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Vezok's Friend

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Vezok's Friend

  1. Vezok's Friend
    Our current project until January is plastilin modelling a creature. We're only into the second week of it and the things each of us is working on are coming along nicely. Of course the tables are only filled with conversations about wonky proportions, internet meme's and geeky game-talk  
    And here's my pet for the project. Ain't he cute!? ^^
    Oh and it is snowing again! <3
    Drive safely everyone!
  2. Vezok's Friend
    It's the time of the year where I am part of the small marching group responsible for entertaining little kids with well-known songs about the roman soldier who gave a poor man half of his cloak.
    Quite a nice time to have ^^
    On the more serious side of life, with the last exams JUST beeing over since a week, the next phase starts again NEXT week -.- Because they shortened the schedule and crammed the stuff of a full year into 3/5 of it. It'll be stressfull until April 4th, then the stud and final period will begin. And around June I will finaly be done with school...it's time for a long holiday after that.
  3. Vezok's Friend
    First of all: LK, I read your blog and I just wanna say two things: First of all I wanna thank you for having me over, and secondly that I was never at any moment annoyed with you (only concerned when you weere hiding in your room)
    Now, live from Brickfair, it's VF reporting in. I can just say it is awesome. I talked to official Lego employees and I am hanging out with some of the most amazing people!
    Or like Darth Vader said, this is the purgatory for Lego Fans!
    I can't write any more...it's just too much to list.
    PS: If you guy think Nukaya's squeaking is adorable, you should hear Kohaku
    PPS: It has been declared, by the men of the union of manliness, after consulting with Isaiah Mustafa, that Kohaku does squeal in a manly manner!
  4. Vezok's Friend
    System readout>>error 
    Motivation drive: 0
    Level of interest: <optimal
    Take countermeasures: Activate nerd-control 101
    Artwork commenced.
    Internert Forum contact established.
    Creating message...
    ENTERTAIN ME! Save me from the dullness!
  5. Vezok's Friend
    Here are some pictures from my Holiday on the Maldives this year. I know it's a little late, but meh, I got eyecandy for you after all ^^


    <<That's me btw.






    <<c'est moi aussi ^^






    <<You know the guy...
    <<Vezon, you'll never be as crazy as this!





  6. Vezok's Friend
    Maybe some of you will remember this entry from a few weeks back? 
    Yesterday was the final day of working on the characters we designed for the module. There will be a presentation on Monday and I need to hand in my character-sheet then as well, but the important part is that it is finished:

    Some people from the courses above us said that my charie probably was the most detailed figure as it is relatively small compared to others.
    To top things of we decided to take some quality photos of our models and used our studio there. As it turns out, I am quite comfortable with using aa professional camera. ^^

  7. Vezok's Friend
    "Clean shirt, new shoes
    And I dont know where I am goin to.
    Silk suit, black tie,
    I dont need a reason why.
    They come runnin just as fast as they can
    Coz every girl crazy bout a sharp dressed man."

    Yeah. New clothes ftw
  8. Vezok's Friend
    Remember those subconscious projections Cobb faced off against? Guardians for your dream and mind while you sleep?
    The ordinary human may have day-to-day citizens perform that role, we have Toa who BURN STUFF by flicking their pinkies.

    And on a more personal note: If you do happen to manage it past the burn-stuff-stage in my mind, I've got Sharks, Robots, Assasins, Darth Vader and a T-Rex all waiting just for YOU

    Oh and on the third level there is a labyrinth that is haunted by a hybrid of Rebecca Black and Justin Bieber. Just FYI
  9. Vezok's Friend
    And you can find:
    1. Acer Travelmate
    2. Cintiq
    3. Sketchbook
    4. old Genius Tablet, serves as Mousepad for now
    5. Speakers
    6. Wireless Speaker Antenna (improvised surround-sound )
    7. Stereo
    8. broken lamp
    9. Ultimate Ear earphones (gooosh these things are awesome!)
    10. iPod Classic 120GB
    11. Malum
    12. Gresh (and to the right, my proportion puppet, a picture of my in Victoria BC and Skrall)
    13. old guitar
    14. Biology Textbook
    15. Bill Bryson "Shakespeare"
    16. My old Sketchbook (with some WIPs in it) with my A3 block burried at the bottom)
    17. CDs/Games/Dvd collection.
    Plus coffee and a piece of cake.
  10. Vezok's Friend
    Yes. It isn't Sparta. It is madness.
    Aparrently a loose refridgerator-door is a euphemism for "We need a new expensive kitchen!"
    Not that a new kitchen would bother me, but keep thinking to myself: WHY!?
    Why do we need a new kitchen? We need a new fridge.
    Not a whole kitchen with an expensive stove and ceramic top and new cupboards and whatelse not.
    Plus everything else we have is absolutely F-I-N-E.
    And I don't feel like renovating part of the house AGAIN. With dust around and workers and delays.
    I mean renovating in general usually requires a certain amount of masochism to put up with the stress.
    And frankly spending more money after we already spent this much for the rest seems a waste to me.
    My parents are weird lately...
  11. Vezok's Friend
    Today, after 13 years of war, we, as one person, stand victorious.
    Our continuous efforts, strategic thinking, endurance, persistance (and superior firepower) brought us this success.
    We may have lost comrades and friends along the way and we honour the fallen with laughter and shouts of joy.
    For today, we have beaten Al Gebra and all it's Biological, Chemical and Physical Warfare. We stood up to the religion and philosophy of our enemy, we mastered their Art and music and their language and assimilated it into our one mind, and in this final campaing over the last month, no matter how hard it was, we dominated the educational system, finished school and mocked those who still aren't done yet with it.
    And I, as a veteran of this conflict, all I can say, all I can ask is: What comes before Part B?
    Part A(y)!
    Schools out I survived my last final!
  12. Vezok's Friend
    Well, I finished my Wip from an entry back ^^

    Look! She's got boo...*cough* female features.
    Comission info:
    -rough sketch: 3€
    -clean sketch: 5€
    -cleaned and shaded sketch 7€
    -inked: 5€
    -inked and shaded: 10€
    -simple coloured: 15€
    -full coloured: 25€
    -additional characters: +25% of the price
    -for a background on a coloured picture: +50% of the price
    Now, for all the others except the two categories mentioned above I will include a simple background free of price increase.
    So if you are interested, send me a note or an email.
    Payment is via paypal.

  13. Vezok's Friend
    I have officially returned. I will add pictures and one or two videos in the next entry. I had a great vacation but now I am really content to be back here among you folks again. So, hello to everyone who missed me.
  14. Vezok's Friend
    I know Necro is probably going to want to flay me alive for this...with his mind, but I've decided to re-install ME2.
    For another playthrough. Playthrough Nr. 6 or more by now.
    Now, chances are I failed and forgot to make a backup up my original safe-file and will need to recreate Alexander Shepard (As seen in my Avatar) and play through ME1 AND 2 or I did make a backup on the external HD...let's hope for the latter.
    In any case though, ME2 came with such a buttload of DLC (15 Releases, 7 of which are additional missions each taking another few hours to complete.)
    Which I am downloading. Right now. All at the same time.
    Edit: Nooo...Alexander Shepard got killed during a total system reboot ;_;
    Seems I need to go all Lazarus on the Game. Well, seems I will need to save the galaxy twice this month then...

  15. Vezok's Friend
    Ok, maybe this thought has been nagging at me since months now, but I just need to put it out there, just to vent some steam:
    Am I the only frikkin person on the planet who thinks what I am currently doing is worth fighting for!?
    Guess I'm on my own then.
  16. Vezok's Friend
    Every once in a while Nostalgia strikes and I take a look at something that was really cool and "in" when I was about 6 years old or so. That usually involves looking at old cartoons. Often enough one finds that what was considered epic storytelling at that age is rather simple in hindsight. But sometimes you find that something that was seemingly boring at the time was actually really cool!
    The next Generation was the Star Trek show I grew up with. Unfortunately, back in 90s and slightly more interested in a certain brand of plastic building-bricks, it was something that would occasionally be watched. But since the original run ended in 94 and everything after was re-runs, those instances were rare.
    After all, there was Lego to be built and then there was Star Wars. And as you might guess, as a kid, I was more interested in X-Wings and lightsabers and AT-ATs (Oh Mata Nui, no sportscar will ever be as cool as an imperial walker, hands down! I DON'T CARE IF THERE'S NO PARKING SPOTS FOR AT-ATs, I WILL WALK TO WORK IN IT!)!
    Star-Trek on the other hand had people in bright-coloured uniform walking around on an absolutely clean Starship discussing the possible consequences of interfering with the developent of other species. Now, that was between age 4 to 8 and it never really interested me.
    That is until last month. I was stuck in bed thanks to an unhappy stomach. With nothing better to do I finally came across video-compilation of great movie-quotes. Among them the most inspirational quotes from Patrick Steward as Captain Picard.
    The realisation went something like this: "That show was really cool!"
    So somehow I've managed to watch the first 4 seasons again since then. I have to say the best episodes have to be those where Spiner gets on his Sherlock Holmes, or those where Steward can fully employ his classic Shakesperean acting or really steps up as an advocate for the equal rights of all living things. I am not a Trekkie by any means, but there is something very enjoyable about watching his speeches. And more importantly, they have some applicability to real life as well.
    I guess some things you can only really appreciate once you're old enough to know what they were all talking about. Maybe you have something like that from your early days as well. It has nothing to do with feeling older, btw. It's just about looking back at some stuff that's ten or fifiteen years in the past, to see how it holds up today.
    Now, with that said, I will return back to creating art and studying gamedesign...But first, I will need something to drink:
    Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.

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