!
    Take everyone.
  11. Vezok's Friend
    Seriously. Why can't you decide wether to just stay or leave?
    What is it with you that you come around, make me feel all good and then suddenly dissapear to leave me in this dull grey place!?
    Is that fun?
    Stupid snow. Either cover everything or stay away.
  12. Vezok's Friend
    Sooo, I checked the E3 trailers.
    Apart from el seniore Ezio Auditore di Firenze, our Hashishin decendant, we also return to to a galaxy far far away with the old republic, but, the ultimate thing I am looking forward two are our Nanosuit-clad friends Nomad,Psycho and Prophet, back in action on the Lingshan Islands
  13. Vezok's Friend
    I can't get to sleep I think about the implications
    Of diving in too deep
    And possibly the complications
    Especially at night
    I worry over situations
    I know I'll be alright
    Perhaps it's just imagination
    Day after day it reappears
    Night after night my heartbeat shows the fear
    Ghosts appear and fade away
    Alone between the sheets
    Only brings exasperation
    It's time to walk the streets
    Smell the desperation
    At least there's pretty lights
    And though there's little variation
    It nullifies the night from overkill
    Day after day it reappears
    Night after night my heartbeat shows the fear
    Ghosts appear and fade away
    Come back another day
    I can't get to sleep
    I think about the implications
    Of diving in too deep
    And possibly the complications
    Especially at night
    I worry over situations
    I know I'll be alright
    It's just overkill
    Day after day it reappears
    Night after night my heartbeat shows the fear
    Ghosts appear and fade away
    Ghosts appear and fade away
    Ghosts appear and fade away
    -Colin Hay, "Overkill"
  14. Vezok's Friend
    Warning: People with very vivid imagination or weak stomachs might not want to read on.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «I saw the result of a hemicolectomy yesterday. a good 15 to 20cm piece of colon with a bit of surrounding tissue in a bucket which my colleague brought down to pathology. Fascinating stuff.
    And another fun fact: After a surgery in the digestive tract the docs don't pay much attention to how the colon was in the stomach before, they just stuff it back in and get done with it. That is not a joke or an exaggeration btw.
    I wonder what else I'll see in the next 8 months.
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